Voice children new season when the finale. The winner of the show "Voice.Children" Elizaveta Kachurak: "To fall asleep before the final, I drank a sedative

April 28, 2017 in the show "Voice Children new season 4". Channel One presents the premiere fourth season musical project"Voice. Children". The children's competition project is built on the same principles as the adult one. Of the thousands of applications for participation sent to Channel One, the music editors selected several hundred of the most worthy. During the preliminary castings, 120 people were allowed to participate in blind auditions. Now it's the turn of branded "blind auditions", "fights" and the final.
During the “blind auditions”, the mentors will select their teams, each of which will have 15 young performers aged 7 to 15 years. In the "fights" each team will be divided into threes and only one singer from each three will advance to the next stage. In the "battles" five vocalists in each team will compete for two places in the final. And in the final, viewers will vote on the air to name the winner of the entire project. Watch the finale of the show "Voice of Children" on April 28, 2017.

Voice Children new season 4 episode 11 (28 04 2017)

The intrigue of the season will be resolved: who will become the winner of the main children's vocal show country this year? Live, nine finalists will compete for the title of the best voice of Russia! Get ready to support your favorite participants, because Channel One will traditionally allocate all funds from the audience voting to charity. A storm of emotions, new songs and good mood- do not miss!

Voice of children from 28 04 2017

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Published on 28.04.17 23:41

Elizaveta Kachurak, representing the team of Dima Bilan, won the 4th season of the show "Voice. Children" on Channel One.

On April 28, 2017, the final was held on Channel One popular show Voice Children. The nine finalists took to the stage for the last time to compete for the title of winner.

As it was before, the viewer chooses the winner by SMS-voting or phone calls.

It is noteworthy that Channel One decided to transfer all the money earned from voting to the accounts of the Vera Hospice Assistance Fund - to help intcbatch children in the regions and the children's hospice "House with a Lighthouse" in Moscow.

This year, Dima Bilan's team is represented by three girls with quite powerful voices: Snezhana Shin, Alisa Golomysova and Elizaveta Kachurak. Nyusha will also bring the fair sex to the stage: Alina Sansyzbay, Yulianna Beregoy and Eva Medved. And in the team of Valery Meladze there is one boy - Alexander Dudko. In addition to him, the mentor prepared Deniz Khekilaeva and Stefania Sokolova for the final battle.

The young winner of the project performed the song Reflection by British singer Liv Dawson. The song was recorded in 2016. Dawson has released several songs but has yet to record an album. The song is first heard in the show "Voice".

Note that the top three finalists also included Deniz Khekilaeva (performed the song "Mother" by Svetlana Lazareva) and Alina Sansyzbay (sang Whitney Houston's hit "Queen of the Night")