Simplified transit documents. Documents and obtaining a transit visa.

I am planning a trip to Kaliningrad in August, I needed transit visa.

First of all, you need to collect the documents, the list of which is indicated

1. A transit visa cannot be obtained at the visa center, ONLY AT THE EMBASSY.
2. Be sure to sign up EARLY in the online queue! It can be done . There may not be places, so you need to either call the embassy itself or monitor the online entry daily. I signed up July 8th for July 17th.

Let's take a look at each document individually (for those fussy like me, this is important):

1. Questionnaire.

The application form for the embassy must be completed exclusively online through this service.
The questionnaire is a regular Schengen one (because the transit will also give you a Schengen). How to fill out the questionnaire is quite clear. By the way, transit workers do not need a hotel and invitations.
Lithuanians usually give 4 days for transit (at the rate of 2 days you go there and 2 back). I asked for 10 days, let's see if it works.
Paste the photo you took for the visa in the appropriate field and sign the form!

2. Travel document.
Everything seems to be clear here :) I had a foreigner for 10 years.

3. Photography.
In any photo studio they know what photos are needed for Schengen. Issue price: 6 pieces - 200 rubles.
It turned out that the embassy does not need photos :) It turns out that I pasted one on the questionnaire, and 5 pieces remained.

4. Visa fee You will pay directly at the same window where you will submit documents. The fee is taken in euros! Prepare 35 euros in advance.

5. Medical insurance.
You need insurance only for the days you will be in Lithuania during transit. So, if I ask for 10 days, my insurance should cover all 10 days.
They say that there are such insurances that have a validity period of a month, but the number of insurance days during the validity of the insurance can be whatever you need (so as not to overpay). For example, if you do not know the exact dates of arrival and departure to Lithuania, but you know the range of 03.08-26.08, then it is possible to make insurance valid from 3.08 to 26.08, but the number of insurance days must be equal to the days of transit. If you indicate 4 days for transit, then you should have 4 insurance days for insurance.
I wanted to make such insurance, but, for example, Ingosstrakh told me that they do not do this. Call, ride and look for me was too lazy. I rummaged through the Internet, found out that insurance can be done online. I found cheap regular insurance on the globalrussians website and ordered it. The issue price is 544 rubles for a month. Insurance came by email. I printed it out, put my signature and gave it to the embassy in this form.

6. Copy of passport.
I photocopied all the pages of my passport. They took away only those with a photo with a name and registration, the rest were returned.

7. For minors. This point did not concern me.

8. Nationals of third countries. This one too, since I am a citizen of the Russian Federation.

9. Documents related to further travel to the final destination. I am going by car, there are no tickets, I don’t need a visa to the Russian Federation.
True, I booked a hotel in Klaipeda for 1 night to call in from the Curonian Spit. I gave a printout to increase the likelihood of getting 10 transit days (but did not indicate this hotel in the questionnaire).

10. Document confirming employment.
ABOUT! Here I have a whole epic :) Sberbank refused to issue an account statement because the card was opened in another region (I live in Moscow, the card is from Kazan). I was offered to go somewhere, write some kind of statement, wait a few days, ... and I only had 2 days left before the embassy.

Submitted a certificate of employment indicating salary and vacation period. (Because I work in an individual entrepreneur, I attached photocopies of the TIN and PSRN, which were eventually returned to me)
Usually, an account statement is sufficient in transit. The account must have 40 euros/day, only your transit days are calculated.

A little about the application process.

The embassy opens at 9.30. After reading the reviews, which scared that the queues were kilometer long, I was there 1 hour before the opening. Of course, I was alone :) At 8.45, the first visitors began to catch up.
There were 15 people at the opening.

At 9.15. A policeman came and checked everyone's passports.
At 9.30 the embassy opened, and everyone began to enter in a live queue, one at a time. At the entrance there is a frame and a guard who asks about the purpose of the visit and scans the contents of the bags.

Lithuanian citizens are allowed to pass without a queue. There were 2 people in front of me.

I handed over the documents in the 4th window in 2 minutes, and paid a fee of 35 euros there. I was given a piece of paper, which says that on 23.08 I need to come for a passport.

Everything! The curtain:)

I hope I have taken into account all the questions that beginners have :)

I keep my fingers crossed that everything is in order with the visa :)

Lithuania is one of the closest countries to Russia European Union. The beauty, as well as the cultural and historical richness of this Baltic country invariably attracts Russian tourists. In addition, it is through Lithuania that the shortest route to other countries runs. old europe. It is also a connecting bridge for travelers wishing to visit Kaliningrad, or living in this remote Russian city. Many Russians prefer to travel to Lithuania by car. Some do it in order to save money, others want to slowly get acquainted with local attractions. The goals may be different, but both need to have the appropriate entry permit to cross the border.

When planning a trip to Lithuania, a Russian citizen needs to apply for an entry visa in a timely manner. Depending on the purpose of the trip, you can apply for a tourist or transit visa, as well as get a simplified transit document that allows you to travel through the territory of Lithuania by car, bus or train. Documents for a visa can be submitted:

  • To the Embassy of Lithuania in Moscow.
  • to the regional consulate.
  • In a specialized service Visa Center.

Crossing the border

The Lithuanian border can be crossed at specialized checkpoints from both Russia and Belarus. However, regardless of the selected point, the crossing order does not change and must be strictly followed.

  1. Arriving at the checkpoint, you need to prepare the required documents.
  2. After the entrance barrier, you should decide which of the corridors to pass further: Red or Green.
  3. At the checkpoint, you need to turn off the car engine and provide the car for inspection by representatives of the customs service.
  4. All travelers should get out of the car and approach the employee with documents passport control to get a border crossing stamp.
  5. Obtain a mark of availability from the transport inspector.

If goods subject to customs duties are carried in the car, you should use the Red Corridor. If travelers do not have such goods with them, they can follow the Green Corridor.

Customs regulations

When traveling by car, it should be remembered that the laws of Lithuania allow only a certain amount of products per person to be brought into the country:

  • Two bottles of beer, wine or liquor.
  • A bottle of strong alcoholic drink.
  • 40 cigarettes.
  • No more than one kilogram of plant products.

It is forbidden to import:

  • Meat and dairy products.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Canned food, sausages.
  • Milk chocolate.

Violators of the rules can be fined by border guards, and goods found may be confiscated.

Required documents for traveling by car

To travel to Lithuania by car in 2017, you need to have a set of certain documents with you:

  • A foreign passport, which is valid for another three months after returning from a trip.
  • Permit to enter the territory of Lithuania of the corresponding type.
  • Medical insurance policy with a coverage of 30 thousand euros.

  • Driving license of international standard.
  • Documents for the car.
  • Green card is an international insurance certificate.
  • Documents for animals if they travel with their owners.

In some cases, border guards may request information about hotel reservations or documents confirming transit through the territory of Lithuania.

Green card where to buy it

The Green card in Russia is called the policy of international compulsory insurance of civil liability of car owners when traveling through the territories of foreign states. 48 countries are parties to the Green Card Recognition Agreement.

In Russia, you can apply for a Green Card through the Russian Union of Motor Insurers. The official website of this organization contains an up-to-date list of addresses of all points of sale of insurance policies. To date, seven leading Russian insurance companies are participants in the Green Card program.

The minimum policy period is 15 days. The cost of the Green Card for a trip to Lithuania is 30 euros.

Basic traffic rules

Lithuanian rules traffic not much different from Russian, with the exception of a few features:

  • Drivers with less than two years of driving experience are not allowed to drive at speeds over 70 km/h.
  • In the period from November 1 to April 1, only cars equipped with winter tires can be operated.
  • The driver must have a reflective vest in the car and put it on when leaving the car outside the city at night.
  • Road users have the opportunity to turn right at a red traffic light if it is equipped with a sign with an arrow.
  • It is not allowed to tint the windshield and front side windows of the vehicle.
  • Radar detectors are prohibited.

Especially strictly Lithuanian police monitor compliance with the speed limit and personal safety rules:

  • All car passengers must be fastened
  • Even in the daytime, the low beam must be on in the car.
  • Children up to 135 cm tall are required to sit in a special chair.

Order of refueling, cost of gasoline

Lithuanian gas stations sell the same grades of gasoline, as well as diesel fuel, as in Russia. The only exception is 92 gasoline, which has recently disappeared from sale in Lithuania.

The cost of fuel can fluctuate at filling stations even within a single network. Current gasoline prices can be found on the website. However, taking into account the difference in the cost of fuel in the European Union and Russia, experts advise filling the car's tank before crossing the Lithuanian border. In addition, customs regulations allow you to carry a canister with 10 liters of gasoline.

Payment for the purchased fuel is made after the completion of the operation, for the actual amount of gasoline poured into the tank. You can pay in cash and by credit card. At night, most gas stations operate on a prepaid basis.

Parking Rules

The greatest difficulty for the Russians is caused by the rules of paid parking. The vast majority of parking lots in Lithuania are paid. They can be divided into:

  • Municipal.
  • Private.

All parking lots are marked with appropriate signs and parking meters informing the driver about the zone, time and procedure for paying for parking. Payment can be made in cash or via SMS. When paying for parking time via SMS, you should be aware that money will be debited from the phone until the operator receives a second message with the word “STOP”.

It is forbidden to park the car in places reserved for cars of organizations. In parking lots, they are marked with a sign "Rezervuota".

Private parking lots are usually equipped with a barrier. To enter its territory, you should press a button on a special device and receive a receipt indicating the time. To leave, you need to pay through a special terminal.

Transit through Lithuania by car

Travelers traveling by car through the territory of Lithuania to Kaliningrad or other European countries may not receive a Schengen or national Lithuanian visa. For such cases, the immigration legislation of the country provides for the issuance of a simplified transit document - FTD.

FTD gives its owner the right to stay in the territory of Lithuania for no more than 24 hours. To process a document at the Embassy of Lithuania or a visa center, you need to provide:

  • International passport.
  • Original and copies of completed pages of the internal passport.
  • indicating the intention to cross Lithuania by car.
  • Photograph.
  • Receipt of payment of the consular fee.
  • Documents confirming the transit purpose of the trip.

A trip around Lithuania by car can be an unforgettable event for a traveler. However, experts recommend, in order to avoid misunderstandings and financial losses, to study in advance all the information necessary for the traveler about the rules for crossing the border and staying on the territory of this beautiful country.

During the summer holidays, people usually go south. And what about the southerners? Drive north, more specifically northwest. So we left the warm Black Sea for the cold, but no less bewitching Baltic Sea.
This is our debut - the first road trip abroad. By plane, of course, quickly and comfortably, but I would like to go by car. This is a completely different journey, you get to know the country from the inside, you join this life. You can take any number of things and not think about how to fit everything into a suitcase. And what about freedom of movement - a huge scope for the fulfillment of desires! You can, having seen a picturesque landscape along the way, stop, you can walk with pleasure, despite the clock, stop by a colorful restaurant far from the center.
And now about the main thing - trip to Europe by car took place. Everything went better than we expected, due to the colossal preparation for the trip. We returned with a lot of positive emotions, memories and photos. We traveled 7,550 km, of which on the territory of Russia: Krasnodar region, Rostov, Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tula, Kaluga, Smolensk, Bryansk, Oryol regions. In Belarus: Vitebsk, Minsk, Grodno regions. In Lithuania: Alytus, Vilnius, Kaunas, Taurage, Klaipeda, Telsiai, Siauliai, Marijampole counties. In Poland: Podlasie, Warmian-Masurian, Pomeranian, Kuyavian-Pomeranian, Mazovian voivodeships.

Route selection

We dreamed of traveling to Europe by car for a long time. We planned, built routes, but put everything off for a brighter future. They planned to spend this year in Russia, they booked Irkutsk, then after reading Galina's wonderful reviews about Karelia, they shifted their route there, then rescheduled for Belarus, I wanted to see Kaliningrad too. It all started with Kaliningrad.
The plane did not suit us, otherwise we would not see Belarus, and by car you can only drive through Lithuania or Poland. Lithuania was preferred. The question arose about a visa, we agreed to make even a transit one. We made a trip plan, booked accommodation on Appetites grew every day, we decided to go from Kaliningrad to Poland, see Gdansk, and then go through Bialystok to Belarus. But it was not there.
With documents for a visa, we were too clever, as a result, we received a Schengen visa, but with the right to one entry for a limited number of days. I was terribly upset, I had to cross Kaliningrad out of our trip, and fill the remaining time European cities. Now we do not regret it, but then it was very difficult to break the entire route, redraw entrances and exits, routes, solve issues with housing, gas stations, the financial component of the trip increased.

On the day of the trip, the itinerary looked like this:

June 11 Krasnodar - Tula (they stopped to stay with relatives);
June 14 Tula - Grodno (with a stop in Orsha and Khatyn);
June 15 Grodno - Korobchitsy;
June 16 Grodno - Vilnius (with a stop in Trakai);
June 17 Vilnius - Klaipeda (with a stop in Kaunas);
June 18 Klaipeda - Kush Spit - Palanga;
June 19 Palanga - Siauliai - Kaunas;
June 20 Kaunas - Masurian lakes - Gdansk;
June 21 Gdansk - Sopot;
June 22 Gdansk - Malbork - Torun;
June 23 Torun - Olsztyn;
June 24 Olsztyn - Bialystok;
June 25 Bialystok - Druskininkai;
June 26 Druskininkai - Grodno - Bryansk;
June 27 Bryansk - Voronezh;
June 28 Krasnodar.

This is not the final version, there were small changes due to weather conditions already on the way, and also, on the advice of local residents, we visited the spotted deer and the lavender field. But more on that later.
That's how difficult and spontaneously formed our route. The result is 7,550 km., A new experience, a great mood.

Route on the map

Interactive route map


I was engaged in the route, search for hotels, cafes, attractions. To do this, I wrote out in a notebook all the objects of interest to us with addresses and opening hours. It took me a whole day to visit one city. Thanks to this constructive approach, in a short time of the trip, we visited 85% of the places planned.

The husband was engaged in technical issues:

1. Car preparation
There should be a diagnostic card of a fresh MOT (which no one asked us for). Changed oil, filters. I had to change the first aid kit and fire extinguisher, buy spare light bulbs, reflective vests and a “RUS” sticker, which was safely lying unused in our glove compartment.
2. green card
We bought it at home. The term is 15 days in Europe and Belarus - 2,450 rubles.
On the way, in the Smolensk region, on the territory of Belarus, near the border with Lithuania, we often met points for the sale of Green Card insurance, we even stopped to inquire - the price was the same everywhere.
3. Navigation
For Russia, we had a navigation program - Navitel, for Europe - iGO.
On the phone installed the program - offline maps. This program has helped us many times.
4. Connection. Internet
Communications and the Internet are stable even in the most remote villages. Wi-Fi with free access in all shopping centers. Viber was used to communicate with relatives.
5. international law
Here we had a dilemma. Everyone has different opinions. Some believe that it is necessary to do them, if a problem arises, then it is easier and faster to deal with it, having international rights. Others consider it a waste of money.
Our opinion - let them be better and not useful, than later we will regret that we saved and did not do it.

Outcome: international law was not useful. During the entire trip, there was only one meeting with the traffic police - on the Kush Spit. They stopped everyone there, asked for a license and a registration certificate. Sasha took out an international driver's license, but the policeman did not take it and asked: "Please show the real ones." They smiled, they say, these are not fake either. So international law was not useful to us.

international law

in the traffic police received in an hour. To do this, you need to provide:

  1. statement;
  2. applicable national laws;
  3. photo 35*45mm matte color;
  4. the passport;
  5. international passport;
  6. state duty 1600 rubles.

They also resolved the issue with the inconsistency in the spelling of the name and surname in the passport and visa with the rights and registration certificate for the car. According to the transliteration of the translation, the discrepancy was in three letters. At the border, such a difference is often turned a blind eye, but if they want to find fault, this can serve as a reason for refusing to enter the country. Everything was brought into line, changing the documents.

Schengen visa

A Schengen visa was issued for entry into Lithuania. We collected the necessary package of documents, handed over fingerprints. Issued promptly for the requested number of days.
Documents for a visa:

  1. international passport and a photocopy of the Russian passport;
  2. questionnaire;
  3. 2 photos 35*45 (special for visa to Lithuania);
  4. financial guarantees (bank statement);
  5. confirmation of the place of residence (hotel reservation);
  6. tickets (if by plane, train);
  7. medical insurance;
  8. visa fee 35 euros at the exchange rate in rubles;
  9. fingerprints.

Choice of border crossing

We have monitored all crossing points in Poland and Lithuania. And we found, in our opinion, the most convenient, optimal, least loaded - Privalka - Raigardas.
It is located in the Grodno region, the village of Privalka, 30 km from Grodno. Operating mode round the clock.

We arrived at the border on a weekday at 6 o'clock in the morning. There was one car in front of us. At 6.20 we were already driving towards Vilnius. Border guards check passports with visas, vehicle registration certificate, green card, fingerprints. Ask about the purpose of the trip. Put an entry/exit stamp.
customs control asks for cigarettes, alcohol, asks to open the back door of the car and the trunk.
The return trip of the border crossing fell on Sunday at 14.30. We were the only ones. After 10 minutes, they crossed the border and found out that if you need to issue a taxi-free, you can return it here, but only if the goods were purchased in Lithuania.
I don't know, maybe we were so lucky to pass the border quickly, but next time we'll just come here. Take note too.

Roads in Russia

1. Highway M4 "Don". Almost all of our long trips start with her. For us, it is familiar.
Mostly good road surface, quite comfortable track, with the exception of some sections. The most unpleasant section of the road for us in the Rostov region with eternal repairs, traffic jams, traffic jams and cataclysms. We chose Lukoil gas stations on the highway, where we constantly stop - the Upper Mamon area.
They strain endless payment points with queues, but I also don’t want to buy a transponder because of a couple of trips a year.
2. Highway R-132 from Tula to Kaluga without any special claims, there is a repair, but where without it. From Kaluga to Yukhnov there is a two-lane, quite normal. From Yukhnov to Vyazma, the road is a hole in the hole, you can’t accelerate faster than 30 km / h.
Only blooming lupins adorned the path, which were especially beautiful at dawn.

Early in the morning we went to Vyazma to admire the John the Baptist Monastery, to see with your own eyes the three-hipped church of St. Hodegetria, about which the wonderful Lena Sebyakina read about. At 5 am, of course, everything is closed, walked around in a circle.

The place is unique, but there is no improvement, like in an abandoned village, and not in a city. Isn’t it possible to make a more well-groomed territory near such a historical place?

3. Highway M1- everything is worthy. Lots of insurance points. In front of the border refueling "Lukoil". It is worth taking care of the fuel.

I will describe the roads of Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and the features of driving in a separate review.
On the way back we decided to go from Smolensk to Bryansk.
4. Highway R-120 from Smolensk to Orel pleasantly surprised. Good quality roads, markings, slopes, recently renovated. We drove at night, after Roslavl they stopped the traffic police, asked how we were feeling, if we were sleepy, how far we were going, and wished us a happy journey.
5. Highway R-119 Eagle - Yelets traffic is not loaded, the road is normal.

We tried to go to free road through Zadonsk, lost time. Speed ​​limit 60 km., many speed bumps and trucks.

Hotels and apartments

Booked on I admit right away that I liked all the places where we stayed. I will write about each of them separately. For now, a brief overview.
When choosing a place to rest, we made strict requirements:

  • location in the center, near the sights that we want to see;
  • parking;
  • cleanliness and aesthetics;
  • high rating of Booking reviews;
  • price.

During the whole trip we lived in 11 places.

1. Grodno

The EvroUYUT ​​company rents apartments for daily rent in Grodno and Minsk - EuApartments Apartments. We found an apartment on Booking, there is also our own website, which presents apartments with full description, map, video.
All apartments are of excellent quality, my eyes ran wide, which one to book. We stayed in an apartment on the street. Dominican, 17.
Location, cleanliness, comfort, parking - definitely recommend!

2. Vilnius

Hotel Apia 3*
The old city, its own closed parking - a rarity for the city center. By the way, the parking lot overlooks the courtyard of the Presidential Palace.
Breakfasts are held in a 5 * hotel on the next street. The room is good. I recommend!

3. Klaipeda

Aparthotel Stora Antis
Center of the old city. Secure parking nearby. View from the window on the main attraction of the city - the Meridian sailboat. 10% discount in the best restaurant in the city, because the owner of the apartments and the restaurant is one. Rooms in retro style, antique furniture. I recommend!

4. Palanga

Villa Levita
Clean, comfortable, calm, beautiful, parking in the yard. The hosts are a pleasant young couple from Moscow. I recommend!

5. Kaunas

6. Gdansk

Apartment na Starowce Ogarna
The location couldn't be better. Large apartment in a historic building with a modern renovation, overlooking the main attraction of the city. Parking under the window. I recommend!

7. Torun

Hotel Pod Orlem
In the old city historical building, decorated with taste. Friendly staff who speaks Russian. Parking is paid in the yard. Breakfasts are commendable. I recommend!

8. Olsztyn

Hamak Apartments
The location is not in the old town, but in a convenient location. Parking under the window. Very nice and beautiful apartment. There is everything you need. I recommend!

9. Bialystok

Manhattan Apartments
The apartment is comfortable with a very friendly hostess who baked a delicious cake for us, gave us a bottle of wine and fragrant strawberries.
There is private parking. I recommend!

10. Druskininkai

It was the humblest accommodation on our trip. Perhaps it was worth not being greedy and booking a more comfortable room. Moreover, the hostess is a very pleasant and sociable woman, immediately after our reservation she called by phone and asked if we needed a room with the best conditions while there is free space and only 10 euros more expensive, did we carefully read that there is no air conditioning and a bath, and it gets hot at this time of the year. But we decided not to change the number. Purely. Parking in the yard. In the morning we had a delicious breakfast from the hostess. I recommend.

11. Bryansk

Hotel Megapolis 4*
This is our random choice, we were just tired, in search of a place to stay, we did not make a mistake by staying at this hotel. If we come to Bryansk, we will come here again. I recommend.


IN Belarus we did not get to paid parking lots, we always found free ones in accessible places. Roads for Russians are free.
IN Lithuania it worked out too. In the old town, they left the car in free parking lots of hotels. In Trakai, we also did not use public paid parking, there is payment by the hour. We arrived early, stopped in front of a lake with a castle, a man immediately looked out of the open window and invited us to park the car in his yard. There, many use the territory of the yard for parking and earn extra money. All the fun cost 2 euros for an unlimited amount of time, which is quite a bargain. Roads are free.
IN Poland there are paid autobahns, payment at the congress according to the number of kilometers traveled.

Paid parking everywhere. You will be able to leave the car for free only near supermarkets, or if the hotel provides parking. You also need to pay attention that after 17 pm and on weekends, parking becomes free. Many parking meters have a choice of languages, including Russian. Principle of operation: you throw coins, and you get a check with the time until which parking is considered paid. It must be placed on the panel near the windshield. If the check is hard to see, they will issue a fine as for unpaid parking.


With a busy travel schedule, we could not afford to waste time looking for a suitable cuisine for us in catering establishments. Therefore, all restaurants were chosen in advance. If we did not have time, then we bought food in supermarkets, which significantly saved our budget.
Here are the main places along the route where we stopped for lunch, personally rated, and I can recommend them:


Voronezh- "Barbara's Culinary Shop" - suitable for a snack or a quick lunch;
Bryansk- pub "Chester" - a restaurant with a name, chef Semyon Kolesnikov - winner of the "Hell's Kitchen" program. Everything was delicious!


Grodno- restaurant "Kronon" - on the territory of the forest park, exquisite, with excellent cuisine.

Korobchitsy- the restaurant "Castle of Zevany", I liked the place, the interior, hearty, tasty, but without much enthusiasm.


Vilnius- restaurant "Da Antonio" - Italian cuisine, excellent service, very tasty.

Klaipeda- restaurant "Stora Antis" - we want to return here, a very sincere restaurant deserves all praise!

Currency, financial side of the trip

Belorussian rubles. Changed before the denomination in the bank, immediately became millionaires. At the gas station, they paid for gasoline using a card (percentage was deducted).
10 thousand rubles were allocated to Belarus. This amount was enough to pay for two days' stay in a good apartment, dine in two restaurants, visit a paid park, souvenirs, gifts, food, a left-luggage office for 11 days.
Euro. The exchange rate abroad "rubles for euros" is not profitable.
Everywhere you can pay with a card, but again it will be more expensive due to the conversion.
Zloty. There are currency exchange offices everywhere, they are called Kantor, they changed euros to zlotys.

How much does it cost to travel by car to Europe?

I have already written about Belarus above. We were in Europe for a full 11 days, lived in 9 cities. Fuel (AI-95) for 7,550 km., from an average consumption of 5.5 liters per 100 km, with a total amount of 25 thousand rubles. For accommodation 500 euros and 800 euros - food, parking, museums, souvenirs, gifts. Transit in Russia took no more than 6 thousand rubles for a hotel, a restaurant in Bryansk, lunch in Voronezh and a toll road. They refueled at gas stations: in Russia and Belarus - Lukoil, in Europe - Statoil and Orlen.
Our trip turned out to be economical, thanks to booking most hotels on at special offers with a good discount.

Journey Brief

I will not describe the transit through Russia and will start immediately with the foreign part of our trip.
In a nutshell, our impressions of the cities where we stayed. Later I will write separate stories about these places with photo reports of our trip.

We did not have time to appreciate this city, there was too little time left.

Here is such a short sketch of our voluminous road trip to Europe.
Even on the way back we stopped in Bryansk for a rest. I was there for the first time, I concluded for myself that it is worth coming again.

Force majeure

Our plans were thwarted only by the weather. Rain and strong wind did not allow to go to the Kush Spit at the scheduled time. Postponed the next day. I had to change the route. It turned out to be a little tense in time, and before a long-distance move to Poland, we didn’t have a normal rest. But there was also a plus, if everything went as planned earlier, we would not have gone to the deer, and this was one of the most vivid impressions of the trip.

Language barrier, atmosphere in communication and conclusions about the country

You will not get a full acquaintance with the country, its culture, history without communication with the local population. And we tried to communicate where possible.


In this country, we did not feel any difference with Russia at all; there is no language barrier at all. Everyone took us for local residents, often asked about minibus stops or how to get somewhere. And as soon as they saw the camera, they smiled.
A good country, well-groomed, but it has more Russian than European, the imprint of the USSR has been preserved.
I looked, comparing with our roads, fields and cleanliness. Didn't see much difference. Yes, they have ideal places, but you can find them here too. And there are unmowed lawns, and frankly bad roads, along which the navigator turned us around.
The people are hardworking, they are engaged in the improvement of their country and it is nice to see it. I would like to wish Belarus well-being and prosperity.
Impression: like at home


Here we felt, surprisingly, most comfortable. From the first kilometers from the border, the difference of another culture was already felt. Knowledge of English was never useful. I am a poor connoisseur of languages, and Alexander, with his good knowledge of English, deliberately spoke to everyone only in Russian and they understood him perfectly, willingly communicated, joked, and showed sincere friendliness. I can say that both the older generation and the youth there know the Russian language, the only difference is in the accent, well, sometimes they can’t find the right word, remembering how to put it correctly.
Very good, beautiful people. Accuracy and decency in everything, from the toilet at the gas station, where he plays classical music, the air is flavored and the purity is perfect. Ending with cemeteries, where everything is so well-groomed, without pretentiousness and pomposity, that you ask yourself one question ... why is it not so with us?
Impression: treated like good friends, not a single sideways glance or prejudice.


Here we felt that we were abroad. The Poles love their country very much, this is manifested in everything: flags are installed on cars, balconies, in any, even a small town big screen on the central square, tables, and everyone goes together to cheer for their football team. And the Poles have no desire to learn English, only those who need it for work know. Russian is also very few people know. Well, at least our languages ​​are a little similar, and you can understand, guess what in question. However, this did not always work out, as they speak quickly. But on the other hand, if someone knows Russian, then he proudly admits this and is always interested in where we came from, they do big eyes wondering how far it is.
Impression: pleasant, hospitable atmosphere.
Conclusion: we would gladly repeat our trip, even without changing anything. Only there would be a little more days, otherwise the program turned out to be too rich.

They returned home satisfied, even fatigue was not felt from overwhelming impressions. Sleep after long road, and in the morning with a good mood and a sea of ​​positive emotions already to work. This is the main sign that the vacation was a success.


  • about roads, Lithuania and Poland;
  • about hotels, apartments;
  • about our gastro tour;
  • about cities and excursions.