Reasons for the Fuhrer's hatred of the Jews. Why did Hitler not like the Jews? Causes of hatred, historical facts

The other day I was thinking, was it because of Wolf Messing that Hitler began to hate the Jews?

Messing made his famous statement about Hitler during one of his public speeches in Warsaw in 1937. This was said in front of a large crowd of people. And he said literally the following: "If Hitler turns to the East, he will perish!"

The Fuhrer was immediately informed about the prediction of Messing, a well-known medium, whose advice was listened to by Einstein, Freud, Pilsudski. The superstitious Hitler summoned his astrologer Eric Hanussen, who told the Fuhrer about his meeting with Messing and that the Jew was not a charlatan. Eric and Wolf collided one day on tour. The two psychics tried to probe each other's thoughts and parted ways. But Ganussen felt that he had lost this duel. Hitler was furious. He declared Wolf Messing his personal enemy and put a bounty of 210 thousand on his head. DM. At that time it was a fortune.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this hatred. Among them is attributed a meeting with a Jewish prostitute, who "rewarded" the Fuhrer with syphilis, the untreated of which leads to insanity and rabies. And hatred for some kind of power over Germany in the form of owning the majority of banks, factories, factories and shops. Fear of the Jews, associated with the struggle for power with the communists, who consisted mainly of Jews. And the idea that the hatred of the believing Fuhrer was provoked by the alleged murder of Christ. The theory of "inferior race" and so on. But it seems to me that Wolf Messing was not the last among the reasons for the hatred of the Jews.

Actually, Hitler's grandfather was a Jew. An examination of Hitler's family tree by his personal lawyer Hans Frank revealed that Hitler's grandmother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish home in Graz. And in general, there is a lot of Jewish in it, starting from megalomania))))))) (no offense, I am calm about the Jews, but some of them can be traced))))))))) and ending with ideology. In general, the Jews financed Hitler and helped him come to power. And his comrades-in-arms in the Nazi party were mixed with Jewish blood.

Maybe he just wanted to be the only Jew?))))))
