Insult to the crusher. What did Viktor Drobysh say about Olga Buzova? Why Buzova and Samburskaya are in conflict

The other day, there was a conflict between the famous producer Viktor Drobysh and TV presenter Olga Buzova, who is now also an aspiring singer: Drobysh's ward Nastasya Samburskaya parodied Buzova, and Drobysh himself emphasized that Olga allows herself to perform too often to the phonogram. Since heated discussions of the situation began on the network, Viktor Drobysh decided to clarify his words. Read the details of the scandal on I WANT.

Olga, if you took it personally, I'm sorry.

But the producer opposes the constant use of a phonogram, while noting that many world stars resort to this, for example, Madonna, who recently.

As for Buzova, I honestly did not intend to offend her. I am against shamelessly using a soundtrack, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects.

The musician noted that so far he had not crossed paths with Olga and wished the TV presenter good luck on the stage. Also, in order to make amends and give the singer a chance to prove her talent, Viktor Drobysh invited her to participate in the "Star Factory" in one of the reporting concerts.

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Viktor Drobysh (51), the producer of "Factory", liked the performance, and he said that the music is not the best forte Buzova, she would rather work as a "nurse or cashier." Olya first publicly answered the producer to such a statement: “I thought that Viktor Drobysh only had a hairstyle from a girl, but it turns out that actions and actions are also from the weaker sex.”

And then during a conversation with Andrey Razygraev on Muz-TV: “How can a man insult a woman? Unfortunately, next to me there is no person, a defender who would take and drag him in.

And it seems that the tears on the air were not in vain, because Viktor Drobysh decided to apologize. Yesterday, live on Instagram, Drobysh said: “As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against it when they shamelessly use a phonogram, although many stars use it, for example, in television projects. Olga, if you took it personally, I'm sorry.

The conflict could be considered resolved if it had not intervened (32). “I try to either write good or nothing. But today I want to support Drobysh in his statement. For the heroine herself, who claims that she is being insulted, let me remind you what this word means (Insult is a deliberate humiliation of the honor and dignity of a person, expressed in an indecent form) When did the professions of “cashier and nurse”, which Drobysh suggested, become indecent ?! Victor's thoughts about plywood are also correct, "our show business is already not far from the f * s", and plywood, like a shovel, with the earth, digs it even deeper. True, not only one “star” is to blame here, but many are making their “priceless” contribution in order to hammer the last nail into our music industry. I don't think it's right to forbid someone to work, let alone condemn for it, but any artist is obliged to respect the viewer. And this is manifested not in Instagram posts “Oh, how I love you”, but in reality, in live sound, in real emotions that unite the artist and the viewer. I will not give an assessment to this, since the fact remains, popularity is growing, and all discussions, even mine, will only add popularity, albeit not much, with my two million, since quality is more important for me, not quantity! In terms of creativity here, there is no comrade for the taste and color, I don’t listen to such music, ”the actress said on her Instagram (Orff. and paragraph. The author is saved - Approx. ed.).

Speech by Nastasya Samburskaya on " New factory stars", which many fans of Olga Buzova's talents regarded as an attack on the bright image of their idol, received its continuation. Producer Viktor Drobysh rated the number extremely positively, but Olga Buzova herself did not go into her pocket for an answer to him.


"I am very glad that at this factory we have touched the "creativity" of Olga Buzova. She, of course, talented person, only, until now, no one knows what her talent is 🙋🏼 (hereinafter, the spelling and punctuation of the authors are preserved. - Note ed.)", Drobysh wrote on his Instagram page. From a professional point of view, he noticed that singing talent is definitely not her forte.

According to the producer, Olga Buzova's passion for performances to the phonogram makes her bad for the entire domestic show business, which is far from going through better times. "Therefore, the factory scene - the best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - "Buzova" 👍 although she is not a bad person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier! 👍, "Viktor Drobysh believes.

“In this story, only the manufacturers are sorry, because their producer will never be able to tell them how to really be the first in music, since his tracks only occasionally got into at least the top 200 of Russian iTunes,” she noted. Olga Buzova herself has much more notable achievements in this area.

"I am the only Russian artist whose album "Under the Sound of Kisses" is there, and so high. I am the only artist whose tracks eight times in a row became the most downloaded in the CIS countries and got one after another to the first places on iTunes and Google play," – modestly noted the performer.

She also found a comment for Nastasya Samburskaya. “And about the parody of the actress from the series Univer on me, I’m glad that at least after that, the country found out that Nastasya was trying to sing,” the singer pricked her rival.

The musician noted that he is not an ardent fighter with performances to the phonogram, because sometimes the technical equipment cannot provide high-quality live sound. After these words, Drobysh had to explain himself.


The master of Russian show business did not at all want to hurt the feelings of the aspiring singer. "Olga, if you took it personally, I'm sorry," the StarHit producer quotes. He added that he lives in a free country where he can express his own opinion in the field in which he is a professional.

“As for Buzova, I, frankly, did not intend to offend her. I am against shamelessly using a phonogram, although Madonna and many stars use it, for example, in television projects,” Viktor added. Drobysh noted that he was not going to continue to inflate the conflict, which prevents him from doing what he loves.

The musician is immersed in the New Star Factory project, where every week he has to prepare young artists for reporting concerts. “If she wants, she can come, but singing live is a condition,” he said to Buzova.

Publication from Olga Buzova (@buzova86) Oct 8 2017 at 2:08 PDT

Earlier, there was a scandal between the famous producer Viktor Drobysh and the aspiring singer Olga Buzova. Despite the fact that many show business figures admire her work, the producer did not find compliments for the star. The musician emphasized that she allows herself to perform to the soundtrack.

Olga Buzova is rapidly conquering the heights of Russian show business. The aspiring singer tours the country, collects full houses at concerts and records new songs. Despite this, celebrity work is regularly criticized. So, this time, music producer Viktor Drobysh made a parody of the artist.

The music producer and his ward, actress and singer Nastasya Samburskaya, in a duet with Daniil Ruvinsky, a member of the New Star Factory, came up with a number that made fun of singing to the soundtrack. After the concert went on the air, Drobysh wrote unpleasant comments about Buzova. “She is certainly a talented person, only, until now, no one knows what her talent is! As a musician, I am sure that music is not her strongest side. Furthermore! Elevating plywood into officialdom, she does badly to the entire Russian show business, which is already not far from the well ... s. Therefore, the factory stage is the best place for a talented ridicule of this impudent phenomenon - "Buzova". Although, she is a good person and could work, for example, as a nurse or a cashier!” — said Victor (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Note. ed.)