Milk destroys bones. It has been proven that milk destroys bones and teeth.

Drink milk to strengthen your bones? That's why you should stop believing in this myth. When we think about the benefits of milk, we immediately think of bones and teeth. Children are told to drink more milk to keep their bones and teeth strong and healthy, and women are told it will help prevent osteoporosis. But is milk really as good for bones as we always thought?

Research shows that countries with high dairy consumption (which includes most of the West) also have high rates of osteoporosis. But why do people who drink a lot of milk suffer from bone diseases if it is so beneficial? It turns out that calcium-rich milk may not be as beneficial for bone health as we once thought.

Dairy Problem #1: Animal Protein

Yes, milk has a lot of calcium, but here's the problem - it's full of animal protein. When digested, animal protein affects the acid-base balance of the body, increasing acidity. But, since the body needs to maintain it in balance, it starts a correction process to return everything to its place.

The problem is that calcium is a natural acid neutralizer, so the body takes it from the bones, bringing the acid-base balance back to normal. It turns out that we drink milk to obtain calcium, which leads to the consumption of calcium from the bones to reduce acidity. So milk takes away calcium rather than adding it.

Dairy Problem #2: Pasteurization

Cow's milk is made for calves, and in order for humans to digest it, it must go through a pasteurization process, which involves heating to kill pathogens and prevent the milk from souring too quickly.

The problem with pasteurization is that this process not only destroys various bacteria, but also the benefits of milk, namely probiotics, vitamin C, iodine and enzymes that the body needs to absorb calcium.

As a result, the milk we drink, regardless of whether it is whole, 1 percent, 2 percent, or skim, still undergoes pasteurization and ends up on store shelves.


Many studies confirm that milk actually harms bone health. And these studies are starting to outnumber those that show milk strengthens bones and prevents diseases like osteoporosis.

The 12-year Harvard Nurses' Health Study found that nearly 78,000 women ages 34 to 59 who drank dairy products for calcium suffered more bone fractures than participants who rarely drank milk.

The authors of the study commented on the results: “ These findings contradict claims that adult women consuming plenty of milk or other dietary sources of calcium protects them from hip or forearm fractures.».

Another long-term study looking at bone health and eating habits was conducted in Sweden and included 61,433 women and 45,339 men aged 11 to 20 years. And those scientists also came to the conclusion that there was no connection between drinking large amounts of milk and reducing the incidence of fractures.

On the contrary, they found that low-lactose fermented milk products, such as yogurt and cheese, did not have such a devastating effect on bone health and strength as regular milk.

Harm of milk - video

Calcium rich foods

In order to strengthen your bones, you need to eat food rich not only in calcium, but also in alkali. Then the calcium already present in the bones will not be consumed, since the acid-base balance will not be disturbed.

  • Raw broccoli (47 mg calcium per 100 g);
  • Dark green leafy vegetables, such as kale (150 mg per 100 g);
  • Almonds (264 mg per 100 g);
  • Bok choy, also known as cabbage or Chinese cabbage (105 mg per 100 g);
  • Figs (35 mg per 100 g);
  • Sardines (382 mg per 100 g);
  • Tofu (162 mg per 100 g).

Many foods, including grains, are high in calcium and therefore fit perfectly into your diet.

  • garlic,
  • spinach,
  • broccoli,
  • carrot,
  • salad,
  • green bean,
  • beet,
  • zucchini,
  • grape,
  • apples,
  • kiwi,
  • berries,
  • black currant,
  • figs and dates.

And want to strengthen your bones? Then reduce your salt intake, it promotes calcium loss. Don't forget that tea and coffee also flush calcium from the body. Sweet carbonated drinks are the enemy of our bone system. Drink more clean water. And include in your diet the foods that will be discussed further.

Apricots, dried apricots

Apricots contain vitamins A, C, E, K, potassium, magnesium, iron. These fruits remove salts from the body, which is why people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis often include them in their diet. Minerals necessary for bone density are also found in large quantities in dried apricots, so eating them reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis.

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Eating coconut pulp protects the body from osteoporosis. Coconut water is rich in calcium, which is essential for healthy muscles and bones. The active substances contained in coconut flakes help fight joint diseases. And coconut oil is very beneficial for teeth and bones and is often used in cosmetology. Do not forget that coconut can cause allergic reactions, so you need to use it wisely and in limited quantities.

Pumpkin seeds
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Zinc deficiency adversely affects our skeleton. The seeds contain a lot of zinc, which helps restore bone density. The level of nutrients after frying the seeds is reduced by half, so it is recommended to consume them raw. If you don't like to eat seeds in their pure form, add them to vegetable salads.

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Here we mean beef liver, chicken liver, and also cod liver. This product strengthens bone tissue well and supports healthy teeth, skin and hair. Chicken liver contains almost as much protein as breast meat. Those who love beef liver have strong bones, nails and hair. It is recommended to eat cod liver more often in case of fractures. But in order to avoid these same fractures, it is better not to forget to include this product in your daily diet. It is enough to eat 100 grams of cod liver once a week in order not to experience vitamin D deficiency.

photo: Getty Images/Moment

It is believed that sesame seeds hold the record for calcium content. They also contain a lot of copper, iron, zinc, protein, fiber and a lot of other useful microelements and vitamins. Calcium from sesame is perfectly absorbed by the body. By regularly adding seeds to your daily meals, you will protect yourself from calcium deficiency in the body and strengthen the musculoskeletal system.

Tofu cheese
photo: Getty Images/iStockphoto/iStock

Tofu cheese is entirely plant-based, made from soy, and is rich in protein and calcium. This is a true superfood for bones, it is useful in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, and increases bone mineral density. In addition, tofu is a low-calorie product, so girls who are watching their weight and sticking to a diet can safely include it in their diet. The daily intake of tofu cheese should not exceed 100 grams.


Spinach is not very popular in our kitchen. But in vain! Vitamin K, which it is rich in, plays an important role in bone metabolism and the renewal of bone tissue cells. One study conducted by the US National Institutes of Health confirms that including foods rich in vitamin K in your diet may reduce the risk of fractures. Spinach leaves can be eaten raw, boiled, stewed - whatever your heart desires! Prepare soups, salads, smoothies by adding spinach to them; it goes well with a variety of foods.

photo: Getty Images/Westend61/Westend61

In ancient times, it was believed that a person would improve his health and ensure longevity if he ate dates. They contain phosphorus, which strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel. A lack of phosphorus, on the contrary, can lead to fractures and cracks. The large amount of vitamin A contained in dates helps maintain healthy hair and strong nails.

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Accelerates the body's absorption of nutrients. Thanks to the calcium, potassium and magnesium contained in its fruits, figs maintain bone strength. You can eat both fresh and dried figs. But keep in mind that dried fruit has a significantly higher calorie content. If 100 grams of fresh figs contain 55 kcal, then the same amount of dried figs contains 257 kcal. Girls will also be interested to know that figs help fight hair loss and brittleness.

photo: fcafotodigital/E+/Getty Images

These citrus fruits will protect you from infections, strengthen your immune system, and also maintain healthy bones and teeth. In addition, regular consumption of oranges can help prevent the development of arthritis and atherosclerosis, and reduce muscle and joint stiffness. Orange juice is recommended for recovery from fractures.

photo: Getty Images/E+

Having little contact with the sun, we compensate for the vitamin D deficiency with the help of food. Salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring are fatty fish that contain a lot of vitamin D. The skeleton can never do without this vitamin, because its main function is to ensure the proper absorption of calcium by the body. Don't forget about canned fish, eat them straight with the bones - they are soft, edible, rich in calcium and beneficial microelements.

photo: Getty Images/E+

Remember the line from the song heard in the cartoon “Who Grazes in the Meadow”? “Children, drink milk and you will be healthy!” This is all true, and it applies not only to children, but also to adults. Milk, cottage cheese, and natural yoghurts are among the leaders in calcium content. Fermented milk products contain this essential element in an easily digestible form. It has been scientifically proven that people who regularly consume milk are less likely to encounter ordontological problems.

photo: Tetra images RF/ Tetra images/Getty Images

Just like spinach, white cabbage contains a lot of valuable vitamin K, which is necessary for the health of our bones. And in terms of vitamin C content, it is not inferior to citrus fruits. Pickled white cabbage is a real storehouse of vitamins that strengthen the immune system! Kale cabbage (also known as “kale”) is also rich in vitamin K, and it contains almost more calcium than milk. Calcium, phosphorus and, again, vitamin K can be obtained in considerable quantities from Chinese cabbage; it slows down the development of osteoporosis and strengthens teeth and bones. Which cabbage will you choose?

photo: Getty Images/Moment

Vitamin D, so necessary for the absorption of calcium, is most abundant in the yolk. It also contains phosphorus, which helps keep teeth and gums in excellent condition. By boiling a couple of eggs for breakfast, you are making the right choice in favor of a strong skeleton. By the way, it is often recommended to eat crushed eggshells as a preventive measure for calcium deficiency.


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The condition of bone tissue, the correct formation of skeletal bones, the strength of teeth, nails and hair depend on fluorine, which is rich in lamb. In addition, meat contains a lot of easily digestible proteins, potassium, magnesium and other useful minerals.

Calcium is needed not only for bones, calcium is one of the foundations of beauty. In addition, this is the effective functioning of the brain, heart, our activity, our energy, and the condition of our skin. Try to eat tasty and varied foods. Remember: there are no prohibited foods, you can eat everything, but in moderation. But calcium supplements must be prescribed by a doctor. You cannot drink them just like that, of your own free will.

Since childhood, we have been taught that to strengthen our bones we need to drink milk. Parents scare their children that if they don't drink milk, their bones will turn to jelly. Celebrities (although many of them do not drink milk at all) add credibility to milk by drinking milk in commercials and claiming that it was milk that led them to success in life.

The United States consumes a lot of milk, but recent studies show that American women over 50 suffer more hip fractures than in any other country except New Zealand and Australia, where milk is sold on par with sodas and slightly less than bottled water. . And in France, by the age of 50, the majority of the population resorts to dental prosthetics, despite the fact that this country ranks 2nd in Europe after Germany in terms of per capita consumption of dairy products.

A hip fracture is believed to be a sign of osteoporosis, which occurs due to calcium leaching from the bones. Doctors advise consuming more foods rich in calcium and, above all, milk.

In January 2014, a report by scientists (Faculty of Medicine, Yale University) was published, which talks about the connection between the statistics of bone fractures and tooth decay with data on the consumption of dairy products. The studies were conducted in 16 countries, with a total of 34 statistical studies conducted. Based on research data, 29 scientific papers have been published. The statistics are impressive: in 78% of cases, injuries in the form of fractures and cracks, as well as tooth decay, are associated with the consumption of milk protein in food, that is, a violation of the principles of a healthy diet.

The report states that consuming animal protein acidifies human blood and tissues. But the human body is characterized by an alkaline environment; the body fights oxidation in every possible way. The best way to neutralize the environment is to use calcium. As a result, the body begins to use calcium from bones and teeth. The neutralization of acid by calcium in the human body has been known since the end of the 19th century. New research was carried out by scientists from different countries for almost 20 years, from 1974 to 1990.

Since the beginning of 2000, the University of California (USA) has conducted a large-scale comparative study in 34 countries, comparing the statistics of bone injuries with the consumption of animal or plant proteins. It was noted that in one age group among people who practically do not consume milk, bone injuries were observed 3 times less often!

One of the latest studies involved women over 65 years of age. Observations were carried out on 1000 women for 7 years. The number of bone injuries in the group consuming large quantities of dairy products was observed 3.7 times more often. And the development of osteoporosis in this group was observed 4.7 times more often. Note that in the second group, women consumed about 50% of animal proteins. There were no vegetarians in the group, so there are no statistics on injuries in people who do not drink milk at all.

Statistics for rural areas in China are as follows: on average, rural residents consume only 10% milk fat, the number of fractures and cracks is 5 times less common than in the United States. In Nigeria, where animal fat is practically not consumed, femoral neck fractures are a rare injury.

Based on these data, it can be said that the benefits of calcium from milk is a scam perpetrated by the dairy industry. Consumption of calcium from milk is associated with a high risk of bone injury and tooth decay. Those who are thinking about how to be healthy should limit their milk consumption.

Recent scientific research has dropped like a bombshell, proving that milk does not strengthen bones at all! This is what the works of Swedish scientists say.

The study, which spanned nearly 20 years and included 45,000 males and 60,000 females, found that regular milk consumption did not reduce the risk of bone fractures. Moreover, women who drank 3 glasses of milk per day suffered from fractures more often than those who drank no more than 1 glass per day. Statistics have shown that people who regularly consume milk have a 60% increased risk of hip fracture and a 16% increased risk of any other skeletal bone.

However, this is not the worst news. The fact is that people who regularly consume milk have an increased risk of mortality. In men, this risk increases by 3%, while in women – by 15%!

Why does milk have such a negative effect on the body? Researchers have identified many more biomarkers of inflammation in the bodies of milk drinkers. Scientists have concluded that high levels of sugars such as glucose and galactose in milk are to blame. But scientists have long associated D-galactose with a reduction in life expectancy, oxidative stress, chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration and changes in genes. The condition for this condition is drinking 1-2 glasses of milk per day for 5 years.

Of course, milk is famous for its calcium content, but too much calcium, on the contrary, seriously weakens the skeletal system. How to be? And are there foods that actually make our bones strong?

10 foods for strong bones

1. Kefir and yoghurts
The experiment showed that fermented milk products have a beneficial effect on bone tissue. Women who regularly consume fermented milk products instead of milk, on the contrary, reduced the likelihood of bone fractures by 10%, and also reduced the risk of mortality by 15%. In this regard, it is useful to consume yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and sour cream. In addition to everything, the connection between fermented milk products and a decrease in oxidative stress in the body has been proven.

2. Cheese
It is worth paying attention to dairy products that undergo fermentation, in particular cheeses. These foods are rich in vitamin K2, a component that is important for strong bones. Cheese reduces the risk of mortality and eliminates other negative effects on the body. True, only natural cheeses (Colby, Cheddar, Brie or Gruyere) will benefit, while soy cheese and other “processed” foods will not give a positive effect.

3. Natto
This traditional Japanese dish, which is obtained by fermenting soybeans, is very popular among Asians and is also famous for its high content of vitamin K2. Researchers noted that people who regularly consume natto have stronger bone tissue, and healing in case of fractures occurs much faster. This is confirmed by scientists from the University of Tokyo, who also discovered the benefits of natto in preventing bone fractures.

4. Green tea
Drinking 3 cups of green tea daily may reduce the risk of hip fractures in women and men over 50, according to researchers. The likelihood of bone fracture in this case is reduced by 30%. Moreover, Texas scientists conducted their own study and found that green tea polyphenols improve bone health after 3 months of regular use and strengthen muscles after 6 months.

5. Prunes
Florida State University conducted a study on bone density in menopausal women. 50% of the study participants ate 10 dried prunes a day for 12 months, while the other half ate dried apples. The result was the conclusion that people who consumed prunes had higher bone density. The same experiment confirmed that eating prunes reduces bone loss.

6. Pomegranate
As you know, pomegranate effectively eliminates the symptoms of menopause, one of which is bone loss. A study conducted on rats whose females lost bone mass during menopause showed that adding seeds and pomegranate juice extract to the diet normalized this indicator within 2-3 weeks. This means that eating pomegranates will help a person avoid thinning bones and fractures.

7. Oranges
A disease such as osteoporosis is often called “bone scurvy,” and all because the fragility of bone tissue is affected by a lack of vitamin C. This is confirmed by studies showing that women with normal levels of vitamin C in the body have much higher bone mineral density. Not only oranges are good for bone health, but also papaya, strawberries, bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, melons, pineapples and cauliflower.

8. Black cumin (Kalinji)
Kalinji spice, incredibly popular in the East, is famous not only for its taste, but also for its benefits in the fight against 100 known diseases. This product can also help in the treatment of osteoporosis, a progressive disease that affects bone tissue.

There are a huge number of questions, disputes, myths and misconceptions about the dangers and benefits of milk. And all this comes from ignorance of what milk is (yes, exactly how to drink it correctly, when and in what quantity, and whether a person needs milk at all). Let's answer the most common questions, myths and misconceptions about milk.

Does milk strengthen bones?

Our grandmothers gave us milk that was larger, richer, and more filling because it makes us grow faster, and besides, milk helps strengthen bone mass due to the increased calcium content in this product. Is it so?

Let us turn to studies conducted in Europe and the USA. In these countries, according to statistics, milk consumption is much higher than the accepted average. Moreover, diseases such as osteoporosis, as well as fractures, are diagnosed much more often than in our country. Based on the studies conducted, it was revealed that it is calcium (which is found in large quantities in milk) that destroys bone tissue. It turns out that the more milk a person drinks, the more brittle and fragile his bones are. Why? Because animal calcium (from a cow, goat, etc.) is not absorbed in the body, but is excreted along with urine.

This suggests that those who regularly drink milk and those who do not drink it at all may have equally fragile or equally brittle bones.

If milk is harmful, but you like its taste (as a drink), does that mean you should give it up?

No, you can continue to drink it as your favorite drink. And today there are no statements that milk is harmful. The fact that milk does not have the benefits that everyone talks about (strengthening bone mass) is true. Therefore, you can continue to drink milk without any fears, but additional calcium in the form of vitamins will not hurt.

Is there anything healthy in milk? What does it consist of?

Milk is an emulsion in its chemical structure. It contains animal fat, vitamins A, D, E, K, B12. Moreover, if you really want to get all these vitamins, then it is best to consume milk with a high percentage of fat content, since there is nothing useful in skim milk (in fact, in its composition it is just water).

Can diabetics have milk?

Milk contains lactose, which breaks down into galactose and glucose in the human body. This means that constant and increased consumption of milk is not recommended for diabetics.

They say that milk is a source of vitamins, is this true?

If a person drinks 1 glass of milk every day, this is approximately 250 ml, then this amount will fill 1/3 of the body’s daily need for vitamin B12, as well as the entire norm of vitamin B2. Also, not completely, but still a quarter of the time, a person will be saturated with vitamin D and vital minerals - magnesium, potassium, selenium, linoleic acid.

It has been proven that linoleic acid, contained in large quantities in milk, is aimed at increasing the body's defenses, is an effective prevention of obesity and even prevents the occurrence of cancer.

It is true that milk, like valerian, can calm the human nervous system?

Yes, this is an absolutely true statement. Milk, especially warm and with the addition of honey, is known for its soothing and strengthening properties. Even in the times of the ancient East, milk was considered the most effective remedy for calming the psyche and treating nervous disorders. But, if now we usually drink milk at night, then at that time we drank milk in the morning. According to scientists and doctors of that time, milk and dairy products relieved drowsiness and made the brain work much more efficiently.

According to the theory of Indian scientists, it enlightens the human mind and helps to tune in to the correct flow of life.

Is milk harmful to the intestines? Is this product digestible normally?

Milk does not harm the intestines in any way; on the contrary, with the help of milk you can relieve the inflammatory process from the gastric mucosa. In addition, milk helps with severe heartburn, as its composition reduces acidity. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to drink milk; it will significantly ease a person’s well-being.

How does milk affect the functioning of the heart?

Whole cow's milk with high fat content normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This property is explained by the fact that the chemical composition of milk contains a large amount of potassium.

According to research, if a person with heart disease and impaired cardiac function drinks milk every day, then in this way he prevents the formation of heart attacks.

Potassium, contained in milk in large quantities, reduces the risk of a heart attack in a person with a heart condition and lowers blood pressure (it is recommended to drink milk every day for patients with hypertension).

Is it true that milk reduces weight and can be used to fight obesity?

Yes this is true. Milk, oddly enough, has the amazing property of reducing human body weight. Moreover, if we talk about this fact from a scientific point of view, it was noted: research was carried out within 15 weeks. 50 overweight people drank approximately 1-2 glasses of milk every day (total volume 400-500 ml). The other 50 people did not drink milk. Both groups ate the same diet.

After 15 weeks, all project participants were weighed. It turned out that all those who drank milk every day lost an additional 5 kg. This fact is difficult to explain, but still it exists. Therefore, those who suffer from obesity are recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of milk every day (of course, only if this drink is pleasant to you).