What does the sign “sprinkle sugar” mean? Why sprinkle sugar: sweet beliefs.

The article will tell you in detail about the signs that are associated with spilled sugar.

From time immemorial, people have invented signs in order to pass them on as experience to their ancestors. Signs appeared quite simply by observing the consequences of certain cases in everyday life.

Perhaps everyone knows the sign about spilled salt. They say that this is a sign of bad events and quarrels. Most often, salt was spilled accidentally, but in some cases it was done on purpose, to quarrel people or simply as a sign of the outbreak of war.

Unlike salt, spilled sugar(in any form: sand or cubes) – this is a good omen, because sugar is a symbol of a well-fed and sweet life. Since ancient times, not everyone could sprinkle sugar, because it was a rather “expensive pleasure.” If there was sugar in the family, it was not stored on the table, but in a jar and in very small quantities. That is why scattered sugar became a good omen and a sign of profit, they say, if they were able to scatter it, it means the family is prosperous.

The sign should be interpreted based on exactly how the sugar was scattered. You should also pay attention to the amount of spilled sugar. Eg, sprinkle a little sugar - one-time profit(bonus, winnings, additional payment, repayment of debt). Sprinkle a lot of sugar - a stable and large income awaits you in the future, simply put, wealth.

IMPORTANT: In superstitions, sugar is always the opposite of salt, and if spilled salt is a bad omen, sugar is a good omen. Salt (absolutely any) - quarrels and discord, scattered sugar - peace and love. It is believed that in order to make peace with a person, it is enough to throw a pinch of salt between you and the object of the offense.

A family that is in a quarrel often spills large amounts of sugar in order to make peace and find common ground. An interesting tradition says that sugar should be thrown on newlyweds to bring them a long, happy and rich life. Sugar can be sprinkled in pinches or handfuls, or simply sprinkled on the road.

Few people know that Scattered sugar is not only financial wealth, but also success in love. This sign is especially true for young and unmarried girls. Scattered granulated sugar should bring her an acquaintance with a potential groom and help her find happiness in her personal life.

INTERESTING: In addition to the fact that spilling sugar is a good omen, it is believed that it should not be removed immediately. Let the sugar sit for a while and only then collect it. But under no circumstances throw it in the trash! Carefully sweep it into a dustpan and take it outside, sprinkling it on the soil.

Signs about sugar

Why sprinkle sugar on the table?

The place where the sugar was scattered also plays a big role in the interpretation of the sign. It is worth noting that sugar most often spills on the table, since the sugar bowl is placed there. Sugar on the table is a good omen, which portends you satiety, prosperity, a sumptuous table and excellent financial condition.

If you scattered a spoon or a handful of granulated sugar on the table, this sign says: “you will live comfortably for a whole year.” That’s why don’t scold yourself for spilled sugar, because it only brings positive changes and a happy future to you.

"Sugar" signs about love

Why spill sugar on the floor?

In some cases, it happens that sugar spills onto the floor. This is also a good omen that predicts material wealth for the family and home. Besides, sugar on the floor - good luck in love.

If an unmarried young girl scatters sugar, this should attract her to the desired meeting with a potential groom. If a woman in a marriage scatters sugar (as well as a man), this is a sign that this person will soon have a whirlwind romance “on the side.”

If both spouses scattered sugar, this sign portends a long and joyful marriage. with mutual understanding and peace. Another “not modest” interpretation of the sign is a sexual relationship soon.

On the way from the store, the following situation often happens: A bag of sugar bursts or breaks - this is also a good sign. The sign tells you that you will soon gain much more than you will lose. Another meaning is unexpected profit, unexpected money.

IMPORTANT: Know that any signs are true and have a positive meaning only when they happen by chance and not on purpose.

Good omens about sugar

Scattered sugar at the door: a sign

Often salt or even earth is deliberately spilled at the door. This ritual is of a negative or protective nature (in the case of salt). Sugar can also be spilled near the door (you never know: you walked with a sugar bowl or carried a bag of sugar).

Such a sign may suggest that pleasant changes will soon await you and your home: renovations, acquisitions, purchases. Another meaning is the material wealth of family members (bonuses, profits, repaid debts). The last meaning is that “sweet” guests will come to the house, i.e. those people who are pleasant to you and whom you are glad to see.

Why scatter lump sugar?

It is much more difficult to crumble lump refined sugar, but it is also possible. There are a number of special interpretations for this:

  • Scattering a lot of sugar cubes means a new profitable job, a large and stable income.
  • Drop one piece of sugar - your debt will be returned or you will receive a gift (a sum of money).
  • Bite a piece of sugar and scatter the crystals - your financial situation will improve significantly soon.

How to understand signs about sugar?

What to do if you spilled sugar?

Sugar scattered by accident must be returned to the earth (from where it was taken from beets using a complex technological method). This is an important part of following the sign, so that it will certainly come true and bring you good changes. Along with throwing sugar into the trash, you are throwing away your dreams, desires and money.

Video: “If sugar crumbles, it’s a sign”

It is believed that if salt is spilled in the house, there will definitely be a quarrel or scandal. But why do they sprinkle sugar? He will accept this much less than superstitions associated with salt or honey. There is only one explanation for this: in ancient times it was an expensive product, the sweet taste of which few could afford to enjoy. Signs about sugar have survived to this day; there are quite a lot of them, so you can determine which one is suitable for a particular case based on the situation.

The value will be

If you accidentally spill sugar on the floor or table, there is no cause for concern. The sign says that if the sugar has crumbled, a sweet life awaits the person.

  1. In the near future you will be able to become the owner of a decent amount of money. Moreover, the source of income can be anything: an increase in wages, a good inheritance, concluding a profitable deal.
  2. For an unmarried girl, spilling product on the floor or table means showing attention from a man. You need to be prepared to be invited to a romantic date or receive a gift.
  3. For a man, spilling granulated sugar on the floor or table is a sure sign that the time has come to act in love affairs: he will be able to win the heart of even the most unapproachable girl.
  4. A product overturned along with a can on the floor is evidence of problems with loved ones. This superstition promises improved relations with them. People with whom you have an argument or disagreement will soon become softer and more loyal. Also, sugar accidentally spilled on the floor or table promises calm and balance to a tired person.
  5. If unmarried girls scatter sugar, for them this means a sharp turn of events in their personal lives: soon they will meet a loved one, the relationship with whom will end in a wedding. Moreover, family life will be sweet and happy. In order to enhance the effect of such a superstition, you should draw a heart on the surface with sugar.
  6. For a girl who does not want to get married, spilled sugar means an interesting and pleasant meeting with a guy. Such communication does not oblige you to anything and does not entail any consequences.
  7. For a married woman, spilling granulated sugar means feeling increased attention and affection from her husband. Perhaps the emergence of a faded passion, a new romantic period.
  8. For newlyweds on their wedding day, this portends a sweet, happy and rich life, which is why in ancient times the bride and groom were showered with sugar.
  9. Sprinkling sugar randomly means great luck.
  10. If a bag of sugar bursts, you should expect good news.

Where exactly did it fall?

Depending on where exactly the product is spilled, the sign has different interpretations.

Most often, this product can be spilled on the table by accidentally knocking over the sugar bowl. If you had to collect grains of sugar from the table, financial affairs will soon improve.

You need to sweep up the spilled sugar after a few minutes to consolidate the effect of the popular belief, then collect the grains with a broom and dustpan and pour it onto the ground in a place you like.


Sugar omens foretell only good events for a person. If you accidentally managed to spill sugar on the floor or on the table, you just need to smile, because your life will be rich and happy.

Many superstitious people are so dependent on signs that they always find a supernatural explanation for any event in life. They perform any actions in everyday life in accordance with certain rituals. If a failure occurs, it often terrifies them. Some signs have no rational basis, others come from folk culture and are explained quite logically. Many of our contemporaries do not know where to sprinkle sugar.

History will take

Sugar was not the most common product in Rus'. In ancient times it was made only from sugar cane. The price of the product was very high. Over time, the situation changed: they began to obtain it from beets, which contributed to its greater availability. But the sign that the sweet product appears only in rich houses remains.

Salt was also not a cheap product. If it happened to be scattered, then the absent-minded person was scolded and considered a spendthrift who did not know how to save.

It has long been known that spilled salt is associated with troubles in all areas of life, most often this indicates an imminent quarrel with someone close. A handful of sugar, which should be scattered on top of the salt, will help neutralize the negative effect.

Common signs

Most of the signs about spilled sugar boil down to the fact that it is very good, it prophesies a sweet and serene life, joy and happiness. Neither the form nor the quantity of the product matters.

All signs are classified depending on the areas of life they affect.

Financial sector

All sorts of life situations are provided for signs:

  • if you scatter sugar from a jar standing on the table and then carefully collect it, this will attract additional financial income;
  • when you accidentally spill a pinch from the bag, it means an inexhaustible flow of money;
  • if you sprinkle sugar on the table, it promises a bountiful table with a rich meal;
  • If a sweet delicacy is spilled on the floor, this guarantees a successful resolution of all matters.

Signs about refined sugar deserve special attention:

  • the broken piece ended up on the floor, soon the property (apartment, dacha) will be owned;
  • if the broken piece crumbles into smaller ones, this portends the receipt of a significant amount;
  • if you scatter refined sugar into small pieces, then the business you have begun will go uphill; if the particles are mixed with food, then there will be no problems with money;
  • a fallen piece in the singular indicates the imminent return of debts;
  • if refined sugar ends up on the floor, profit or the acquisition of some expensive property is expected.

Personal life

This area of ​​life worries almost all people, so it’s not surprising that there are plenty of signs here. Sugar reminds you of the sweet life. This is the kind of life they wish for young people on the day of their marriage, so in the past they often tried to scatter it with a pinch or a handful along their route. Nowadays this tradition is not popular due to fear of ruining the newlyweds’ outfits.

Signs are divided by gender.


  • if you scatter sugar and break the sugar bowl, this foreshadows a quick meeting with your chosen one and marriage;
  • when a man accidentally sits on a spilled sweet delicacy, he is in danger of unrequited love;
  • if a spoon with this product is on your lap, then an office romance is ahead;
  • the man is soiled in sugar dust; the lady of his heart will have to be won long and hard.


For unmarried girls, scattering sugar, including on the table, is a harbinger of a meeting with a potential groom. This person may be in her environment, or she may not yet know about his existence. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to draw a heart made of crystals on the table.

Other signs:

  • if a married lady spilled sugar, then she should expect proposals from other men soon;
  • when a sweet product ends up on the floor, the woman should prepare for a love adventure;
  • scattered particles speak of a strong and passionate relationship between spouses;
  • if he woke up in large numbers, then reconciliation with the one with whom there was a conflict is coming.


It is advised to keep spilled sugar on the surface for a while and never throw it in the trash. The best option is to pour it on the ground.

Everyone decides individually whether to believe in omens regarding sugar. We must try to believe in a positive outcome of events, and good events will happen.

Norwegian children have a tradition according to which children need to go into the barn on Christmas Day, since it is believed that it is on this night that animals are given the ability to talk like people.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Sign about sugar

Many people know what spilled salt promises. But few people realize the dangers of spilling sugar. Let's look at this and other signs about sugar in our article.

Folk omens about spilled sugar

Of course, the most common action that you can accidentally perform with sugar is pouring it in the wrong place or accidentally spilling it on the floor or table. Let’s say right away that scattering sugar is a good omen, no matter where exactly the grains fell.

On the table

There are differences in interpretation - if sweet sand spilled onto the table, then there would be an abundance of it. In this regard, the sign of spilling sugar on the table is the most positive. And the greater the amount spilled, as well as the larger the grains, the better.

On the floor

Why spill sugar on the floor? People say that this means that a “sweet” life will form around you, that is, you don’t have to be afraid of troubles in the near future. If you have previously quarreled with a loved one, then the folk signs of scattering sugar console you - it won’t last long. A quick and complete reconciliation awaits you.

On the carpet

But if the sweet grains end up on a carpet with thick, long pile, then you will encounter considerable difficulties on the path to cloudless happiness. Which, however, you will successfully overcome if you try hard.

For women and girls

A special sign is to scatter sugar for an unmarried girl or woman. This promises her a quick date or a love affair, which may well end in a serious long-term relationship.

By the way, you shouldn’t throw it in the trash can - you can collect it from the table back into the sugar bowl, and from the floor you can pour it outside under a tree or in a flower bed.

Other signs about sugar

Whatever happens to the sweet sand in your home, it can almost always be attributed to good omens.

  • Breaking a sugar bowl with sugar is a sign of some difficulties that will get in your way. But in the end everything will work out and be decided in your favor.
  • Salt in sugar is a twofold sign. Everything in your life will be mixed up, and it will be difficult to distinguish the good from the bad. When making important decisions, try to consider the problem from different angles so as not to make a mistake in the heat of the moment.
  • Taking salt instead of sugar means positive changes in life, especially financially.
  • If a piece of refined sugar crumbled into several pieces when you drank tea with it, it means that positive financial news awaits you.
  • Signs of giving sugar to neighbors say that this may cause your own losses. However, the roots of this interpretation go back to ancient times, when sugar was worth a lot. Giving it away left and right, one could actually go bankrupt. Today, it’s up to you to decide whether to lend such a product to a neighbor or to be greedy. And to neutralize the omen, ask your neighbor for a penny or a ruble in return. Then it will already be a purchase and sale transaction, about which folk wisdom says nothing bad.

Previously, people did not invent signs, but compiled them in order to pass them on to future generations as an experience. Signs appeared as a result of observations of ordinary life.

Everyone knows that the sign of spilled salt promises a quarrel and all kinds of failures. Sometimes it was even scattered on purpose: it was a kind of sign that a war had begun between those sitting at the table.

With scattered sugar, everything is different: this is a very, very good omen. It’s not for nothing that sugar has long been considered symbol of the sweet life.

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Folk signs

Since ancient times, sugar has been considered a symbol of a sweet and rich life. Previously, it was expensive and not available to everyone. Therefore, a family that could afford sugar on the table was already considered quite wealthy. It was then that the belief arose that spilled sugar portends financial success and huge profits.

Nobody pays any attention to how exactly the sugar was scattered, but the quantity is what matters. So, the sign says that if sugar crumbles in a small pile, this means receiving a one-time small profit.

If quite a lot of sugar has been scattered, this means that in the near future the person will have a stable and good income. If you buy a bag of sugar and it bursts, don’t be upset, because it’s a sign promises you wealth, which you didn't even expect.

Sugar has always been considered the opposite of salt. Since the latter is considered a symbol of quarrels, disagreements and misunderstandings, sugar, on the contrary, symbolizes reconciliation and mutual understanding. Therefore, it is believed that if you carelessly spilled salt, but do not want to quarrel with anyone, then to neutralize the effect of a bad omen, you should sprinkle a couple of pinches of sugar on top.

In this case everything should work out. And if spouses or family members accidentally spill sugar during a quarrel, they should soon make peace.

In early times, there was a tradition of throwing sugar on newlyweds on their wedding day. It was believed that then the lives of these two would always be sweet and happy. Sometimes pinches were thrown, sometimes huge handfuls.

It is worth noting that sugar is quite sticky, so this tradition is not respected by everyone today, but the path along which the newlyweds will walk can be lightly sprinkled with sweet sand. This will help bring additional happiness and joy to the family of this couple.

In view of this sign, scattered sugar, along with financial well-being, also promises success in love. This is an especially good omen for unmarried ladies. It is believed that sugar, spilled carelessly, promises her meeting your betrothed which will result in a happy family life.

As we already understood, the sign promises all the best, both in the material field and in love. The folk sign also says that if you want to improve the effect of the sign, you should not immediately run and remove the sugar. Before you start cleaning, wait at least five minutes, and then you can clean up what was spilled.

It is also worth noting that you should not throw sugar that you have spilled into the trash. Carefully sweep it up and take it outside. One of the popular beliefs says that if you throw sugar in the trash, you will deprive yourself all the good things what the omen promises you.

Spill sugar on the table: what does it mean?

The meaning of the signs is slightly different depending on exactly how the sugar was scattered. Most often, the sugar bowl tips over onto the table due to someone's carelessness. So, if you see scattered white crystals on your table, then soon you will experience an improvement in your material well-being.

If you accidentally put a handful of sugar on the table, then the omen promises you a sweet, comfortable life in complete prosperity and prosperity. So don’t rush to scold yourself for being careless, but take it as a sign of your happiness. secure future.

What does the sugar spilled on the floor portend?

The sugar that was scattered on the floor is more associated with well-being not in material terms, but in love. Moreover, it does not matter what marital status the person who spilled the sugar is currently in. If this is an unmarried girl or a lonely young guy, they are expected whirlwind romance, which may end in marriage.

This is also a good omen for married people. It means that in the near future your love will acquire new colors. You will be able to refresh your senses and increase your sex drive. The sign also promises a long and happy married life, absolute mutual understanding.

It happens that right in the store, on the street or already at home, a person’s bag of sugar breaks and the sand crumbles. Do not be upset by this loss, because the sign promises that you will gain much more. It is possible to receive a large inheritance, serious winnings and everything else that can be considered unexpected money.

But remember that signs only work by chance. Therefore, you should not tear open sugar bags yourself to get rich.

The meaning of signs for an unmarried girl

Among the people, the meaning of signs may differ depending on the person to whom they are directly related.

Gender, age, and marital status can play a role.

  • So, the most pleasant sign with scattered sugar is considered to be for a young girl who is not yet married, but really wants find your prince. Scattered sugar promises her a quick acquaintance with her betrothed, and then marriage. Her married life promises to be happy, rich, prosperous and full of harmony.
  • If the sugar was scattered by a lady who is already married, then the omen promises her an improvement in her relationship with her husband, a re-exhibition of former passion.
  • If a girl is still very young and does not think about marriage, for her a sign means an invitation to a pleasant meeting or date.

By the way, one of the popular beliefs advises the person who spilled sugar to draw a small heart on it. It is believed that this way you can attract love, joy and happiness into your life.

A few words about other signs

There is another sign that foretells everything the best. These are broken dishes, especially plates. It is believed that the sound of broken dishes helps to cleanse household energy, as well as to bring about a new, happier stage.

There is a belief according to which broken dishes must be present at weddings. So, if the plate was broken into small pieces by the newlyweds, then their family life will be long and happy. Therefore, at many weddings, dishes are broken on purpose.

Many ladies, in a fit of emotion, break dishes during quarrels. And, in this way, they relieve stress, cleanse the home, calm down and bring reconciliation closer.

But, of course, remember that all the dishes in the house are broken on purpose and intentionally spilled bags of sugar will only bring you losses. Everything should be accidental, then the signs will come true.

In ancient times, signs were not invented, as many people think (people simply did not have time to write), but were created on the basis of experience gained for subsequent generations. They acted as a kind of conclusions obtained from the results of observations. In the same way, a fairly popular sign of scattering sugar appeared, the relevance of which has not been lost to this day. We will talk about its sacred meaning, as well as various options, in our article today.

Signs about sugar

In reality, there are not so many superstitions regarding sugar. What is the reason for this? In ancient times, sugar was an expensive product that not all people, but only the very wealthy, could afford. After all, the basis for the production of sugar used to be only sugar cane, which is a rather exotic product, sold exclusively in specially designated places at a high price.

A similar state of affairs could well have reached our days, but people came up with a way to obtain a sweet substance from beets. Growing this vegetable in the conditions of the Slavic agricultural industry was quite simple. But even despite this, low-income people did not have the opportunity to buy sugar for a long time. Most likely, it is for this reason that most signs associated with sugar denote the sweet life, luxury and pleasure.

What should a person who spilled sugar expect?

Did you accidentally spill sugar on the table or floor? You shouldn’t worry too much about this - the sign promises you a sweet life. How to correctly understand the interpretation of the term “sweet” in this situation? This means that your life will become comfortable and cozy, and all adversities and sorrows will invariably bypass you on the tenth road.

Below we present the most popular interpretations of the sign of spilled sugar.

  1. In the very near future you will receive a significant financial amount, which will pleasantly please you with its size. It should also be noted that the source of income will be quite unexpected. Either you will receive an increase in your salary, or you will successfully complete the transaction and receive a long-awaited inheritance from an unfamiliar but influential relative.
  2. What else could this indicate? sugar spilled on the floor or on any other surface? Quite often it indicates increased attention from members of the opposite sex. Girls can prepare for beautiful deeds and pleasant romantic dates.
  3. If a man spills sugar, he should gather courage and set about winning the lady of his heart. Even if the latter is extremely intractable, you can count on success.
  4. If you managed spill a whole jar on the floor This sweet product, if you have been unable to find a common language with someone close to you for a long period of time, the situation with it will noticeably improve. You will be surprised, but mutual understanding and respect will very soon come into your relationship. In addition, sugar scattered on the floor indicates the acquisition of inner peace and mental balance.
  5. If the sugar was spilled by an unmarried girl, it is likely that in the very near future she will meet an attractive member of the opposite sex who can win her heart. In order for this belief to work, you need to draw a heart on the spilled sugar. After this, if you believe the sign, married ladies will receive increased attention from their husband. Their relationship will again acquire a romantic character with the advent of hot passion.
  6. Also a sign about spilled sugar on the floor promises good luck in business.
  7. If your bag bursts, in which you store this sweet substance, get ready for pleasant news.
  8. I would especially like to dwell on refined sugar. It is impossible to crumble it, but it is quite possible to crumble it into pieces. If a piece of sugar crumbles before you bite into it, this indicates imminent material well-being. And when a piece of refined sugar falls out of your hands, falls on the floor and breaks into small pieces, this indicates a series of happy events in the near future.

Where did you spill the sugar?

There are also certain differences associated with the interpretation of signs regarding the place, where did you spill the sugar?. As a rule, it ends up on the table due to careless handling of the sugar bowl.

  • If you are forced to pick up spilled grains from the table, in the very near future you can expect that your financial situation will improve noticeably.
  • When the sugar falls out of your hands and ends up on the floor, you can safely prepare for a love adventure.

Taking into account this information that the sign of spilled sugar in all cases denotes some pleasant events, we can conclude that the cost of sugar used to be much less than the cost of salt. In a number of situations, the sweet substance was even scattered on purpose - for example, at a wedding they usually sprinkled not only rice, but also sugar. This represented a wish for prosperity and a happy family life.

Sugar is also the exact opposite of salt. If salt symbolizes quarrels and misunderstandings, then sugar means reconciliation.. There is a sign that if you spilled salt, but want to protect yourself from a quarrel, you should sprinkle 3 pinches of sugar on top and everything will be fine. But if a husband and wife spilled sugar in a quarrel, then they should soon make peace.

There may be different attitudes towards signs. You can believe in them, or you can be a raging skeptic, but the fact that they really work has already been repeatedly tested by many people and it is very difficult to argue with that. Beliefs are based on many years of observational experience of our ancestors, which means we should not ignore them, because sometimes they can really bring us significant benefits.

You can believe in omens, or you can be skeptical about them. But in any case, it is worth knowing the interpretation of signs, if only because they are part of the culture of our people. Most of the signs appeared in ancient times; they reflect the life of the people. You can trace an interesting pattern: there are many superstitions about bread, salt and honey, but few superstitions about sugar.

This is explained by the fact that in the old days sugar was rare; only wealthy people could eat it. But salt and bread were common products. Times have changed, and in the last hundred years sugar has turned from an expensive product into a widely available one. It will be all the more interesting to find out what to sprinkle the sugar on.

What does the sign mean?

It is well known what it means a sign of spilled salt - it portends a quarrel, but how to interpret a sign if sugar crumbles?

If you spilled sugar while drinking tea, then you should be prepared for unexpected financial profits that will pleasantly surprise you. The more sugar spilled, the greater the profit will be. The profit will be completely unexpected: a bonus, winning a lottery, repaying a debt that you have already forgotten about. A bursting bag of sugar portends prosperity in the house, prosperity and a well-fed life.

Interpretation for an unmarried girl

If an unmarried girl spilled sugar, then this is a good sign: she will soon meet a young man, who may well become her beau.

To make an interesting acquaintance more likely, a girl should draw a heart on the surface of spilled sugar and only then start cleaning. If there is very little sugar spilled, then it is worth blowing on it - according to popular belief, this will also contribute to an interesting and promising acquaintance.

During the tea party, literally a few grains woke up - this person has a secret admirer who is in no hurry to demonstrate his interest.

Scattered sugar from a teaspoon - this means that there's a lot of flirting to do and enjoy it.

Where exactly did it fall?

The sign about spilled sugar has a continuation. The place where the grains of the sweet product fell also matters:

  • Sugar is falling on the table– be prepared for financial profit.
  • Sugar wakes up on the floor- this is a harbinger of pleasant changes in your personal life: flirting, coquetry, interesting acquaintances. For people already married, this sign foreshadows a new stage in the relationship, literally a second honeymoon.
  • Sugar was waking up on a saucer (or in a cup)- to good luck in everyday affairs.
  • Sugar was waking up on clothes- to new clothes and going out (of course, everyone understands going out in their own way - it could be a theater, a disco or a rock festival, but in any case it will be an appearance in society, in a public place).

Superstitions about lump sugar

If the sugar bowl contains not granulated sugar, but lump sugar, and it spills over, then in this case There is a special folk sign:

  • A fallen piece of sugar portends good luck in business, the successful outcome of which you did not even count on at first.
  • If you spilled a lot of lump sugar- this sign portends prosperity in the house.
  • Lump sugar fell on the floor– you should expect pleasant guests with whom you are interested in communicating.
  • Sugar lumps spilled onto the table– to an interesting conversation, during which you will learn useful information for yourself.

What to do?

The heart that should be drawn on the surface of spilled sugar so that a romantic acquaintance is sure to take place is discussed above. But there are other wishes, how to collect spilled sugar:

  • You can't sweep it off the table with your palm yu - this means poverty, deterioration of material well-being.
  • Waking up sugar don't clean it up right away, you need to wait at least five minutes to “fix” the effect of this positive sign.
  • Spilled sugar should not be thrown into the trash.(they say this is how you can throw away your luck and prosperity). It is recommended to sweep it into a dustpan and take it outside. If there is very little sugar, you can throw it out the window - this way your luck will not be lost.