How to cook pear jam for the winter? Simple recipes for thick pear jam. Clear pear jam

Limonka is a pear variety that Ukrainian breeders bred many years ago. Due to their high endurance, such trees easily endure harsh winters and, after a maximum of 8 years, they begin to regularly produce abundant crops in the form of small fruits with fairly dense pulp. They can be eaten raw or used to prepare other foods. Lemonka pear jam is very tasty. And you can cook it in different ways.

Multiple brewing

Any hostess knows that pear jam, as a rule, turns out to be quite sweet. To make the taste not so cloying, many cook it together with other fruits or use various additional ingredients. So, Limonki will be really tasty if taken for work. following products: per kilogram of fresh fruits - half a liter of water, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

The cooking process in this case will be quite long:

  1. First, wash the pears well, cut each into four parts and carefully remove the seeds from them.
  2. Boil water in a basin, dip the prepared fruits into it and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Then the products must be thrown into a colander and wait until the excess liquid drains.
  4. At this time, on the water in which the pears were boiled, it is necessary to prepare the syrup. To do this, add sugar to it and cook the mixture until it is completely dissolved.
  5. Pour fruit with hot syrup and leave for 4 hours.
  6. Boil the mixture for 6 minutes and leave again, but for 12 hours.
  7. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. As a result, the pulp of the fruit should become transparent.
  8. Citric acid is added at the very end of cooking.

The finished product can be used immediately or put into jars for long-term storage.

Simple and fast

You can make lemonade pear jam much faster. To do this, you will also need a basin, a wooden spatula and the following components: 2 kilograms of pears, 2 glasses of water and 2.5 kilograms of sugar.

This jam is prepared in three stages:

  1. Clean pears must first be reviewed, removing rotten places, and then cut into thin slices. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
  2. Put the products in a basin, cover with sugar and leave for a couple of hours until they are covered with juice. True, Lemons have a fairly firm and slightly dry flesh. Therefore, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. If there is not enough liquid, then you can add a little water.
  3. Put the basin on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, and then cook for an hour over low heat. Then with the finished product, you can do whatever you want.

If you want the pieces to remain intact at the end, then it is better to do this in three steps. Every 20 minutes, the mixture should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool slightly.

Jam in jelly

For gourmets with a sweet tooth, you can offer an unusual Limonka pear jam. The fruits acquire an original taste if cooked in apple jelly. To do this, you need to take: for 0.5 kilograms of pears - 1 kilogram of apples, 0.7 kilograms of regular and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

In principle, everything is not so difficult:

  1. The first step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 400 grams of sugar with a glass of water, boil, and then cook with constant stirring until a clear solution is obtained.
  2. Wash the pears, and then, freeing them from seeds, cut them into pieces arbitrarily.
  3. Pour the products with the prepared syrup and leave in this position for 10-12 hours.
  4. Rinse the apples, remove the seeds from them and carefully cut the peel. After that, they must be filled with three-quarters of water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. Pass the products through a sieve, and then pour the remaining sugar (regular and vanilla) into the resulting puree and cook it for the same amount.
  6. Put the pears into the prepared jelly and boil them over low heat for 30 minutes.

If you do not allow a strong boil during cooking, then such a jam will turn out to be almost transparent and will have a pleasant amber color.

Lemon jam

If the fruit harvest turned out to be a success, then you can try different options for preparing a popular dessert. To make an interesting lemonade pear jam, the recipe should be supplemented with citrus fruits. This will require: per kilogram of juicy pears - 1 large lemon, a glass of water and a kilogram of sugar.

The cooking method partially resembles the previous version:

  1. Washed lemon must first be poured over with boiling water to get rid of bitterness.
  2. Cut it into rings, each of which is then divided into 4 parts.
  3. Extract all seeds.
  4. Put the products in a saucepan, pour a glass of water and cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the lemon slices with a slotted spoon, and prepare the syrup on the broth.
  6. Peel the pears, freeing them from the skin and seeds.
  7. Cut the pulp into slices and put them in a deep pan. Cover the products with slices of boiled lemon on top, pour over everything with syrup and let stand for 60 minutes.
  8. After that, they should be boiled for an hour over low heat, not forgetting to constantly stir and remove the resulting foam.
  9. After a thirty-minute break, cook the food for another 1 hour.

The cooled sweet mass will be a great addition to pastries, hot tea or ice cream.

fragrant slices

Everyone has their own idea of ​​dessert. Many, for example, prefer to cook Limonka pear jam in slices. As a result, they retain not only their shape, but also their natural aroma. For such a recipe, you need to take: a glass of water, as well as 4 kilograms of sugar and pear slices.

It is easy to repeat this method:

  1. First, a thick syrup must be made from sugar and water. The flame must be relatively small to prevent burning.
  2. Add pre-prepared fruit slices to the syrup and cook them for an hour on low heat after boiling. The pear pulp must not be allowed to fall apart. Otherwise, it will turn out not jam, but jam.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the food cool down until the next day.
  4. The next day, repeat the cooking process for 40 minutes.

After this, the jam should stand for a while so that the taste is more balanced. It can then be used either as a dessert or as a filling for open or closed pies.

Whole fruit

Dessert looks very impressive when whole Limonok pear jam is prepared. True, eating them will not be so easy. Nevertheless, this option is worthy of attention. To work, you will need the following ingredients: for one and a half kilograms of sugar - 2.5 kilograms of pears, half a teaspoon of citric acid and 650 milliliters of water.

The recipe seems complicated only at first glance:

  1. First, the fruits must be thoroughly washed, and then each of them should be pricked with a needle in several places.
  2. Place the prepared fruit in a bowl.
  3. From sugar and water with constant stirring, prepare a syrup.
  4. Pour them over the pears and put the pan aside for 5 hours.
  5. After that, boil the mixture for 15 minutes, and then leave it alone again for the same time.
  6. Repeat these steps three times.
  7. At the last stage, you need to add citric acid.

The finished dessert must cool well before you can start tasting it. Such a “creation” can be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Technique to help

What else goes with Lemonka pear? Winter jam will be tastier if oranges are added to the recipe. The aroma of these citruses will pleasantly transform the dessert. Moreover, a minimum set of products is required: 0.5 kilograms of pears and oranges and 1 kilogram of sugar.

To simplify your work, you can use a slow cooker for cooking:

  1. First of all, the products need to be chopped: cut the pears into slices, and the oranges into semicircles.
  2. Put them in the multicooker bowl, set the "Extinguishing" mode and set the timer for 90 minutes. In this case, it is better to remove the steam valve.

The beauty of this method is that the hostess practically does not need to do anything. The cooking process takes over the machine. In this case, you can absolutely not be afraid of burning products. The multicooker bowl guarantees that this will never happen. Ready jam can be immediately laid out in jars and rolled up. The container must first be sterilized.

original combination

Those who like to experiment can be advised to try making another interesting Lemonka pear jam. A simple recipe allows you to get a very unusual result. It will take only four components: for 800 grams of pears - 150 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar and 2 drops of vanilla essence.

The process takes place in several stages:

  1. First, the fruits must be washed, and then, after removing the tails, seeds and core, cut the pulp into fairly large squares.
  2. Put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for two hours. There will be enough time for the juice to stand out. In this case, the sugar should completely melt.
  3. Add honey and boil 4 times for 15 minutes, allowing the mixture to cool completely in between.
  4. Vanilla is added at the very end.

If the product is planned for long-term storage, then it should be decomposed into jars and rolled up. The jam should cool down gradually. To do this, it is better to cover it with a blanket. It will take at least 4 hours.

Option for small pears

How else can you make Limonka pear jam? Whole usually use small and unripe fruits. After heat treatment, they completely retain their shape. Alternatively, a method is suitable that requires the following ratio of products: for every 400 grams of pears - a glass of water, 5 clove inflorescences and 2 glasses of sugar.

The essence of the method is quite simple:

  1. First of all, the pears must be washed well.
  2. After that, they should be folded into a basin and boiled until they become soft. You will have to boil several times. Only then can the peel be removed.
  3. Drain the broth, and then measure the right amount, mix it with sugar and, adding cloves, prepare a fragrant syrup. The solution should not be too thick, otherwise the fruits will turn out hard and wrinkle badly.
  4. Combine pears with syrup and cook until they become transparent.
  5. Let the food stand for a few days and then repeat the heating.

As a result, the syrup should thicken well. soft and transparent pears will look very nice in it.

Minimum control

Experienced housewives say that it is easiest to make jam from Limonka pears. There is one unique way to do this. The biggest problem here is to prepare the fruits. The rest of the process goes by itself. In this case, the set of ingredients is minimal: products (pears and sugar) must be taken in a 1: 1 ratio.

Work begins with the preparation of fruits:

  1. Washed pears should be cut so that the slices are almost transparent.
  2. Transfer them to a deep saucepan. Better if it is aluminum. This will avoid possible burning.
  3. Sprinkle the products with sugar, constantly shaking the container.
  4. Put the pan on the stove and make a small fire. First you need a spoon to properly mix the fruit. Later it will no longer be needed.
  5. Cook food under the lid for 3.5 to 5 hours, without bothering with constant stirring.

This method is very convenient if making jam is not the only thing this moment hostess is in charge.

For every taste

Everyone chooses for himself, Limonki. Someone may doubt, but a very tasty dessert is obtained if you take as initial components: for a bucket of fruits - 3 kilograms of sugar, half a liter of table vinegar, a little cinnamon, 4 bay leaves and 10 pieces of peppercorns.

This jam is prepared according to the following technology:

  1. Pears must first be washed and dried, and then pricked with a regular fork or needle.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and vinegar.
  3. Put the fruits in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients.
  4. Pour syrup over everything and let cool.
  5. Boil three times for 30 minutes, constantly making a twelve-hour break.

The process must be continued until the syrup reaches the desired consistency. The taste of these pears is simply amazing. And all this thanks to the use of not quite familiar ingredients in the recipe. Such a product will definitely be appreciated by those who love zest and individuality in desserts.

Pear jam recipes for the winter

The recipe for making delicious clear pear jam with whole slices is very simple. Any hostess, even a beginner, can cook it ...

3 h

200 kcal

5/5 (8)

Not many people make pear jam. And in vain. I cook it according to my mother's recipe - whole slices in a clear syrup. It turns out gourmet delicacy. In a crystal vase - golden slices of pear in syrup - a decoration of any table. And the taste of the jam is delicate with a delicate charming aroma.

For jam according to this recipe, any pears will not work. Choosing fruits of medium ripeness. Unripe pears will not give the desired flavor, and the slices will turn out to be harsh. Very ripe ones will boil, and you will get a cloudy jam. It is preferable to take pears of varieties with a dense, not crumbly base.

So, we chose the right pears. If the fruit is not large, you can cut into 4 parts. We divide the larger ones into six slices. We remove the core with bones and the tail. The base for the jam is ready.

Ingredients for amber pear jam

We will need:

Tip: if we want to add an extra zest to pear jam - for example, plum or lemon (in this case, plus 0.5 kg of sugar), then we add them to the list of ingredients. For a given volume of pears - 1 small lemon or a pound of strong plums, cut in half with pits removed.

Cooking process

  1. In an enamel pan or bowl, prepare sugar syrup. Pour water to the bottom, pour sugar. On low heat, stirring so that the sugar does not burn, bring to a boil. Boil the syrup for 3-5 minutes so that excess moisture evaporates and the syrup becomes thicker.
  2. Dip the pear slices into the boiling syrup. Gently take the saucepan by the handles and shake the contents so that all the slices are evenly immersed in the syrup. In no case do not interfere with a spoon! Boil 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the stove and leave for at least 5 hours. During this time, the pear slices will soak in the syrup. This will allow them to stay whole and not boil. At the same stage, if desired, add other ingredients - plums or lemon.
  3. Put the pot back on the stove. Bring to a boil. In the process of heating, periodically shake the pear slices in sugar syrup to stir. I still don't recommend stirring with a spoon. We keep the boiled mass on low heat for another five minutes. We remove the foam, which should move away from the edges to the center - this is an indicator that the jam is almost ready. At the end of cooking, you can gently stir the jam with a wooden spoon or spatula.
  4. Pour hot jam into prepared jars. Cover with paper sheets. When the jam has completely cooled, it will be possible to close the jars with lids.

Banks are prepared in advance- wash with laundry soap and soda. Rinse in running water. Pasteurize or bake in the oven.

How to store jam

There are no special recommendations here. We store pear jam, like other jam - in a cool dry place. This cooking method allows you to save jam even in the pantry of an ordinary apartment or on a shelf in a kitchen cabinet.

Tip: when storing in a cellar or refrigerator, it is important that there is no temperature difference and no condensation appears on the lid on the inside.

Pear slice jam in clear syrup delicious on its own. It is good as an independent dessert, for tea or even coffee.

Can be used to decorate open homemade pies. It's both delicious and beautiful. Just imagine a golden yeast dough cake topped with golden pear slices! However, such a filling is also ideal for shortcrust pastry.

I would also suggest this delicacy: mix a few teaspoons of jam with kefir. You get a delicious kefir dessert with pear slices.

Advice: offer this treat to your kids. I'm sure he will be asked to cook this yummy more than once.

The recipe for making pear jam with whole slices is very simple. Any hostess, even a beginner, can cook it. By the way, a jar with such jam can be used as a gift. Jam Not only does it taste great, but it also looks aesthetically pleasing.

In contact with

This delicious homemade pear and lemon jam is also very beautiful: elastic slices in a clear golden syrup. The lemon is needed to give the syrup its beautiful color and flavor. The new pear-lemon flavor is unique and unforgettable. The technology for preparing such a sweet blank is somewhat complicated, but the result is worth it. To make pear jam with lemon transparent, you should remember that […]

This delicious homemade pear and lemon jam is also very beautiful: elastic slices in a clear golden syrup. The lemon is needed to give the syrup its beautiful color and flavor. The new pear-lemon flavor is unique and unforgettable. The technology for preparing such a sweet blank is somewhat complicated, but the result is worth it. To make pear jam with lemon transparent, you should remember that the first four times you cannot boil the jam, otherwise the syrup will become cloudy and the slices will become soft. All the details of cooking jam in a step-by-step recipe with a photo.

Starting to prepare stock up on:

  • 1 kg of pears of the Limonka variety;
  • 400 gr sugar;
  • 2 lemons.

How to make pear jam with lemon

We wash the pears in a large container to remove all dust and dirt from their surface.

We cut good pears into slices, do not remove the peel. She won't bother us. Pour the sliced ​​​​pears and sugar into the basin.

Shake the basin so that the sugar evenly covers the pear pieces. We leave this fruit and sugar splendor for 4 hours.

We put a basin on the fire, cook until the first bubbles appear, indicating that the mixture is boiling. We set aside our jam blank for 8 hours.

Add diced lemons with peel.

Again, heat up to the point of boiling. Again, set aside this lemon-pear mixture.

We carry out 4 such cycles of bringing to a boil.

For the fifth time, we need to boil the jam. Boil it and cook for at least 15 minutes.

We lay out the jam in sterile jars.

It is very convenient to lay the slices with a wooden spatula. It, too, must be processed so as not to become a source of microbial contamination of the jars.

We roll up our transparent pear jam with lemons.

We put the rows of jars on a towel, wrap them with a blanket or something else warm.

Wrapped up, they should cool. After that, we simply move our bright pear jam to the cellar.

In winter, you can simply drink a delicacy with a seagull for pleasure, or you can eat pancakes or bake sweet pies. The choice is wide, for an amateur! 🙂

Pears are the most fragrant and sweet autumn fruit. Jam from them is very fragrant and sweet. The only drawback of the workpiece during canning is the lack of acid in it. Therefore, I always add a little lemon juice to pear jam, which very successfully complements the exquisite taste of this fragrant delicacy.

Cooking pear jam with slices is simple, but you need to do it in several stages. Otherwise, it will not be transparent, and the slices will boil in mashed potatoes. For cooking we need:

ripe (but not overripe) pears - 1 kg;

sugar - 0.8 kg;

water - 150 ml;

lemon (can be replaced with lime) - 1 pc.

How to cook pear jam slices.

Cooking such a delicacy is very simple. Cut fruits without seeds and skin into beautiful pieces.

We prepare syrup from water and granulated sugar.

If you want, you can add 2-3 cloves and one cinnamon stick. But, in principle, you can do without these spices. After all, pear jam is very fragrant in itself.

Pour boiled syrup over fruits prepared for cooking. Keep it that way for at least 12 hours.

Heat until boiling and again leave to infuse for 7 hours.

Boil for 7 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Add lemon or lime juice and again leave for 7 hours, after which, cook again for 7 minutes.

As a rule, after all these stages, my jam becomes much less. Its aroma does not allow any of the family members to pass by and take a sample. Therefore, I always cook not one serving of jam, but two or even three.

Pour the finished fruit treat into jars, sterilize for 7 minutes and seal.

With this delicious pear jam, children even semolina eaten without interruption. Transparent pear jam boiled in slices, perfect for pancakes, sweet casseroles, cheesecakes.

Pear jam is considered one of the most fragrant homemade preparations, ideal for preparing a variety of pastries and long evenings at the samovar. Moreover, you can cook delicious pear jam for the winter (recipe with photo below) not only from soft, but also hard green, including wild, varieties. As for the “wild fish”, depending on the recipe, the pear delicacy can be a transparent and thick jam, or it can be prepared from whole fruits or slices. A pear is also great for experimenting with different additives in jam. For example, you can emphasize the taste of fruits and add unusual notes with lemon (citric acid), orange, cinnamon, vanilla, poppy, ginger. This article has collected best recipes and recommendations on how to cook delicious pear jam for the winter, including five minutes and options without sterilization. We hope that simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos will help you take a fresh look at this delicacy and fall in love with pear blanks even more.

Simple pear jam with lemon - step by step recipe with pictures

Lemon and pear are the simplest and at the same time the most successful flavor combination for making original jam. There is no water in this recipe, so a minimum of 12 hours of pre-preparation is required to form fruit syrup. But in general, the simple pear and lemon jam from the step-by-step recipe with pictures below is quite quick and easy to prepare.

Essential Ingredients for Easy Pear Lemon Jam Recipe with Pictures

  • pears - 2 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for pear and lemon jam for the winter

Thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla - a simple recipe for the winter, step by step

What makes a pear especially good for jam is that the structure of the fruit is very fleshy and loose. Therefore, cooking thick and fragrant pear jam for the winter, for example, with cinnamon and vanilla, is as easy as shelling pears. By the way, it is these two spices that perfectly emphasize the unique taste of pears, especially juicy varieties. Learn more about how to make a thick pear jam with cinnamon and vanilla in a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter below.

Necessary ingredients for a thick jam with pear, cinnamon and vanilla for the winter

  • pear - 2-3 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • vanilla - 1 pod
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • water - 1 glass

Step-by-step instructions for a simple recipe for thick pear, cinnamon and vanilla jam for winter

  1. To make the jam according to this recipe thick, you need to take fruits that are fleshy and juicy with a thin peel. Wash and cut the pears in half, remove the core and cut into small cubes.
  2. Cook syrup from a glass of water and all the sugar. When the grains of granulated sugar are completely dissolved and the syrup thickens, pour the pears over them and leave for 3-4 hours at room temperature. We also add cinnamon and the contents of one vanilla pod (you can replace it with a bag of vanilla).
  3. After the specified time, put the pan with the fruit and sugar mass on the fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam and reduce the heat, boiling the mass until it thickens.
  4. Constantly stir the jam with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.
  5. Pear jam is considered ready when the pieces of fruit are completely boiled, and the mass darkens and thickens. Depending on the pear variety, the cooking process after boiling can take from 1.5 to 3.5 hours. During this time, you need to sterilize the jars and lids.
  6. Pour the finished jam into a convenient glass container and cork with lids

Transparent pear jam with slices - step by step recipe with citric acid

A special transparent delicacy, which is not very similar to jam, is prepared from pear slices with the addition of citric acid. Since outwardly such pear jam is very beautiful, it is most often served on the table for tea on its own or used to decorate cakes. Learn how to cook transparent pear jam with citric acid slices from the following recipe.

Necessary ingredients for clear pear jam with citric acid slices

  • pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.4 kg
  • citric acid - 1/4 tsp
  • vanillin - 1 sachet
  • water - 250 ml.

Step-by-step instructions for a clear jam recipe with pears and citric acid slices

  1. Wash the pears, remove the stems and remove the seeds. Then cut the fruit into thin slices and dip in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  2. Remove the pieces of pear and cool in cold water, drain in a colander.
  3. Make a thick syrup of water and sugar. Pour the pear with syrup and leave for 3-4 hours under the lid.
  4. Put the mass on the fire and bring to a boil, boil for 20 minutes and cool completely.
  5. Repeat the last procedure twice. After bringing the jam to a boil for the third time, add citric acid and cook for 10 minutes.
  6. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars, roll up, turn over until the jam has cooled.

Delicious wild hard pear jam for the winter - a simple step-by-step recipe

Tasty and fragrant jam for the winter can be prepared even from hard wild pears. The main thing is to withstand the recipe and cooking time. Then a delicious jam from hard or wild pear varieties for the winter from a simple step-by-step recipe below will surely delight you with its original relish and summer aroma.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Winter Hard Wild Pear Jam

  • wild pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • pear broth - 1.5-2 cups

Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for delicious jam with wild pears for the winter

  1. My pears and clean from partitions with seeds. Cut into thin slices and immediately dip into cold water. Boil the pears after boiling for 10 minutes and recline in a colander.
  2. We measure out two glasses of pear broth and add sugar. Bring the syrup to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour the pear slices with hot syrup and leave overnight at room temperature.
  4. In the morning, bring the fruit in syrup to a boil and, reducing the heat, cook for about half an hour.
  5. Remove from stove and let cool completely. We repeat the procedure 2 more times.
  6. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars, twist the lids with a seaming key and wrap them in a warm cloth until cool.

Quick five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization - step by step recipes for winter

Whole pear jam without sterilization is one of the fastest and easiest types of preparations for the winter. In order for the delicacy to turn out to be the right consistency, you need to take small dense fruits with hard pulp. How to cook a quick five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization further.

The necessary ingredients for a five-minute jam from a whole pear without sterilization

  • pears -1, 5 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for five-minute jam with whole pears without sterilization for the winter

  1. Wash small pears and remove stems. Cut off the skin thinly.
  2. Cover the pears with sugar, add a spoonful of honey and the juice of one lemon.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and leave overnight in the refrigerator under the lid.
  4. In the morning, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 15 minutes and immediately remove from the stove.
  5. Pack pear jam in sterile jars and roll up.

Delicious green pear jam with lemon, orange and poppy seeds - a quick recipe step by step

At first glance, poppy seeds in the recipe for delicious green pear, lemon and orange jam may seem superfluous. But it is this simple ingredient that makes a simple pear preparation an original dessert that can surprise even a gourmet. All the details of making delicious green pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam in a quick step-by-step recipe below.

Essential Ingredients for Delicious Green Pear, Lemon, Orange and Poppy Seed Jam

  • pear - 1 kg
  • granulated sugar - 1, 3 kg
  • orange - 1 pc.
  • lemon -1 pc.
  • poppy -3-4 tbsp. l.

Step-by-step instructions for a quick recipe for pear, lemon, orange and poppy jam

  1. My pears and clean from seeds and partitions. Together with the peel, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with sugar.
  2. Remove the zest from the lemon and orange, add to the pears. Squeeze out the lemon juice and cut the orange into small cubes.
  3. Add the orange to the pear and mix well. Leave the mass for 4-5 hours.
  4. Rinse poppy seeds under running water and dry on a towel. Then lightly fry the poppy seeds in a dry frying pan.
  5. We put the fruit mass on the fire and wait until it boils. Boil for 15 minutes and remove until completely cooled.
  6. We boil again in the same way.
  7. The third time after boiling, add poppy seeds and cook for 10 minutes.
  8. Pour the original jam into a sterile container, cork.

Amber pear jam for the winter with slices - a step by step recipe with video

Thick amber pear jam (recipe in slices) for the winter is not inferior in taste to more original options with poppy seeds, orange or cinnamon. Not every variety is suitable for making this pear delicacy. For example, green hard pears, as well as wild varieties, the so-called wild game, will not be able to give the correct consistency and color to such a five-minute jam. To cook amber pear jam for the winter in slices or as a whole, you will also need lemon or citric acid. All the preparation details delicious jam without sterilization in the video below.