Alexander Mogilev. Top Choreographer

Dancer, choreographer, modern dance teacher Alexander Mogilev was born on June 2, 1986 in small town Kandalaksha.

Sasha started dancing late. As he says, his story is not like other dancers. Parents did not take him by the hand and did not bring him to the dance studio. He himself came to acrobatics at the age of 8, but six months later the coach left the city, the circle was closed. The only thing that Mogilev managed to do was to master the bridge and the twine.

He went to general education school well studied. His life might have turned out differently if not for the second attempt. Alexander Mogilev was 12 when he and his father came to the concert. A girl was dancing on the stage, and her movements impressed the teenager so much that he said: “Dad! I want to dance on stage."

They went backstage - the teacher offered to come the next year, because age group did not have. The impatient Alexander did not wait so long - he came to classes for kids, then to lessons for adults, and at the same time he was engaged in break dancing. Mogilev admits that he danced on the streets, in basements and garages, and made his own team. It was impossible to stop him.

In 2003, he entered the choreography department of the Petrozavodsk School of Culture, and in 2006, he entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. At the lessons, he felt the depth of modern dances and imbued with their spiritual meaning. Then there was a study at the Austrian Ballet Conservatory.

In 2006, Alexander Mogilev received the Grand Prix at the Winter Fantasies competition. Since 2007 he has been teaching modern dance in choreographic school Nikolay Ogryzkov, performs with solo numbers in Russia and abroad, participates in television programs.

Show "Dance"

Alexander came to the casting of the “Dance” project on Channel One in March 2015. One of the jury members then asked him what an accomplished choreographer was looking for on this show. Mogilev replied: "I haven't danced yet." During the selection, Radu Poklitaru noticed that in the column "Favorite choreographer" half of the participants indicate Alexander Mogilev.

Best of the day

On the “Dance” project, the guy performed brilliantly and fell in love with tens of thousands of viewers. He was called a serious contender for victory, and Alexander lived up to the expectations of the fans. According to the voting results, he won and received a two-million contract with the Leningrad Center Theater. The dancer never took advantage of the prize.

Show "Dancing on TNT"

Alexander Mogilev is called the top Russian choreographer, therefore creative Group"Dancing on TNT" invited him to participate in a new project. In the first season, he had to put on difficult numbers for the participants. One of the brightest choreographies of Mogilev is a number for Ilshat Shabaev, whom the participants called "the master of disguise".

Alexander did not know until the last whether he would be invited to the second season of Dancing. In one of the interviews, the choreographer said that TNT-shniks were offended by him for participating in dance show Channel One. But these are working moments.

Apparently, the negotiations were successful, because Alexander Mogilev was invited to "Dancing on TNT-2".

Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of the dancer and choreographer. The media wrote that Alexander Mogilev was meeting with his colleague Larisa Polunina. This information has not yet been confirmed.

Mogilev does not consider himself a "star", he calmly perceives when he is recognized on the streets. He tries to visit his hometown of Kandalaksha as often as possible, where he recharges his energy and rests his soul.

Alexander Mogilev says that it is more pleasant for him to be needed, in demand in the profession, than popular. Recently, he admitted that if it had not worked out with dancing, he would have become a pilot.

Alexander Mogilev was born on June 2, 1986 in the city of Kandalaksha, Murmansk region. Sasha started dancing late. As he says, his story is not like other dancers. Parents did not take him by the hand and did not bring him to the dance studio. He himself came to acrobatics at the age of 8, but six months later the coach left the city, the circle was closed. The only thing that Mogilev managed to do was to master the bridge and the twine.

He went to public school, studied well. His life might have turned out differently if not for the second attempt. Alexander was 12 when he and his father came to the concert. A girl was dancing on the stage, and her movements impressed the teenager so much that he said: “Dad! I want to dance on stage." They went backstage - the teacher offered to come the next year, because there was no suitable age group. The impatient Alexander did not wait so long - he came to classes for kids, then to lessons for adults, and at the same time he was engaged in break dancing. Mogilev admits that he danced on the streets, in basements and garages, and made his own team. It was impossible to stop him.

In 2003 he entered the choreography department of the Petrozavodsk School of Culture, in 2006 - the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. At the lessons, he felt the depth of modern dances and imbued with their spiritual meaning. Then there was a study at the Austrian Ballet Conservatory. In 2006, Alexander Mogilev received the Grand Prix at the Winter Fantasies competition. Since 2007, he has been teaching modern dance at the choreographic school of Nikolai Ogryzkov, performs with solo numbers in Russia and abroad, and participates in television programs.

Alexander came to the casting of the “Dance” project on Channel One in March 2015. One of the jury members then asked him what an accomplished choreographer was looking for on this show. Mogilev replied: "I haven't danced yet." During the selection, Radu Poklitaru noticed that in the column "Favorite choreographer" half of the participants indicate Alexander Mogilev. On the “Dance” project, the guy performed brilliantly and fell in love with tens of thousands of viewers. He was called a serious contender for victory, and Alexander lived up to the expectations of the fans. According to the voting results, he won and received a two-million contract with the Leningrad Center Theater. The dancer never took advantage of the prize.

Alexander Mogilev is called the top Russian choreographer, so the creative group "Dancing on TNT" invited him to participate in a new project. In the first season, he had to put on difficult numbers for the participants. One of the brightest choreographies of Mogilev is a number for Ilshat Shabaev, whom the participants called "the master of disguise". Alexander did not know until the last whether he would be invited to the second season of Dancing. In one of the interviews, the choreographer said that TNT-shniks were offended by him for participating in the Channel One dance show. But these are working moments. Apparently, the negotiations were successful, because Alexander Mogilev was invited to "Dancing on TNT-2".

Little is known about the personal life of the dancer and choreographer. Mogilev does not consider himself a "star", he calmly perceives when he is recognized on the streets. He tries to visit his hometown of Kandalaksha as often as possible, where he recharges his energy and rests his soul. Alexander Mogilev says that it is more pleasant for him to be needed, in demand in the profession, than popular. Recently, he admitted that if it had not worked out with dancing, he would have become a pilot.

Alexander Mogilev- dancer, choreographer, teacher modern species dance, participant and choreographer of the famous dance television projects "Dance", "".

Biography of Alexander Mogilev

The star of modern types of dance was born on June 2, 1986 in a small town called Kandalaksha.

The young man began to engage in dancing activities quite late. According to the guy's stories, at the age of eight he wanted to do acrobatics, but his coach soon left the city and the only elements that the boy managed to master were the twine and the bridge.

Mogilev studied pretty well at school, and if it weren’t for going to one of the city concerts where a girl danced, whose movements simply fascinated the guy, his life could have turned out quite differently.

Having told their father about their desire to dance, they turned to the existing one in the city, but there was no group of his age and he was offered to come the next year. But that didn't stop Alexandra Mogileva, he began to engage in breakdancing on his own and even assembled his own team.

In 2003, the future dancer entered the choreographic faculty of the school in Petrozavodsk, and already in 2006 he went to Moscow, where he entered the University of Culture and Arts. Further, Alexander studied at the Austrian Ballet Conservatory.

Since 2007, the young man has taken up teaching activities in Nikolai Ogryzkov.

Alexander Mogilev and his creative activity

In the early spring of 2015, the dancer attended the casting of the dance show "Dance". Many participants and members of the jury were surprised at what the project, which had already taken place on the stage, was doing, to which Mogilev replied that he had not yet fully revealed himself.

As a result of the project, Alexander became its winner, having received a contract with the Leningrad Center Theater for two million as a reward. But surprisingly, he never used it.

On the TV show "Dancing on TNT" Alexander Mogilev already took part in the role of a full-fledged choreographer and staged excellent numbers for the participants.

Personal life of Alexander Mogilev

At this stage of time, Mogilev does not advertise his personal life. It was previously believed that he was dating his colleague, but this data was neither confirmed nor denied.

The young man conquers everyone with his simplicity, calmly greeting people he knew before, and visits his hometown with pleasure, where almost everyone knows each other.

Dancer, choreographer, modern dance teacher Alexander Mogilev was born on June 2, 1986 in the small town of Kandalaksha.

Sasha started dancing late. As he says, his story is not like other dancers. Parents did not take him by the hand and did not bring him to the dance studio. He himself came to acrobatics at the age of 8, but six months later the coach left the city, the circle was closed. The only thing that Mogilev managed to do was to master the bridge and the twine.

He went to public school, studied well. His life might have turned out differently if not for the second attempt. Alexander Mogilev was 12 when he and his father came to the concert. A girl was dancing on the stage, and her movements impressed the teenager so much that he said: “Dad! I want to dance on stage."

They went backstage - the teacher offered to come the next year, because there was no suitable age group. The impatient Alexander did not wait so long - he came to classes for kids, then to lessons for adults, and at the same time he was engaged in break dancing. Mogilev admits that he danced on the streets, in basements and garages, and made his own team. It was impossible to stop him.

In 2003, he entered the choreography department of the Petrozavodsk School of Culture, and in 2006, he entered the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. At the lessons, he felt the depth of modern dances and imbued with their spiritual meaning. Then there was a study at the Austrian Ballet Conservatory.

In 2006, Alexander Mogilev received the Grand Prix at the Winter Fantasies competition. Since 2007, he has been teaching modern dance at the choreographic school of Nikolai Ogryzkov, performs with solo numbers in Russia and abroad, and participates in television programs.

Show "Dance"

Alexander came to the casting of the “Dance” project on Channel One in March 2015. One of the jury members then asked him what an accomplished choreographer was looking for on this show. Mogilev replied: "I haven't danced yet." During the selection, I noticed that in the column "Favorite choreographer" half of the participants indicate Alexander Mogilev.

On the “Dance” project, the guy performed brilliantly and fell in love with tens of thousands of viewers. He was called a serious contender for victory, and Alexander lived up to the expectations of the fans. According to the voting results, he won and received a two-million contract with the Leningrad Center Theater. The dancer never took advantage of the prize.

Show "Dancing on TNT"

Alexander Mogilev is called the top Russian choreographer, so the creative group "Dancing on TNT" invited him to participate in a new project. In the first season, he had to put on difficult numbers for the participants. One of the most striking choreographies of Mogilev is the number for, which the participants called the "master of reincarnations."

Alexander did not know until the last whether he would be invited to the second season of Dancing. In one of the interviews, the choreographer said that TNT-shniks were offended by him for participating in the Channel One dance show. But these are working moments.

Apparently, the negotiations were successful, because Alexander Mogilev was invited to "Dancing on TNT-2".

Personal life

Little is known about the personal life of the dancer and choreographer. The media wrote that Alexander Mogilev was meeting with his colleague Larisa Polunina. This information has not yet been confirmed.

Alexander Mogilev with Larisa Polunina

Mogilev does not consider himself a "star", he calmly perceives when he is recognized on the streets. He tries to visit his hometown of Kandalaksha as often as possible, where he recharges his energy and rests his soul.

Alexander Mogilev says that it is more pleasant for him to be needed, in demand in the profession, than popular. Recently, he admitted that if it had not worked out with dancing, he would have become a pilot.

Mogilev Alexander Sergeevich

Date of birth: 06/02/1986

Hometown: Kandalaksha (Murmansk region)

Marital Status: Single, in a relationship

Alexander Sergeevich Mogilev was born on June 2, 1986 in the small town of Kandalaksha in northern Russia, in the Murmansk region. For reference, in 2014 the population of this city was only 33.5 thousand people. Sasha began to dance in Kandalash, from the break dance direction that was fashionable at that time. He did break for a long time, and at the age of 18, in 2004, he even won the title of "best b-boy" at the dance festival "Engine" in the regional center, the city of Murmansk.

In 2003, Alexander Mogilev graduated from high school and entered the Karelian School of Culture and Arts (class of L. Yu. Vodynina), located in the city of Petrozavodsk, the capital of the Republic of Karelia. In 2006, Sasha graduated from college with honors. And on this he did not finish his studies, but entered the Moscow State University culture and arts at the choreographic faculty, which also graduated with honors in 2011.

But let's digress a little from studies - after all, in 2006, in addition to a red diploma, Mogilev had other achievements. So, he received the Grand Prix for the best choreographer's work at the competition of young choreographers "Winter Fantasies-2006", and also became a laureate for performing skills at this competition. Alexander was also invited to international festival young choreographers in St. Petersburg, in which a talented guy became a laureate of the 2nd degree. Since 2006, he regularly attends master classes of outstanding domestic and foreign dancers in all areas of choreography, developing and improving, and performs solo at various festivals and competitions in Russia and Europe.