Facts about jeff the killer. Creepypasta - Origin Story - Investigation IV - Jeff the Killer (Text version)

Who doesn't know the legendary maniac Jeff the Killer? The face of this hero is impossible to forget. The lips are cut from ear to ear, creating a horrible bloody smile. His face is reminiscent of a creepy puppet from Jigsaw and a scary nocturnal visitor.


They first learned about Jeff by reading his story, which, as they say, actually happened in 2007, and in 2008 was published on a foreign site. Later, it was naturally translated into Russian and they learned about Jeff in Russia and he is gaining popularity. Going to the Yahoo! website, many wrote that Jeff exists. Also, they sent me a link to one site where I found information about the MIA organization (MIA or if in Russian - MRU), where there was detailed information about this maniac.

MIA (MIA) - Monstrological Intelligence Agency (Same as SCP), which catches obscure creatures, dangerous killers and neutralizes them. A little about Jeff: External data: A young man of 19 - 20 years old in appearance, tall, thin build, pale face, light blue eyes, dark, long hair. He wears dark pants and a white sweatshirt. The clothes are stained with blood. He has a kitchen knife with him. Special signs: The eyelids are not visible, both cheeks are cut. Behavior features: It has a high speed of movement and reaction, smart, decisive, quick-tempered, extremely aggressive. Able to make contact (communicate). Suffering from severe schizophrenia and bouts of manic depression, has signs of suicidal behavior and narcissism. Often resorts to self-flagellation. History reference: In April 2007, after moving to a new place of residence, Jeff was regularly subjected to physical abuse from peers. At one of the children's parties, Jeff again became the object of bullying, and because of the aggressive behavior of teenagers, a fire broke out. Jeff was caught in a fire and was unable to leave the premises. Jeff suffered third degree burns on 56% of his body. In June 2007, Jeff was released from the hospital and returned home. That same evening, Jeff burned his eyelids and slit his cheeks. When his parents tried to stop him, Jeff inflicted a series of fatal stab wounds on them. In July 2007, the search for Jeff was transferred to the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ... Jeff became active after 3 months, committing a number of attacks on children. 7 of the 15 victims died from stab wounds. The rest were strangled. The killer attacked adults twice. In the first case, a man was killed when he found Jeff at the bed of his child. He was stabbed in the region of the heart, after which, Jeff fled. In the second case, the child tried to escape to the parents' bedroom, which provoked Jeff to kill two adults. The bodies of the parents were brutally cut with a knife, after which they were disembowelled. The maniac ordered the child to sleep next to the corpses and forcibly laid him between his parents, and after the victim did not obey the requirements and did not fall asleep, Jeff stabbed her 7 times with a knife. In August 2007, the results of the FBI's investigations were released to the IIA's politicians. On October 28, 2007, based on the analysis of the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), the existence of Jeff the killer was confirmed, but on this moment not caught.

Real or fiction?

Looking at this information, it's hard to say. After all this information about the MRU could have been taken from the sky and I cannot claim its existence, but I also cannot claim that it is a fiction. (Break your brain)0)

Welcome all!

Before we start our next investigation into the origins of creepypasta, I have to give you a little background on the creation of this video. In fact, I planned to release this video as the second, not the fourth. But every time I took on the story of Jeff the Killer, something always got in my way. Repeatedly, in a completely incomprehensible way, the source file of the video program was reset and I had to start all over again, which is why there was such a hitch.

However, my efforts have finally come to fruition and I invite you to participate in this new investigation.
So, today's episode is entirely dedicated to the super-popular creepypasta character Jeff the Killer. This character causes both adoration and hatred. For all his incredible popularity among fans around the world, Jeff for some reason is constantly persecuted by the so-called "experts". Only the lazy doesn't scold the story of Jeff the Killer and his fans. It even comes to such an absurdity as a deliberate underestimation of the rating of history on sites where there is the possibility of such an assessment of works. Of course, I will not name specific resources, so as not to disgrace them, but this really takes place.
I could never understand why Jeff's story is so hated. This has remained a mystery to me, I think the envy that this character causes is to blame. Jeff is as popular as he is simple, which is the envy of the authors of other, more complex, but less successful creepypastas.
However, we are not here for psychological analysis, we are going to mine prods, so we will move on to that.
It is clear that the story of Jeff the Killer over time has acquired a huge number of additions, rumors and fanfiction. And I would hardly be able to analyze all this material due to its volume. So I decided to turn to the very first story about Jeff. Everyone remembers her: this creepypasta lies in the fact that a note was placed in some American newspaper. It spoke of a strange incident that happened in one of the small American towns. At night, a certain kid woke up from the feeling that someone was looking at him. Behind the curtains of the window, he saw frightening eyes roll out, then someone jumped from the window sill into the room and attacked him. However, the boy somehow miraculously managed to fight off the attacker and he disappeared, cutting the boy's father with a knife along the way.
Unfortunately for researchers, there are appallingly few references in this story to cling to for a full-fledged investigation. You could even say that they don't exist at all. It would seem that neither the place where these events took place, nor the time in history is indicated, and there is nothing to study ... However, in this frightening story there is one thread that you can pull if you wish, this is the very beginning of creepypasta ... You already, Surely you guessed what I'm talking about. That's right, this is an indication that the article was published in the newspaper...
Before I get to the proofs, do you think this story is true? Don't rush to answer...
So, if you are Jeff fans, then you can rejoice, I managed to dig up unique information regarding the story of your beloved Jeff the Killer, which is nowhere else on the network, and now no one can call this creepypasta nonsense and fiction.
You are ready? Then let's go!
You can imagine how many states in America, how many cities in America, how many suburbs these cities have, how many districts there are, and each more or less large settlement has its own press. It is probably impossible to search for an article in such a number of publications, and even using such modest, overly general data. When I started work, I basically did not believe in success. But I had an interesting thought: I thought the first story didn't say that the character's name is Jeff. Then where did this name come from? I decided to proceed initially from the fact that the story has a real background, then it can be assumed that the author of the first creepypasta put in his own words a well-known case that he might have heard about or read directly. And subsequent stories were written by those who decided to clarify and, of course, fantasize reality. Therefore, I began to look for mentions in the American press, where, apart from known facts, the name Jeff or something consonant with it could sound ...

As a result of the enormous work done, I found many publications suitable for the note described in the story, but I singled out only one of them, which I am going to present to you. Why I chose this particular article you will understand in the course of the argument: so, in the November issue of the New Orleans newspaper Gambit Weekly for 2004 (now renamed simply Gambit, her original name) in the incidents section, a note was published in which it was very briefly reported that a certain unknown person had attacked a private house on the Mississippi coast in Terrytown, as a result of which one person was injured. Of course, there are no other details such as the words of the victims or the description of the appearance of the attacker. It is also not specified exactly where this place is located, since Americans really do not like it when they climb into their personal lives, the press does not publish such details, but I think it is somewhere on Patterson Drive, which runs along the riverside in Terrytown.
It would seem, why exactly this note attracted my attention? Yes, because Terrytown is a suburb of New Orleans, which is part of the administrative district (district) of Jefferson ... Then I mistakenly decided that the name of Jeff the Killer was from here. However, later I realized that this was an incorrect assumption, which, meanwhile, in a strange way, led me to unravel this mysterious story.
In December 2004, the Times-Picayune, a major Louisiana newspaper, reported in the Crime News section that police were looking for a suspect. Information of this kind is often published in the newspaper, it would seem that there is nothing of the kind in this, but it is alarming that the wanted person, according to the description, did not have eyebrows, perhaps he shaved them off or it was some kind of defect in appearance.
And now the most interesting thing: in the May issue of the same The Times-Picayune for 2005, an article was published about the police detention of a resident of Algiers Point (this is the administrative district of New Orleans) on suspicion of committing an attack. Which one is not specifically specified, but geographically it can be assumed that it is the one mentioned in the Gambit Weekly newspaper. As follows from the publication, the suspect subsequently had to be released due to insufficient evidence. But here's what alerted and attracted my attention: firstly, the suspect turned out to be a student at Delgado College, it is understandable why the police were interested in him, because the college is located relatively close to Patterson Drive, where the attack was made in 2004. Secondly, the suspect, according to The Times-Picayune, had his eyebrows completely shaved off. And third, the detainee's name, attention: Geoffrey Jay. Norby.
It can be assumed that at the time of the events described, he was from 18 to 23 years old, given the age at which Americans enter colleges. Based on Delgado's college profile, it can also be assumed that he was trained in a technical specialty (hence the subsequent stories about acid and so on).
Thus, I can say with confidence: here is your Jeff. Your favorite Jeff, or rather his prototype.
Friends from the United States, whom I connected to work on this project, promised to send me an identikit of the suspect, it would be interesting to compare how similar or different he is to Jeff the Killer, but so far I have not received anything, but if the materials reach me, I promise to post them additionally.
Unfortunately nothing about further development stories me and my friends could not collect.
In August 2005, as everyone knows, Hurricane Katrina almost completely wiped New Orleans off the face of American soil. Public, private and even police archives were destroyed. The information that was available to me is extremely abrupt and incomplete.

Now let's analyze the collected information a bit:
It is clear that such a story, which excited the town in 2004, could not go unnoticed by the public. But then there was a hurricane that turned the lives of hundreds of thousands of people upside down and in the confusion they simply forgot about all this ... This is what the author most likely counted on when he used real story to create a paste.
The story of Jeff the Killer appeared sometime in 2008, apparently in the wave of creepypasta popularity caused by the Wyoming Incident, made around the same time, someone from New Orleans remembered that story and put it in paste form.
Now about Jeff's appearance: rumor ascribes to him a frightening abnormal look associated with the absence of eyelids, it is clear that without eyelids he would not be able to walk for a long time and at least would ruin his eyesight. Meanwhile, the lack of eyebrows, like Jeffrey Jay. Norby can also make the look quite strange and frightening. Now you understand why I became interested in these particular publications?
The appearance of the character was simply modified to a classic, perhaps inspired by the Joker from Batman.

I would like to finish on this, but I don’t put an end to it, because I will probably get new materials about Jeff and then I will certainly publish them here.
Well, Jeff fans can no longer pay attention to all kinds of criticism, because the story of their favorite character, surprisingly, turned out to be just one of the few creepypastas that has a real background. It's possible that Jeffrey Norby is still alive today, he should be in his 30s or even younger now depending on when he entered college, so all Jeff fans theoretically have a chance to meet their idol in real life...

And then it suddenly occurred to me: maybe Jeffrey Norby himself wrote the paste about Jeff the Killer???!!!

Jeff the killer is a popular creepypasta character. Stories about this character are very popular in America. Many people are interested in whether Jeff the Killer really exists, and they even spend to make sure of this. TO distinctive features in appearance, scary eyes, lack of a nose and a wide smile can be attributed.

Does Jeff the Killer exist in real life?

To understand whether this is fiction or a lie, let's first look at the history of its appearance. According to the existing legend, Jeff was born into a prosperous family, and everything would be fine, but behind the boy's back there lived a demon who was waiting for a good opportunity to take possession of him. At the age of 13, in one fight, Jeff was doused with alcohol on his face and then set on fire. After looking at himself in the mirror, he went crazy and cut his mouth almost to the ears with a knife to make it look like he was always smiling. The once soft and joyful boy became angry and aggressive. From that moment he took possession of Jeff and he began to kill. At first they were offenders, and after relatives. Evidence that Jeff the Killer exists regularly appears on the Internet, along with descriptions of his massacres. Interestingly, in fact, there is a similar story about a boy, but there are no facts of his bloody adventures.

To make sure whether Jeff the killer exists or not, you can perform a special ritual. To do this, you need to take lipstick, a rag, a knife, four sheets of paper, a marker and adhesive tape. At night, when everyone is asleep, you need to go out to the entrance. On the wall of the fifth floor, you should write “Go to sleep” with lipstick. Above the inscription you need to draw a wide smile. After that, a sheet is glued on the ground floor, on which write “I” with a marker, on the next floor - a sheet with the inscription “Not”, on the third - “I want” and on the fourth - “Sleep”. Then you need to go home and wait about an hour. During this time, you can do anything. After the time has passed, you should go to the entrance and see what has changed. Evidence that Jeff the Killer exists can be seen by checking the leaflets hung on the floors. If he got in touch, then the sheets may be overhung or wrinkled, and another clear sign is the smell of rot. Having noticed all these facts, you need to run to the fifth floor as quickly as possible, wrap the knife with a rag and erase the phrase and smile written in lipstick. These actions will help drive out Jeff the killer. If nothing has changed, it means that he felt that you were unworthy of a meeting.

Even people who are far from Internet horror stories know Jeff the Killer - who has not been sent a terrible photo with a noseless, smiling face in his bloody mouth, signed with the words: "Go to bed!" Jeff is reminiscent of both, and a chilling image from the movie Saw. The young psycho appeared in America, but instantly gained popularity around the world. They say he is seen at the beds of small children in almost every spot on the planet.

History of appearance

The character appeared in the virtual space in the creepypasta format - horror stories distributed online in the form of stories or pictures. Jeff is considered one of the first creepy heroes, who later managed to outshine popular maniacs and incomprehensible creatures. For example, it is a successful competitor, although the Thin Man is not easy to get around in terms of the complexity and creativity of the idea.

In 2008, a user under the nickname Sesseur presented a video in which he spoke about the events that happened to two brothers named Woods. Over time, the cruel maniac killer Jeff gained an army of fans, a whole competition flared up, as a result of which amateur cartoons, comics, and stories flooded the Internet.

Some tried to explain the mystery of the American teenager in the fanfiction "From a Medical Point of View", others began to compose mini-stories that were included in the cycle under the general name "Days after the murders". As is often the case, the collective fantasy began to combine Jeff with other characters, no less scary. For example, collections dedicated to the couple Jeff the Killer / roam the net.

The younger generation believes that the idol lives in real life and it is easy to call it, one has only to perform a special ritual. Internet users generously share recipes for a "guaranteed" meeting with Jeff the Killer.

The author of the young maniac endowed his offspring with a monstrous appearance. The description is really frightening - a white, noseless (all that remains of the nose is two holes) face, on which a smile carved into the cheeks flaunts. Scorched eyelids formed a black edging around the eyes. The killer's eyes are wide open, even when he sleeps, so he has to use a night blindfold.

Height, weight and age parameters vary. Some are sure that the character has no age, because he lost touch with time, he himself does not know how old he is, and therefore remained a frail teenager a little over 160 cm. Others prefer to adhere to human standards. At the time of the tragedy in American family, and this is 2009, Jeff is 13 years old. So today he is 23 years old. The height of the young man is 192 cm.

The character of Jeff is also folded bit by bit. The result is a perverted psychopath who is drawn to murder by an unknown force. However, some authors call the hero kind - he loves animals, in videos he often strokes street cats and dogs.

Fans are still arguing about the Jeff phenomenon - is it a fiction, or does it really exist. Information is circulating on the net that a boy with a similar biography really lived, only he was not a killer. And the author of the character allegedly admitted that the first image posted on the Internet is just a face unknown person in a latex mask, slightly touched by photoshop.

Fans are looking forward to the film adaptation featuring this creepy character. The news that a horror movie was planned to be shot spread around the Internet a few years ago. Even a trailer for a new tape appeared on the network, but things are still there. The premiere was announced in 2015, then in 2017, now there are rumors that the picture will appear only in 2020.


In 2008, the Woods family moved to a new residence in the city of Madison (Wisconsin, USA), because his father was promoted, and he decided that now he should live in a more prestigious area. In the new place, Jeff began to experience an incomprehensible feeling of aggression when his parents insisted on their opinion. One day, the boy, along with his older brother Lew, was waiting for a school bus at a bus stop. On this day, life was divided into “before” and “after”. Local teenagers pestered the Woods, a fight ensued. Jeff was seized with an unprecedented rage, and during the scuffle, he wounded one of the offenders with a knife, beat the other severely.

The next day, the police came to the Woods house with accusations of a cruel crime, Jeff did not deny it and confessed everything. However, Lew took the blame for his brother, who was immediately taken away by law enforcement officers. The teenager was threatened with a year in a penal colony.

For two days, Jeff sobbed into his pillow, feeling guilty and suffering from the inability to speak out, because he had not yet managed to acquire new friends. A visit to the neighbors, where they celebrated the birthday of one of the children, helped to distract from sad thoughts. Jeff enthusiastically played “shooters” with the kids, but suddenly the boys, who had a fight at the bus stop, interrupted the fun - they came to take revenge.

Started bloody fight, during which Jeff killed a rival named Randy. The fight with the remaining two teenagers continued already inside the house, in the bathroom, where bleach spilled from the shelf on the young militants. One of the opponents threw a lighter in Woods's face.

Jeff woke up in the hospital. When the bandages were removed, the boy was horrified to see his own disfigured face in the mirror - his lips were burnt to meat, his hair turned black, and his boiled-white skin lost its sensitivity. The young man suddenly realized that on that fateful day something broke in his head, and he turned into a creature that was born to kill.

Later, Jeff cut his cheeks with a knife, because the stretched skin did not allow him to fully smile, and burned his eyelids in order to “see his own reflection in the mirror”, because his eyes were constantly closed. Seeing such a picture, the mother rushed to her husband and asked to get a gun. The disfigured son stabbed his parents, and then his sleeping older brother.

His story of "transformation" has another version, not so meaningful and romantic. One day, Jeff was going to clean the bathroom. To do this, he brought a gallon of acid, but slipped on a bar of soap and fell. The liquid got on his face, forever changing the appearance of the boy. In the hospital, the character did not last long, escaped and began to kill people.

A scattering of stories tells about the bloody deeds of a maniac, part comes out under the heading "A Day in the Life of Jeff the Killer." A curious milestone in the hero's biography concerns heartfelt affection: the young man liked a girl named Jane, but his parents prevented the lovers from meeting, then the young psychopath killed them. And Jane swore that she would take revenge.

A young man suffering from severe schizophrenia and bouts of manic depression has a particular fondness for killing children. First, he watches the victim, sitting by the bed. If the child woke up, he puts a knife to his throat and persuades him to continue sleeping: “Why are you not sleeping? Close your eyes and sleep." The main thing is to obey, then the maniac calms down. Intractable Jeff kills with a knife or strangles. Sometimes a terrible psychopath acts more sophisticatedly - gouges out the victim's eyes, cuts off body parts.

The question of whether the young man is alive or not remains open. Fans, of course, believe that the sinister killer is at large, lives in the vicinity of the same Madison. At the very least, terrible police reports appear on the net and "newspapers" from time to time.