Homework for children with general speech underdevelopment (GSD). Individual plan for speech correction work Planning individual work of a speech therapist with children


Last name, first name of the child _____________________________________________________

Date of birth ___________________ Group______________________________________

Speech therapy report ________________________________________________


(1-2 weeks – speech therapy examination of speech and mental functions.)

1. Development of speech understanding in a visual situation using regime

and game moments. Learning to understand everyday appeals in the imperative

form: show, put, give, take, bring etc.

2. Clarification of the understanding of the names of surrounding objects and toys according to the planned

lexical topics.

3. Development of auditory attention to non-speech sounds: tapping, patting, sounds

tambourine, pipe, bell, accordion, etc.

4. Clarification of the pronunciation of vowel sounds like a, o, and, y.

5. Development of general and fine motor skills. Finger massage, passive flexion exercises

and finger extension (3 min), pyramid folding.


1. Development of understanding of addressed speech using the technique of commenting on actions

with objects and toys (Ex.: Doll, sleep! - The doll is sleeping. Bear, go! - The bear is walking.)

2. Clarification of the meaning of words with diminutive suffixes ( ballball,

house - house etc.)

3. Clarification of the pronunciation of vowel sounds: a, o, and, y and consonants available in pronunciation

sounds: l, v, v, p, p.

4. Development of auditory attention on sound complexes: “a-a-a” (motion sickness of a doll),

“o-o-o” (sore ear), “i-i-i” (horse song), “oo-oo-oo” (playing the pipe).

5. Development of general and fine motor skills. Massage the fingers, showing each finger,

flexion and extension of fingers into a fist, learning simple finger exercises

gymnastics (“My Family”).


1. Expanding the scope of understanding someone else’s speech. Follow simple and complex instructions.

2. Inducing the need to imitate the words of an adult: on, give me, here, yes, no, wow! Ah ah ah!

Oh oh oh! that's it, let's go and so on.

3. Education of auditory attention, endurance in games: “Show the picture”, “Yes or no?”,

“Clap when you hear the word...”, etc.

b, b, t, th, d, d.

5. Development of general and fine motor skills. Grouping mosaics by color, displaying objects

index finger.


1. Learning the ability to correlate (in the passive) objects and actions with their verbal designation

(Show who is sleeping, sitting, flying, walking etc.)

2. Formation of the ability to name the names of children, family members, pictures based on the completed

lexical topics.

3. Formation of a long speech exhalation (2-3 sec.) on the material of vowel sounds and their

combinations: aw, wa, ia.

4. Clarification of the pronunciation of consonant sounds: n, n, k, k, g, g, x.

5. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers in special exercises and games (“Bunny”, “Goat”,

“Tree”, “Ring”, “Flower”, etc.)


(1-2 weeks – holidays)

1. Cultivation of auditory attention to speech, development of auditory-speech memory in the games “Guess who”

said”, “Repeat as I did”, etc.

2. Active mastery of verb vocabulary in the game “Shop”, in games with a doll.

3. Development of understanding of grammatical forms of speech. Learning to understand questions: Where? Where?

to whom? who?

4. Preparation of the articulatory apparatus for the pronunciation of whistling sounds. Unlearning

articulatory gymnastics exercises.

5. Development of various onomatopoeia in games ( mu-mu, am-am, tick-tock and so on.)


1. Development of understanding of grammatical forms of speech: units. and many more h. nouns ( bird -

birds) and present verbs. time ( go - go, sit - sit etc.)

2. Consolidating the understanding of general concepts on the covered lexical topics.

3. Perception of the content of short stories, poems based on pictures.

4. Completing words in nursery rhymes and finger gymnastics exercises.

5. Work on sound pronunciation within the available vocabulary, based on pictures.


1. Development of understanding of prepositional constructions with simple prepositions: on, in, under, behind, at, with.

2. Development of understanding of questions asked about the content of the plot picture.

3. Development of a long speech exhalation up to 3-4 seconds. Singing combinations of vowel sounds,

syllables with consonants m, n, p, t, d, b.

4. Recognition and reproduction of vowel sounds by their silent articulation.

5. Development of phonemic awareness in the game “Clap when you hear a mosquito song,”

6. Formation of the syllabic structure of words:

SG+SG (Tanya, Dima)

GHA (go, mustache)

GHS (poppy, house)

7. Further development of the dictionary on lexical topics.

8. Working with cut pictures (2-3 parts).


1. Consolidation of differentiation of units. and many more including nouns and verbs.

2. Clarification and enrichment of the active vocabulary. Introduction to speech of adverbs ( here, there, here,

good, bad, warm, cold, quiet, loud) and pronouns ( me, you, he, she, we, you).

3. Formation of the syllabic structure of a word:

SG+SGS ( lemon, broom)

SGS+SG ( shoes, branch)

SG+SG+SG ( raspberry, dog)

Subject + predicate ( The doll is sleeping. Children sing.)

Subject+predicate+object ( Dad reads the newspaper.)

5. Perception of the content of short stories, fairy tales, poems based on pictures.

Developing the ability to understand simple questions based on their content and answer them.

6. Further development of fine motor skills of the fingers in special exercises and games.

1. Development of pronunciation skills. Staging and automation of sounds s, s.

2. Learning to agree nouns with adjectives, nouns

with pronouns ( My ball. The ball is red, big).

3. Learning to use the reflexive form of the verb (from the pictures: washes his face,

getting dressed etc.)

4. Formation of phrasal speech based on models:

Address+verb+infinitive ( Mom, I want to sleep)

Pronoun+verb+infinitive ( I want to go for a walk)

Combinations type: Can I have some bread? No milk needed.

5. Memorizing small poems of 2-4 lines based on pictures.

6. Working with cut pictures (3-4 parts).

The speech therapist draws up an individual work plan daily for each child, taking into account the structure of the speech defect.

The main directions (tasks) of work of a speech therapist with children:

1. Development of the articulatory apparatus:

General and special articulatory gymnastics aimed at developing mobility of the lips, tongue, and soft palate;

Speech therapy massage (relaxing, activating, I facial muscles, acupressure).

2. Development of physiological breathing with the help of special exercises.

3. Development of general, fine motor skills.

4. Development of the dynamic side of speech (tempo, rhythm, intonation).

6. Production and automation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, coherent speech.

The goals and objectives of the comprehensive program coincide with the main objectives of the correctional program.

Use regya as a means of communication with children and adults.

Speech therapist classes are held in the morning with a subgroup of children, which is completed taking into account age, speech therapy report (diagnosis), character traits, personality development, development of mental functions, behavior, attention, health status, etc. Groups can be from 2 to 4 Perhaps there will be some children who need to be dealt with only individually.

Distribution of subgroup and individual lessons with children (school preparatory group) for a week.

For example: Based on the results of the primary diagnosis, 2 groups were completed:

Subgroup I - children of the 2nd year of study;

Subgroup II - children of the 1st year of study.

All children are between 6 and 7 years old.

Diagnosis: Severe speech impairment, general speech underdevelopment (III level of speech development).

Let us remind you that a speech therapist spends a week two thematic classes:

Introducing a new lexical topic;

Introducing new sounds and letters.


It is important to remember that one | and the same topic “Spring”, but games, tasks, speech material, 1 techniques, technologies and ways of presenting this lexical 1 topic will be different.

For example: with children with increased excitability, exhaustion and unformed cognitive activity, the speech therapist uses a variety of game moments, unusual presentation of material (surprises, the appearance of fairy-tale characters), ensures a change in types of activities, spends more than one physical session with children, and two. Children of this subgroup do not sit at tables; they “travel” throughout the group, performing different tasks. It is possible that the speech therapist will repeat this lexical topic with the children again, but in a different form, creating other situations, using other gaming techniques.

When preparing to conduct subgroup classes, the speech therapist creates a plan-note that will help select speech and non-speech material, create a situation that will tell the children what they will do today.

For example: On the tables there are vases with flowers: coltsfoot, snowdrops, violets. On the carpet: trees, green grass, flowers. Children in lightweight clothes examine the coltsfoot flower. There are birds on the trees - rooks, near the trees there are sparrows and jackdaws. To the speech therapist’s question: What do you think we’ll talk about today? - the children answer: “About flowers.”

The situation created by the speech therapist suggested the topic of the lesson to the children. They look at flowers, write a descriptive story, make a bouquet of daffodils, tulips, carnations, roses, select vases, etc.

The speech therapist writes long-term planning once a quarter. The plan is discussed and approved at a medical-pedagogical meeting:

September-October-November - I period of study; December-January-February - II period of study; March-April-May - III period of study.

If a speech therapist works in June, then the plan is drawn up for only one month.

According to the “Model Regulations on a Preschool Educational Institution” (see. Appendix 2), The speech group includes children from 2 years of age with alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, stuttering, as well as children with babbling speech or pronounced speech underdevelopment.

This planning is based on the understanding of alalia as a systemic speech disorder, which is a complex complex of dysontogenesis, and includes a number of sections not only of correctional and speech therapy orientation. Work to correct systemic speech underdevelopment is not limited to the walls of the speech therapy room. Successful overcoming of a speech defect is possible only if there is close interrelation and continuity in the work of the entire medical, psychological and pedagogical team (speech therapist, neurologist, psychologist, educators, music director, physical education teacher, exercise therapist, massage therapist and, of course, parents.

Each section is revealed in more detail, taking into account the programs being implemented (comprehensive and correctional), the results of the primary diagnosis of children, speech therapy report, age and period of study.

For example: one of the sections of long-term planning.

Chapter: Development of language analysis, synthesis, representations(phonemic syllabic analysis of sentences).

Age: 6-7 years.

Diagnosis: General speech underdevelopment, III level of speech development.


Phonemic Awareness Test (repeat, show).

Reed material:

pa-ba ba-pa tom - house


ka-ga-ha-ka bear - mouse

ta-da-ta da-ta-da bowl - bear

ka-ha-ka ga-ka-ga horns - spoons

Examination: Language analysis and synthesis. Reed material:

Is there a sound [M] in the words: house, cat, mother, bitch.
Clap if you hear the sound [M] in a word.

What is the first sound in the word: Anya, Olya, duck, Ira?

What sound is at the end of a word, at the beginning, in the middle: house, poppy, onion?

How many sounds are in a word: cat, porridge, cat?

Make a word from syllables: pa-pa, ko-ra, spoon-ka, so-ba-ka.

Make a word from the sounds: [D], [O], [M], [K], [O], [T], [V], [O]. [D], [A],[BOAT].

Basic reading and writing skills.


1. Development of auditory attention on the material of non-regical sounds(sounding toys, claps, noise of the forest, streets, adults acting with objects, etc.)

2. Introduction to the concept of “vowel sounds”. Practice singing the sounds [A], [O], [U], [E], [Y], [I], use symbols of vowel sounds (according to articulation):

90_______________ _______________ I

3. Analysis and synthesis of sound combinations of 2-3 vowel sounds:

Games: “Journey to the Forest.”

Make up your own song using vowel symbols:

l I’ll show you the symbol of the sound, and you name the sound: - the sound U.

“Let’s look at the pictures.” Symbols of vowel sounds will help us complete the task correctly.

Symbol: - A.

Pictures: stork, watermelon, bus, orange. Symbol: - U.

Pictures: snail, ear, fishing rod, duck, etc.

"Read it." Symbols: - the child is called - \

makes sounds: A U I.

The speech therapist suggests naming the first (last) sounds.

4. Emphasizing the vowel in the impudent word(Anya), at the end of a word
(water, game, saw), in the middle of monosyllable words(poppy, house, !
bow, whale).

Games: “Let’s sort out the pictures” (sound A).

“Find mistakes in Dunno.”

Images: toys, needle, turkey, onion.

The child removes the “Onion” picture and explains why.

5. Selection of words for vowel sounds.

Games: “Name the extra word” (ABC, orange, beetle, watermelon).

6. Introduction to the concept of “consonant sounds”. Learn differently
begin to understand the concepts of “vowel sounds” and “consonant sounds”. Vowels
sounds can be sung, they are pronounced with a voice, consonants about
worn abruptly ([M], [P], [K]), sometimes with the participation of the voice
([B], [D]...) and sometimes quietly, almost in a whisper ([W], [P]...)

Consonant sounds: [M]-[M"]; [B]-[B"], [D]-[D"]> [N]-[N"], [V]-[V"], [G ]-[G], [P]-. [T]-[G], [F]-[F"], [K]-[K-]. [X]-[X"].

7. Isolation of distorted consonant sounds from a word(Start,
end, middle). (For the list, see clause 4.)

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8. Acquaintance with the concepts of “sound” and “letter”, “hard consonant sound” and “soft consonant sound”. Use fairy tales with speech therapy content. For example: “The Tale of Mila and Masha.” (The fairy tale gives characteristics to the girls: Mila is kind, gentle, Masha is stubborn, constantly quarrels...)

9. Analysis of reverse and direct syllables with distorted sounds (AM, MA, OM, MO).

10. Complete sound analysis and synthesis of monosyllabic words with
distorted sounds
(house, cat, poppy). Working with the scheme:

Exercise in the ability to come up with words for diagrams, select pictures, draw objects whose names correspond to the diagram.

11. Acquaintance with the letters A, O, U, E, I, Y, M, B, D, N, V, G, P, T, F, K, X.

12. Laying out letters from parts, palogeks, nitogeks, mosaics, writing forward and backward syllables with curved letters (AM, MA, TA, AP, UK).



The material is selected on the basis of intermediate diagnostics of children, the dynamics of development of each child, implemented programs, taking into account gradual complication.

1. Acquaintance with the sounds [S]-[S], -, [C], [Sh], [Zh],
[Ш], [Ч] and the letters S, 3, Ts, Ш, Ж, Ш, Х.

An important point is that a child’s acquaintance with sounds is possible only if the sound is pronounced clearly, without distortion.

2. Introducing a full sound analysis of words like: mom,
flour, goat, cat (based on distorted sounds).

92________________ “CHEAT SHEET” FOR A Speech-Language Pathologist at a Preschool Educational Institution _______________________

Methodology of phonemic analysis:

Isolating a sound against the background of a word;

Determining the location of a sound in a word;

Determining the position of a sound in relation to other sounds;

Determining the sequence of sounds in a word;

Determining the number of sounds in a word.

3. Teaching children the ability to decompose solid and
soft consonants (when drawing up a word diagram)

designate solid co-

vowels are in blue, and soft consonants are in green. Learn to come up with words and select pictures to match the diagrams presented to the children.

4. Teaching children the ability to transform words by
replacing or adding sound.
(Games with words: puzzles, crosses
swords, charades).

For example: Game: “How to make the word ROSE from the word BRACE” (by replacing one letter in the word):

BRAID - (n-w) - GOAT (k-r) - ROSE

HOUSE - (d-k) - ROOM (m-t) - CAT

Words are selected in advance, taking into account the individual developmental characteristics and capabilities of each child.

5. Teaching children the ability to divide words into syllables, introduce 1
the concepts of “syllable”, “syllable as a blurring of words”.

Introduce the rules for determining how many syllables are in a word:

a) how many vowels are in a word, how many syllables are there.

MAK - one vowel sound A, one syllable: MAK. MAMA - two vowels A, two syllables MA-MA.

b) by the number of claps when pronouncing a word. (This
technique to use at the initial stage of familiarization with the software
concept of the quality of syllables.)

6. Introduction to the concept of “sentence”, drawing up a graph
fig scheme of sentences without prepositions, and then with simple ones
with prepositions.

For example: MASHA DRAWS A HOUSE. Offer outline:

______________________ QUESTION 12 _______________________ 93

7. Introduction to basic spelling rules:

Separate writing of words in a sentence;

A period at the end of a sentence;

Use of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names;

Rules for spelling the letter I after the letters Zh, Sh.

8. Continued acquaintance with letters, learning to compose a word from the letters learned.

9. Teaching children syllable-by-syllable spelling of words.


Chapter: Development of language analysis, synthesis, representations.

1. Acquaintance with the sounds [Y], [L"], [R], [R"]. Introducing the letters J, L, R, L, I, E, E, Yu.

2. Teaching children sound analysis and synthesis of words from 3-6 sounds (house, vase, wolf, dog) without clarity, selecting words according to diagrams, models.

Fomatic synthesis:

The sounds are pronounced by the speech therapist with a pause and taking into account the sequence of sounds in the word ([K], [O], [T] - the word CAT);

A more complex version of pronouncing sounds in a broken sequence ([L], [K], [U] - the word LUK).

3. Consolidating the skills of syllabic analysis of words and sentence analysis.

4. Formation of the skill of syllable-by-syllable continuous expression of words, sentences, and short texts.

5. Introducing two ways to indicate the softness of consonants in writing:

a) using a soft sign at the end and in the middle of words (horse,

b) using the vowels I, Ya, E, Yo, Yu.

4____________ “CHEAT SHEET” FOR A Speech-Language Pathologist at a Preschool Educational Institution

Thus, the speech therapist reveals all sections of long-term planning.

These forward planning options are not mandatory. Speech-language pathologists can use these materials to write their own plans.

* Diagnosis of speech disorders in children and organization of speech therapy work in a preschool educational institution: Sat. methodological recommendations. - St. Petersburg: Detstvo-Press, 2000. (Russian State Pedagogical University named after A. I. Herzen).

At present, while the problem of classification is far from being resolved, it is advisable to use a multi-level speech therapy report, says G. A. Volkova*.

For such a speech therapy conclusion, it is necessary to take into account three aspects of the existing classifications and combine them in each specific case.

Medical aspect classification involves taking into account which of the speech analyzers is impaired (speech-motor or speech-auditory), in which part there is a disorder (central or peripheral), what is the degree of the disorder (functional or organic disorder), the time of onset of the disorder (before the onset of speech formation, in process or after speech has already been formed).

Speech therapy aspect involves taking into account which part of the speech system is disturbed: voice, rhythm, tempo of speech, phonetic, phonemic, lexical, grammatical, semantic structure of speech.

Psychological aspect involves taking into account the extent to which the communicative function of speech is impaired, what personality deviations accompany this or that speech disorder, what are the trends in the spontaneous development of the disorder, what is the prognosis for this or that type of speech disorder.


  1. preparatory stage

Careful and comprehensive preparation of the child for long-term and painstaking correctional work:

a) development of a motivational basis for further correctional work (establish contact with the child, arouse interest in speech therapy classes);

b) formation of a full-fledged psychological basis for speech (development of auditory attention, memory, phonemic perception in games and special exercises; development of articulatory, fine and general motor skills;

d) strengthening physical health (consultations with specialists, if necessary, drug treatment, massage, etc.).

  1. formation of a full-fledged sound side of speech

Elimination of incorrect pronunciation, development of the ability to differentiate sounds that are similar in sound and articulation; instilling the skill of self-control of speech.

a) production of sounds (k, g, d, t - s, s’, z, z’, c – w – l, l’ – zh – r, r’ – h, sch);

b) automation of sounds

In syllables (direct, reverse, with a confluence of consonants);

In words (with stress, without stress, complex);

In sentences;

Differentiation of sounds (s-z, s-s’, s-ts, s-sh, s-z-ts

F-z, f-sh,

Ch-s', ch-t', ch-sch,

Shh, shh, shh, shh,

R-l, r-r’, r’-l’, r’th, l-l’

c) automation of sounds in speech.

  1. development of phonemic hearing and sound analysis skills(the ability to isolate a sound from a word, find its place in a word / at the beginning, in the middle, at the end /, determine the hardness and softness of a sound, name the first, second, etc. sounds, determine the number of syllables in a word);
  2. expansion of vocabulary;
  3. formation of grammatical structure of speech(the ability to change words by gender, number, case, form new words using prefixes, suffixes, coordinate words with each other, use pronouns correctly, etc.);
  4. development of coherent, expressive speech (teaching storytelling based on plot pictures, a series of pictures; retelling, normalization of prosody);
  5. Development of mental processes(attention, memory, perception, logical thinking, sensation, imagination);
  6. Sensorimotor development(correct determination of the size, color, shape of objects, development of tactile sensations).

All stages go in parallel with pronunciation correction based on correctly pronounced sounds

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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The program contains the direction of work with the child, goals, content of the material and planned results......


I. Elimination of defects in sound pronunciation. II. Development of phonemic hearing.III. Work on enriching, clarifying and systematizing the dictionary. IV. Improving the grammatical structure of speech.V. Development of St...

Individual plan of correctional work with a child for the school year.

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Individual plan of correctional work with a child for the academic year (2nd year of study. Preparatory group)

An individual plan of correctional work, formed on the basis of a speech therapy examination, identified problems in both speech and general development, allows for a more differentiated work...

Long-term plan for individual speech therapy work from _____________________________________________ for the 20____-20____ academic year.

Goals and objectives

Main directions of correctional work

Careful and comprehensive preparation of the child forcorrectional work.

1. Arouse interest in speech therapy classes, evenneed for them.

2. Rdevelopment of auditory attention, memory, phonemic awarenesswhom perception in games and special exercises.

3. Formation and development of articulatory motor skillsto the level of minimum sufficiency for settingsounds.

4. In the process of systematic training, mastery ofcomplex of finger gymnastics.

5. Ustrengthening physical health (consultations with a doctor)whose - narrow specialists, if necessary, a doctormentosis treatment).

Formation and development of articulatory motor skills, speech breathing, voice.

1. Muscle massage:

  • Chest, neck and arms;




2.Development of speech breathing.

4. Development of kinetic and kinesthetic sensations from articulatory patterns.

5.Articulation gymnastics.

Development of phonemic hearing.

1. Development of auditory perception, attention, memory.

  • Exercises to differentiate sounds that differ in tonality, pitch, and duration.

    Reproducing a rhythmic pattern by ear.

2. Development of phonemic perception.

    Exercises in recognizing a given sound among other phonemes and isolating it from a word in various positions.

    Exercises to differentiate sounds that are similar in articulatory or acoustic properties.

3.Formation of sound-letter and syllabic analysis and word synthesis.

4. Consistent calculation and combination of sounds in words of different syllabic structures.

    Designation of vowels and consonants (hard and soft) sounds with chips of the corresponding colors.

    Drawing up conditional graphic diagrams.

Elimination of sound pronunciation defects

1. Staging sounds:

whistling S, 3, C, S", 3";

hissing Ш, Ж;hissing Ch, Sh;

Sonoras R, R", L, L".

Preparatory exercises (except articulationgymnastics):

for those whistling : “Smile”, “Fence”, “Shovel”, “Zhelo”Side", "Brush", "Football", "Focus";

for those sizzling : "Tube", "Delicious jam", "Cup","Mushroom", "Let's warm our hands";

For R, R" : "Chatterer", "Painter", "Turkey", "Horse",“Mushroom”, “Drummer”, “Accordion”, “Machine Gun”;for L: “Smile”, “Shovel”, “Let’s punish the tongue”.

2. Automation of each corrected sound in syllables byas far as setting:

a) S, 3, Sh, Zh, S", 3", L" are automated first indirect syllables, then in reverse syllables and lastly- in syllables with a combination of consonants;

b)Ts, Ch, Shch,L - vice versa: first in reverse syllables,then in direct and with consonant clusters;

V)R, R" is possiblestart automating from the simplestanalog and parallelgenerate vibration.

3. Automation of soundsVwordscarried out according toin the footsteps of avtomatization in syllables.

As he masters the pronunciation of each syllable, heintroduced slowlyAndis fixedVwordsWithwith this syllable.

4. Automation of sounds in sentences.

Eachspent inpronunciationwordimmediatelyturns onVindividual offers,thenin small racestales, nursery rhymes, simple sayings, poems with dans are selectedin a word.

5. Sound differentiation:

S-3, S-S", S-C, S-Sh;F 3, F Sh;Ch-S", Ch-T", Ch-Shch;

Shch-S", Shch-T", Shch-Ch, Shch-Sh;R-L, R-R", R"-L", R"-Y, L"-L;

6 . Automation of sounds in spontaneous speech (in dialogic speech, in games, entertainment, routine moments, excursions, work...).

Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words.

  1. Formation of spatiotemporal representations and optical-spatial orientation.

    Formation of the concept of sound-syllable sequence.

    Formation of the concept of the sequence of sound filling of words of simple and complex syllabic structure.

5. Development of comparative analysis skills: comparing words in which consonants and vowels are in different positions.

Development of fine motor skills of the hands and improvement of graphic and calligraphic skills.

  1. Development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers:

    • Finger gymnastics;

Exercises to develop free hand movements

    Various types of work with scissors, plasticine, paper;

    Working with the designer;

    Working with patterns and stencils.

Hatching in various directions, coloring.

    Development of visual-motor trajectories:

    work on visual-motor trajectories;

    graphic dictations;

    exercises designed for visual-motor memorization;

    drawing by dots, dotted lines;

    drawing ornaments.

    Development of auditory-motor coordination:

    auditory dictations;

    encrypted dictations;

    work according to verbal instructions.

Development of visual perception.

  1. Formation of the integrity of visual perception:

    • working with silhouette, contour, noisy, superimposed images of objects, letters and numbers;

      recognition of familiar objects, images of letters and numbers from an unusual angle;

      restoration from incomplete images of the whole, completing drawings and coloring according to the model;

      constructing figures, letters and numbers from sticks and individual elements.

  2. Developing the ability to concentrate and distribute attention.


    Drawing ornaments.

    Visual and encrypted dictations.

Work on enriching, clarifying and systematizing the dictionary.

  1. Clarification of the meanings of existing words.

    The accumulation of ideas and knowledge about objects and phenomena in the immediate environment.

    Expanding the verb dictionary.

    Expanding the feature dictionary:

    • Adjectives;



  2. Expansion of the dictionary of adverbs.

    Expanding the dictionary of numerals.

    Expanding the Pronoun Dictionaryand auxiliary parts of speech: prepositions, conjunctions, particles.

    Clarification of the lexical meaning of various prepositions.

    Enrichment of the dictionary on lexical topics.

    Learning generalization and classification.

    Learning to select related words.

Development of grammatical structure of speech.

1. Teaching the prefix method of word formation.

2. Teaching the suffixal method of word formation.

  1. Coordination exercise:

    • noun and adjective;

      noun and verb.

  2. Formation of the genitive plural of a noun.

    Formation of relative and possessive adjectives.

    Clarification of the meaning of the syntactic constructions used.

Development of coherent speech.

  1. Development of skills in constructing a coherent statement.

    Program development of the meaning and semantic culture of the statement.

    Establishing logic (connectivity, consistency).

    Toch clear and precise formulation of thoughts during the preparation processcoherent statement.

    Selection of linguistic means is adequatemeaningful semantic concept, for constructing a statement for certain purposes of communication (proof, reasoning,transmission of the content of the text, plot picture).

    Mastery of complex syntactic structures reflecting cause-and-effect and spatio-temporal relationships.

Activation of vocabulary, filling gaps in the field of lexico-grammatical structure of speech.

  1. Clarify the meanings of the words the students have.

    Continue enriching your vocabulary by accumulating new words related to different parts of speech.

    Clarify (consolidate) knowledge about the composition of a word. Develop the ability to select related words.

    Clarify the meanings of the prefixes. Develop (consolidate) the ability to form new words using prefixes.

    Clarify the meanings of suffixes. Develop (consolidate) the ability to form new words using suffixes.

    Clarify the lexical meaning of words formed using various groups of suffixes.

    Generalize (consolidate) knowledge about the morphological composition of a word.

    To develop the skill of using various methods of word formation.

    Clarify the lexical meanings of various prepositions.

    Form (consolidate) the ability to coordinate words in phrases, sentences, models of various syntactic constructions.

    Develop skills: programming the meaning and semantic structure of statements; establishing the logic (coherence, consistency) of presentation.

    Select linguistic means that are adequate to the semantic concept for constructing a statement for certain purposes of communication (transmitting the content of the text, plot picture, reasoning, proof)

Work to prevent and overcome dyslexia.

  1. Sound differentiation:

    by hardness - softness;

    by voicedness - deafness;

    whistling - hissing.

  1. Differentiation of sounds mixed (or defectively pronounced) in one’s own speech.

    Sound differentiation:

    by hardness - softness;

    by voicedness - deafness;

    whistling - hissing.

    Improving sound-letter and syllabic analysis and synthesis.

    Development of comparative analysis skills: comparing words in which consonants and vowels are in different positions.

    Consolidating knowledge of indicating the softness of consonants with vowels in writing.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

    Exercises designed for visual-motor memorization, prevention of kinetic dysgraphia.

    Work to overcome agrammatic dysgraphia.

    An exercise in distinguishing optically similar letters.

    Work to overcome optical dysgraphia.

    Improving the grammatical structure of speech.

Work to prevent and overcome dysgraphia.

  1. Development of speech analysis and synthesis at the level of text, sentence, word.

    Development of phonemic perception, ideas, differentiation.

    Development of phonemic representations, sound-letter analysis and word synthesis.

    Development of phonemic differentiation based on the material of hard and soft consonants.

    Development of visual differentiation based on letters. (First carry out the workby phonemic differentiation of sounds).

    Development of phonemic differentiation based on the material of voiced and voiceless consonants.

    Development of phonemic differentiation in the group:

    whistling - hissing;

    affricates and sounds included in their composition.

Development and improvement of psychological predilectionspackages for training:

  • stability of attention;

    observation (especially to linguistic phenomena);

    memory abilities;

    switching abilities;

    self-control skills and techniques;

    cognitive activity;

    arbitrariness of communication and behavior.

Formation of full-fledged educational skills:

  • planning upcoming activities: (acceptance of studiesno task; active comprehension of the material; allocationmain, essential in the educational material; definefinding ways and means to achieve the educational goal);

    control over the progress of one’s activities (from the ability to workmaster with samples until you are able to use specialself-control techniques);

    work at a certain pace (ability to quickly and efficientlybut write, count; carry out analysis, comparison, comparisonpressure, etc.);

    application of knowledge in new situations;

    analysis, assessment of the productivity of one’s own activities.

Development and improvement of communication skillsaptitude for learning:

  • the ability to listen carefully and hear the speech therapist teacher, notswitching to extraneous influences; subordinate youracting on his instructions (i.e., taking the position of a student);

    the ability to understand and accept a learning task posed in verbal form;

    ability to speak fluently in verbal communicationfor the purpose of clear perception, retention and concentrationaccurate execution of a learning task in accordance with the instructions received;

    skills purposefully and consistently (in accordancewith a task, instructions) perform educational actions and adekrespond effectively to the control and assessments of the speech therapist.

Formation of communication skills and abilities, adekspecific situations of educational activities:

  • answers to questions in strict accordance with the instructions,task;

    answers to questions during the course of study with adequateeffective use of learned terminology;

    answers in two or three phrases in the course and results of educational work (the beginning of the formation of a coherent statement);

    application of instructions (diagram) when preparing a deploymentthorough statements on the course and results of educational work;

    use of acquired educational terminology in connectionny statements;

    contacting a speech therapist or group matefor clarification;

    explanation of instructions, educational task usingwe eat new terminology;

    detailed execution sequence reporteducational work, summing up the lesson;

    formulating tasks when performing collective types of educational work;

    conducting a differentiated survey and assessment fromvetov of their comrades (in the role of leader of varioustypes of educational work);

    compliance with speech etiquette when communicating (address,request, dialogue: “Please tell me”, “Thank you”, “Bekind”, etc.);

    composing oral coherent statements from an elementmi creativity (fantasy).

Prevention and overcoming difficulties in mastering the general education program.

Prepared by teacher - speech therapist Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Deryabina

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 32"-KV Sterlitamak

Individual work plan (I year of study)

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds _____________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2 syllable words.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words _____________________________________________________

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use _________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogic speech;

Diary _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Individual work plan (II year of study)

from _____________________________________________ to 20___ - 20___

1. Development of non-speech processes:

a) develop all types of perception, attention, memory, thinking;

b) develop general, fine motor skills.

c) work on speech breathing, tempo, rhythm, intonation expressiveness of speech.

2. Corrective work on sound pronunciation:

a) through massage and articulatory gymnastics, achieve completeness, clarity, and switchability of movements of the organs of the speech apparatus.

b) prepare the articulatory apparatus for producing sounds ________________________________________________

c) clarify the articulation of sounds________________________________________________________________________________

d) automate the delivered sounds in all speech structures.

e) differentiate oppositional sounds.

3. Development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception, teaching the basics of literacy:

a) learn to isolate sounds from a number of sounds, from the composition of a word;

b) learn to select pictures for a given sound;

c) learn to distinguish vowels and consonants by ear;

d) learn to distinguish consonants by hardness and softness,sonority - deafness;

e) learn to find the place of sound in a word;

f) teach analysis and synthesis of 1-2-3 complex words;

g) teach typing letters, syllables, words and sentences.

4. Overcoming violations of the syllabic structure of words ____________________________________________________________

5. Expansion and activation of the dictionary.

6. Formation of the grammatical structure of speech: learn to use ___________________________________ correctly

7. Development of coherent speech:

a) teach dialogic speech;

b) teach detailed retelling.

c) teach how to compose a descriptive story, a story based on a series of plot paintings, a painting, a story based on a topic.

d) teach storytelling with elements of creativity.

Diary ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________