Gromyko Olga Cosmobiolukhi: all books in order. Gromyko Olga Cosmobiolukhi: all books in order Gromyko stories

Belorian cycle

Faithful enemies

Veres, once a great sorcerer, lost his power and vitality, falling under the control of Shelena. Her most important rival will not be able to harm her. But not all ideas are destined to come true. And the werewolf woman herself will have to hide from the villagers, fighting with various creatures. And only the enemy is ready to help. Trials and obstacles await the heroes; the most interesting story will not let you stop reading for a minute. Further

Profession: witch

A good work for lovers of simple stories, devoid of philosophical and scientific overtones. A light humorous and romantic twist gives the book a special charm. Scary witches and evil vampires in this world can be kind and sensitive creatures. All the simplicity and fascination of the story will make you fall in love and feel like your best friends with the main characters. Further

A magical world filled with sorcerers is revealed on the pages of this book. Volkha’s last school days are ending. There was an exam left, Len decided to prepare the young sorceress not only for them, but also for work as a local specialist. The girl’s joy knew no bounds, but instead of a prestigious position, she goes on an interesting journey to a country filled with vampires. Further

The final third book about the adventures of Volkha. A young witch is about to become the wife of a vampire. Instead of wedding events, she has to receive a new magical title. Duty forces you to postpone the holiday and go on the road. The sword that belonged to Saint Fendulius falls into the hands of the sorceress; Volkha meets her worst enemy. The fairy ship opens the Guardian's domain. The heroine has to fight with the strongest enemy, the ruler of Dogawa. Help comes from unexpected places, old enemies reach out. At the end, the long-awaited wedding awaits. Further

Women are dangerous creatures. Even more dangerous is an unemployed witch with a magic diploma, traveling in search of income and adventures through the Belorsky forests. Vasilisa the Wise also does not promise anything good, and one should not expect a miracle, and Koschey the Immortal himself would regret such a wife, and the fact that his life is endless. Further

Belor Chronicles

The Belorian lands are huge, and there is always room for heroic deeds! Well, at least it's a nice joke. Is there faith in predictions? Are small children dangerous? Where to buy fortune? How to catch the creatures of necromancy? How to weaken the enemy? What is more powerful: magic or a stick? What are the fears of wizards? Further

Year of the Rat

Year of the Rat. Vidunya

People tend to dream of power, of a myriad of material wealth, and for some, family well-being is enough. The paths of fate are inscrutable, only the Blessed Goddess influences this. Does the young traveler have enough fortune to make the right decision? Is there a way out for the young traveler? Further

Year of the Rat. Wayfarer

The difficult journey of three friends, driven by different life circumstances, continues. But the world around is going crazy, a threat looms over both kingdoms. Now not only Alka, Ryska and Zhar will have to face troubles. The consequences of the Year of the Rat are becoming more and more powerful; nothing can escape it. Where can they find the Wayfarer? Who can tell me the right way? What does the guitar have to do with all this? Further


Space boobies: before, between, after

How do the great space explorers spend their time when they are not traveling? That's right, they continue to travel on a smaller scale. Delivery of non-standard cargo does not allow for rest, Shoarr goods have the highest priority, Polina’s mother fights for the harvest, Roger Sakai wins the heart of the woman he loves. Further


For an unforgettable space flight, you can buy a decrepit flying truck, hire a cheerful company of pirates and get ready to laugh endlessly. The former space marine will have to fulfill a government assignment. In addition to enemies and robots, you have to worry about the team itself, which constantly finds itself in difficult circumstances. Funny plot twists and turns and memorable main characters will leave a pleasant feeling. Further


Once again, everyone got a new navigator together - it's time to hit the road! The team investigates the slave trade, but unexpectedly become the object of their work, slaves on a huge plantation. The plot is full of bright moments. There is a lot in the book: battles, funny situations, friendships. The question of the relationship between man and robot is raised. Further

The old team continues its journey and learns the various laws of outer space. The story is filled with indescribable jokes of the main characters, difficult tasks and difficult decisions. In addition to the beloved aircraft, readers will meet many new charismatic heroes and artificially created intelligence. Further

The journey on the “Space Braineater” under the control of your favorite captain continues. There was no danger during the journey. The team transported goods and met new heroes. While doing what they loved, they did not notice that the enemy was already nearby. Further

Once again, a team of familiar comrades sets off on the road. In the new work, the beloved characters of “Cosmobiolukha” meet again in order to return readers to a kind world filled with pleasant characters. Sergeant Major Petrov will not be able to forget his past life. The time will come when it will remind itself, and we will once again set off with the team to explore new planets and take part in the most beautiful space battles. Further

Can cyborgs save people from a variety of problems? The Space Brain Eater team doesn't think so. They are sure that robots only get in the way. How will they decide to fight them? The author in the new book of his favorite series talks about the influence of robotic creatures on humans, as usual, easily and with humor. Further

Sometimes achieving a goal does not bring the expected result. The evil company no longer exists, cyborgs are now on a par with people, and a special society has appeared to protect them. These creatures are different from each other, each requires a special approach, but not all of them are happy with this attitude and are not ready to give up their beliefs. And one pair of cyborgs causes a lot of problems for our friends. Further

A cheerful team celebrates the New Year holidays, engages in mushroom hunting and competes in male beauty. The orbital station is preparing for racing. More and more newcomers are being attracted to the UGC, and dark events are not long in coming. Many people are much less human than cyborgs. New developments by OZK are accompanied by a huge scandal. Further

No series

Black and unheard of in the Kingdom of Games in the summer night! Don't wake up, mighty guardians, ancient inhabitants of the mountains, proud hiers, pitiful priests, all-powerful deities and gawking idlers! Don't wake up, wild colored lands, creatures who have come into the world! Don't wake up, you won't be able to sleep soon. Further

The girl is an ordinary worker in the undead government service, beautiful, white-haired. The guy is an ordinary former history student who trusts only his weapon. Everyone is confident. But is it easy to destroy their beliefs? Further

It was Olga Gromyko and her “Cosmobiolukhi” - all the books in series and in order. Bookmark the list and share your reviews. 😉

Olga Nikolaevna Gromyko(September 13, 1978, Vinnitsa, Ukraine) - writer. Born at midnight from September 13 to 14, 1978. Graduated from the Belarusian State University with a degree in microbiology. Works at one of the research institutes in Minsk. Married, has a son. He hates cleaning, but he loves to surf the web. She mastered a lot of professions - from a janitor to a gas welder. Hobbies include growing bulbous plants, fishing, traveling anywhere and on anything, raising a child and husband, as well as collecting mugs and beer labels. He dreams of traveling around the world “to all countries and tropical islands.”

Writes books in the genre of humorous fantasy. Published since 2003.

Author of the Belorian cycle about the witch Volkha (“Profession: witch”; “Guardian Witch”; “Supreme Witch”; “Witch Tales”) and stories based on Russian folk tales: “Say a word for poor Koshchei” and “To whom in the New Kingdom to live well". In June, the Armada publishing house will publish Olga Gromyko's fifth book, Faithful Enemies. In addition, a huge number of her tales and stories can be found in her LiveJournal and on the website.

The novel “Profession: Witch” at the international festival “Star Bridge-2003” (Kharkov) received the “Alpha-Kniga Publishing House” (Armada) “Sword Without a Name” prize for the best debut novel in the genre of humorous and action-packed fiction.

Olga Gromyko's works are distinguished by irony, sometimes turning into sarcasm. The main characters of her books are characters that in traditional fantasy are classified as negative: witches, vampires, dragons, trolls, manticores and others. But in general, her works leave a good impression. The plot in her books is always interesting, they are easy to read, and hook you from the very first lines.

Olga about herself:

Gromyko Olga Nikolaevna. I don’t know how real this surname is, but after twenty-three years I’ve gotten used to it, so let my beloved husband immortalize his own. She was born exactly at midnight from September 13 to 14, 1978, in the city of Vinnitsa, Ukraine. At the moment she is from Minsk and Belarusian. After serving the required time at BSU, I graduated from microbiology and work at a research institute as a laboratory assistant.

I can distinguish three periods in my creativity - a frightening poetic period (from 4 to 12 years old, creepy poems about bunnies eaten by wolves and sad cornflowers), an entertaining writer (from 14 to 18 years old, friends and magazine editors who read this nonsense had fun) and a professional writer ( from 18 to this day, full of ambitious plans with more or less successful implementation). On the internet I’m fiddling around on my website The most frequently used nicknames are Witch and Volha. You can soap your neck at [email protected]

There are so many hobbies that not a single one is completed.

Favorite movie is definitely The Lord of the Rings in the Goblin translation.

The most often included music is folk and enigmatic, although I listen to almost everything.

At the MIBF, the Minsk master of sarcastic fantasy, beloved by thousands of fans, “the main red-haired witch of the CIS countries,” met with her readers.

VBP (which, as all her fans know, means “The Great Belorian Writer”) has not yet presented a new book, but she hinted that the post on her LiveJournal dated April 1 was not a hoax.

As always in the case of Olga, there was little space for her readers, and a crowd of admirers gathered around the Alpha Book stand, eager for answers to all questions and autographs for books that had already been read many times.

Olga held the meeting in her usual cheerful atmosphere: she told a sad story about blackbirds - about how she was offered to film her books and what came of it, or rather, nothing came of it. " Therefore, rather than have bad film adaptations, it is better to let books remain the standard", says the writer.

The eternal question of where inspiration comes from was posed in a new way this time: “How are your worlds born, because yours are so different”

“It seems to me that there is no writer without spunk,” Olga replies. “My worlds either come on their own or are born in pain over several days or even weeks.”
– Do you like to kill your heroes?
- I like to scare them. But seriously, I feel sorry for killing heroes. I myself do not reread books in which characters die, but I want people to reread my books, although I never do this myself. This is about the question of why there won’t be a sequel to “Year of the Rat” - because I don’t remember what it’s about. I feel sorry for my heroes, even last time I thought for a long time that if I kill a character in one of the stories, it would be very, very strong, but in the end all my friends asked me to let him live, and I obeyed. Even myself somehow felt better.
– In your last series of space fiction, many alien races were described. Have you ever thought that their mentality and characteristics resemble the peoples of planet Earth?
– No, I never thought about it. Two races were written from specific peoples - the Avshurs (from the Jews) and the Shoars (from the Chinese), the rest were invented in accordance with my knowledge of microbiology, because nature created everything before me, I just experiment a little. But perhaps there are some archetypes and information fields at work, there’s no getting around that.
It was quite natural to ask why, having written a book about rats, Olga does not write about cats, of which she has four, to which she explained: “ I like to write about things that haven’t been written about before, but I won’t say anything new. When I wrote about Volkha, there were no such stories and characters yet. It's full of them now. Then I went into space science fiction, because such characters were once written about in Soviet times, but for some reason they are long gone. Now, I see that the trail is already following me too. Now I’m looking for somewhere to go again...»

When asked about the age of the audience, Olga answered: “ I write primarily for myself, and therefore as I grow up, so does my audience. Now, if you open books for teenagers, it’s clear that I can’t write like that anymore, and therefore my audience, apparently, has already matured, from 25-30 years old, because I always write what would be interesting for me to read».
Olga’s favorite characters change from book to book, especially if the narration is in the third person: “ If I write in the first person, then I love this particular character, such were Volkha and Shelena in the Belor cycle. In “Kamalein Flower” my alter ego was Arkhain, in “Year of the Rat” Alk, they say he was especially successful for me. In the cosmic cycle - first there was Dan, then Stas, now there’s Kay... But you don’t know him yet...»

Remembering her last collection of stories, Olga was surprised that throughout her entire writing career, after 15 published books and several awards at science fiction festivals, literary critics noticed her only recently, after the release of her last collection of stories, which included the story “Kitty”.

« It's amazing how much chernukha is valued now. Such texts are much easier to write than humorous and light ones. What’s so difficult about it – smearing tears across the page, although I myself didn’t shed a tear over this text. I'm hardened by rats. I had a lot of rats, but they don’t live long, so I look at my current cats as long-lived rats and wonder: oh, is he still alive? Therefore, this text did not really touch me, although I understand that it is strong. I can write such texts, but I want to write something similar, something light and funny, so that the reader, after thinking a little about the text in one place, can relax and laugh in another, but it’s much more difficult to come up with jokes and funny remarks and situations».

– Would you like to work with anyone? With Aristotle, with Proust?
- With Tolstoy. Leo. He had volumes! We would have become friends with him! But, seriously speaking, I don’t want to work with anyone else anymore. I had an interesting but difficult experience of co-authoring with Andrei Ulanov, for whom I rewrote a good half of his part of the book, so it’s easier for me to work alone.

Olga Nikolaevna Gromyko(September 13, 1978, Vinnitsa, Ukraine) - writer. Born at midnight from September 13 to 14, 1978. Graduated from the Belarusian State University with a degree in microbiology. Works at one of the research institutes in Minsk. Married, has a son. He hates cleaning, but he loves to surf the web. She mastered a lot of professions - from a janitor to a gas welder. Hobbies include growing bulbous plants, fishing, traveling anywhere and on anything, raising a child and husband, as well as collecting mugs and beer labels. He dreams of traveling around the world “to all countries and tropical islands.”

Writes books in the genre of humorous fantasy. Published since 2003.

Author of the Belorian cycle about the witch Volkha (“Profession: witch”; “Guardian Witch”; “Supreme Witch”; “Witch Tales”) and stories based on Russian folk tales: “Say a word for poor Koshchei” and “To whom in the New Kingdom to live well". In June, the Armada publishing house will publish Olga Gromyko's fifth book, Faithful Enemies. In addition, a huge number of her tales and stories can be found in her LiveJournal and on the website.

The novel “Profession: Witch” at the international festival “Star Bridge-2003” (Kharkov) received the “Alpha-Kniga Publishing House” (Armada) “Sword Without a Name” prize for the best debut novel in the genre of humorous and action-packed fiction.

Olga Gromyko's works are distinguished by irony, sometimes turning into sarcasm. The main characters of her books are characters that in traditional fantasy are classified as negative: witches, vampires, dragons, trolls, manticores and others. But in general, her works leave a good impression. The plot in her books is always interesting, they are easy to read, and hook you from the very first lines.

Olga about herself:

Gromyko Olga Nikolaevna. I don’t know how real this surname is, but after twenty-three years I’ve gotten used to it, so let my beloved husband immortalize his own. She was born exactly at midnight from September 13 to 14, 1978, in the city of Vinnitsa, Ukraine. At the moment she is from Minsk and Belarusian. After serving the required time at BSU, I graduated from microbiology and work at a research institute as a laboratory assistant.

I can distinguish three periods in my creativity - a frightening poetic period (from 4 to 12 years old, creepy poems about bunnies eaten by wolves and sad cornflowers), an entertaining writer (from 14 to 18 years old, friends and magazine editors who read this nonsense had fun) and a professional writer ( from 18 to this day, full of ambitious plans with more or less successful implementation). On the internet I’m fiddling around on my website The most frequently used nicknames are Witch and Volha. You can soap your neck at [email protected]

There are so many hobbies that not a single one is completed.

Favorite film is definitely The Lord of the Rings in the Goblin translation.

The most often included music is folk and enigmatic, although I listen to almost everything.

Author: Olga Gromyko Title: Cosmoluhi: nearby. Volume 2 Series: Cosmobiolukhi: Cosmobiluhi: nearby Book number in the series: 2 Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-5-9922-2575-4 Abstract for the book “Cosmobiolukhi: nearby. Volume 2": Cheerful spacemen celebrate the New Year, organize a mushroom hunt and measure their male beauty. At the Carnival orbital station, preparations for the next race are in full swing. OZK is acquiring new personnel and wards... while clouds are gradually gathering over their heads. As it turns out, humanizing cyborgs is only half the battle; it’s much more difficult to teach… people to be human. Not all of them are happy with the activities of the UGC, especially after another development by its cybertechnologists, which threatens to turn into a huge scandal. And Kira has to make a difficult decision, and the “Space Brain Eater” team has to help implement it.

Author: Olga Gromyko Title: Cosmoluhi: nearby. Volume 1 Series: Cosmobiolukhi: Cosmobiolukhi: nearby Book number in the series: 1 Year: 2017 ISBN: 978-5-9922-2572-3 Abstract of the book “Cosmobiolukhi: nearby. Volume 1: Sometimes victory brings more problems than defeat: the DEX company is destroyed, intelligent cyborgs are officially equal to people, and the society for the protection of cyborgs, led by Kira Gibulskaya, is feverishly trying to cope with the “happiness” that has fallen upon it. After all, cyborgs, like people, are completely different, and everyone needs to find their own approach, which sometimes even the best psychologists fail to do. In addition, not all cyborgs are happy about the freedom that has overtaken them and do not want to sell their beliefs for a box of cookies, a pot of cocoa, or a volume of Basho’s poems. Moreover, even the couple who have already managed to be placed in reliable hands continues to break out numbers, adding gray hair to Stanislav Petukhov, and more adventures to the “Space Brain Eater”!

Authors: Olga Gromyko, Andrey Ulanov Year: 2007 A couple of young people, Lena, an inspector of the State Snow Protection Service and her partner, a former military man who has visited hot spots, the main characters of the book “Plus by Minus” in the joint creative tandem of Olga Gromyko and Andrey Ulanov. The main idea of ​​the work is to find mutual understanding between partners. Our heroes have their own habits, individual desires, different characters. That’s why it’s very difficult for them to find a common language when misunderstanding and irritation grip the main characters. But they are young, and doing a common task together, they begin to understand each other perfectly and read each other’s eyes. And when they start hunting you and it becomes very scary, only your partner’s back will protect you from danger. A dashingly twisted plot with chases and fights, light and kind humor complement the novel and make it exciting and interesting for the reader to read.

Author: Olga Gromyko Year: 2006 Already the first phrase of Olga Gromyko’s book “True Enemies” clearly states that the novel belongs to the fantasy genre. There really are sorcerers, werewolves, dragons... and a whole bunch of different fairy-tale creatures. The fairy-tale world is inhabited by two main characters of the book - sworn enemies, each of whom wishes the death of the other. The two central characters are complete opposites, but at the same time very similar to each other. Their fates coincide in many ways, only they are on different sides of the barricades. Both are accustomed to not trusting people, not to get too close to anyone - so as not to get burned later. Taught by bitter experience, they are afraid to love, make friends, and have family feelings. They just act differently. Shelena has learned to lie - she simply does not believe that anyone can accept the truth. Every day she wears a mask with a sweet smile, pretending to be something she is not. Veres stubbornly lifts his head to look everyone in the eye - he does not want to pretend and hide. In his opinion, it is better to endure the blows of fate, but not to bend, turning out from under the raised hand. Even if the blow promises to be fatal.