What is Totemism? The meaning and interpretation of the word totemizm, the definition of the term. Totemism, animism, fetishism and magic - the first religions of ancient people The term totemism is fixed in science thanks to the works

TOTEMISM- one of the early forms of religion, the essence of which is the belief in the existence of a special kind of mystical connection between a group of people (genus, tribe) and a certain type of animal or plant (less often, natural phenomena and inanimate objects). The name of this form religious beliefs comes from the word "ototem", which in the language of the North American Indians Ojibwe means "his kind." During the study of totemism, it was found that its emergence is closely connected with the economic activity of primitive man - gathering and hunting. Animals and plants, which gave people the opportunity to exist, became objects of worship. At the first stages of the development of totemism, such worship did not exclude, but even assumed the use of totem animals and plants for food. Therefore, sometimes primitive people expressed their attitude to the totem with the words: "This is our meat." However, this kind of connection between people and totems belongs to the distant past, and only ancient legends and stable language turns that have come down to researchers from time immemorial testify to its existence. Somewhat later, elements of social, primarily kinship relations, were introduced into totemism. Members of the tribal group (blood relatives) began to believe that a certain totem animal or plant was the ancestor and patron of their group, and that their distant ancestors, who combined the signs of people and a totem, had extraordinary abilities. This caused, on the one hand, the strengthening of the cult of ancestors, and on the other hand, a change in attitude towards the totem itself, in particular, the emergence of prohibitions on eating the totem, except for those cases when eating it was of a ritual nature and reminded of ancient norms and rules. . Subsequently, within the framework of totemism arose whole system taboo prohibitions. Totemic beliefs played a big role in the process of formation primitive society. They performed an integrating function, uniting people of a particular group around a totem recognized by them. They quite effectively performed a regulatory function, subordinating people's behavior to numerous prohibitions - taboos that all members of the totem group had to observe. In the most “clean” and “convenient” form for research, totemism was found among the Indians of North America, the aborigines of Australia, and the indigenous people of Central and South Africa. Survivals of totemism (food prohibitions, images of sacred beings in the form of animals, etc.) can be found in many religions of the world.

A.N. Krasnikov

1) Totemism- (in the language of North American Ojibwe Indians "ot-otem", lit. - his kind) - one of the early forms of religion, the essence of which is belief in supernatural beings. relationship between humans. groups (kinds) and animals and raises, the world (less often - natural phenomena and inanimate objects). A totem - a plant or an animal (more often the latter) - was perceived as a real ancestor, from which magic. the life and well-being of the clan as a whole and each of its members individually depended in a way. Churingas, kept in St. places. Traditional the set of ideas associated with T. is the belief in the possibility of a permanent “immaculate” incarnation (incarnation) of the totem in newborn members of the genus, i.e., in their living descendants; in what can be magical. by influencing the totem and causing an abundance of appropriate animals and plants in the territory of a kind (tribe) and ensuring its material well-being; that the death of an object that is a symbol of a totem can lead to the death of its living counterpart. T. has been most thoroughly studied in the Australians, the Negroes of the Center. Africa, North Indians. America, but T. remnants are found in all religions of the world, including Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.

2) Totemism- (in the language of the Indians "ototem" - his family): belief in a supernatural relationship between human groups (kinds) and certain animals or plants (totems). One of the early forms of science and tribal religions, the adherents of which perceived the totem as a common ancestor of their kind, capable of providing them with supernatural help.

3) Totemism- (from the Algonquian "ototem" - its kind) - one of the early forms of religion of primitive society, based on a set of beliefs, myths, rituals and customs associated with the belief in the supernatural relationship of people with various objects, phenomena and creatures (totems). T. is characterized by the perception of a totem (animal, plant, natural phenomenon, etc.) as a real ancestor, whose patronage and protection ensure the life and well-being of all those connected with him by a common origin and ties of consanguinity. The main type of T. is clan (tribal) T. Non-basic types of T. include: individual (nagualism) and sexual T. Traces and remnants of T. as forms of religion are found among all peoples and in all religions of the world. The term "T." was introduced into scientific circulation by the English traveler J. Long in 1791. The most detailed studies of t. carried out by J. McLennan, W.B. Robertson-Smith, Fraser, and others. Interpretation and explanation of T. now offer dozens of different theories and concepts. The most popular of them are: the interpretation of t. as the original form of religion (Durkheim and others) and the interpretation of t. as a primitive intellectual classification system (Levi-Strauss and others). Among the psychological concepts of T. the most famous is the psychoanalytic version of Freud, presented by him in the book "Totem and Taboo. Psychology primitive culture and religion "(1913). Extending psychoanalytic ideas and constructs (including the "Oedipus complex") to the sphere of universal culture and historically original forms of religious beliefs, Freud proposed an understanding of T. as one of the early forms of religion of primitive society, on on the basis of which the first ethical (cultural) restrictions (taboos) were developed - the prohibition of murder and incest (incest), from which the construction of culture began. Freud considered T. the premise and source of subsequent religions, and primarily Judaism and Christianity. The psychoanalytic concept of T. repeatedly subjected to various criticisms for its mythological nature.

4) Totemism- - religious beliefs that arose at an early stage in the development of society: ideas about the common ancestor of a tribe or clan - an animal, plant, less often - a natural phenomenon or an inanimate object; belief in the origin of man from an animal or plant, stone, object.

5) Totemism- - the faith of many primitive peoples, and above all the North Americans. Indians, in that they are descended from some animal, plant, star, household item, etc., being related to them. The totem is the thing itself, revered as a powerful patron of the tribe and a symbol of its inner solidarity. The totem is also a roughly processed sign of this thing, used by the leader as a signature.

6) Totemism- (from the word “ototeman”, in the language of the North American Indians of the Ojibwe tribe - his kind) - one of the early forms of religion of the primitive community. The term was first used by J. Long (late 18th century). Main in T. - belief in a common origin and blood closeness to.-l. groups of people with a certain type of animal, plant, object or phenomenon. T.'s emergence is caused by primitive economy (hunting, gathering) and ignorance of other communications in about-ve, except consanguinity. An ancestor animal, its image or symbol, as well as a group of people is called a totem. Totem, a powerful patron of people, provides them with food. T. common among the tribes of Australia, North. and Yuzhn. America, Melanesia, Polynesia, Africa. Survivals of Taurus have been preserved in developed religions (God as the father of believers; communion as partaking of the body of God) and in folklore (tales about marital and family relations between people and animals).


(in the language of North American Ojibwe Indians "ot-otem", lit. - his kind) - one of the early forms of religion, the essence of which is belief in supernatural beings. relationship between humans. groups (kinds) and animals and raises, the world (less often - natural phenomena and inanimate objects). A totem - a plant or an animal (more often the latter) - was perceived as a real ancestor, from which magic. the life and well-being of the clan as a whole and each of its members individually depended in a way. Churingas, kept in St. places. Traditional the set of ideas associated with T. is the belief in the possibility of a permanent “immaculate” incarnation (incarnation) of the totem in newborn members of the genus, i.e., in their living descendants; in what can be magical. by influencing the totem and causing an abundance of appropriate animals and plants in the territory of a kind (tribe) and ensuring its material well-being; that the death of an object that is a symbol of a totem can lead to the death of its living counterpart. T. has been most thoroughly studied in the Australians, the Negroes of the Center. Africa, North Indians. America, but T. remnants are found in all religions of the world, including Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam.

(in the language of the Indians "ototem" - his kind): belief in a supernatural relationship between human groups (kinds) and certain animals or plants (totems). One of the early forms of science and tribal religions, the adherents of which perceived the totem as a common ancestor of their kind, capable of providing them with supernatural help.

(from the Algonquian "ototem" - its kind) - one of the early forms of religion of primitive society, based on a set of beliefs, myths, rituals and customs associated with the belief in the supernatural relationship of people with various objects, phenomena and creatures (totems). T. is characterized by the perception of a totem (animal, plant, natural phenomenon, etc.) as a real ancestor, whose patronage and protection ensure the life and well-being of all those connected with him by a common origin and ties of consanguinity. The main type of T. is clan (tribal) T. Non-basic types of T. include: individual (nagualism) and sexual T. Traces and remnants of T. as forms of religion are found among all peoples and in all religions of the world. The term "T." was introduced into scientific circulation by the English traveler J. Long in 1791. The most detailed studies of t. carried out by J. McLennan, W.B. Robertson-Smith, Fraser, and others. Interpretation and explanation of T. now offer dozens of different theories and concepts. The most popular of them are: the interpretation of t. as the original form of religion (Durkheim and others) and the interpretation of t. as a primitive intellectual classification system (Levi-Strauss and others). Among the psychological concepts of T. the most famous psychoanalytic version of Freud, set out in his book "Totem and Taboo. The Psychology of Primitive Culture and Religion" (1913). Extending psychoanalytic ideas and constructs (including the "Oedipus complex") to the sphere of universal culture and historically original forms of religious beliefs, Freud proposed an understanding of T. as one of the early forms of religion of primitive society, on the basis of which the first ethical ( cultural) restrictions (taboo) - the prohibition of murder and incest (incest), from which the construction of culture began. Freud considered T. a prerequisite and source of subsequent religions, and in the first place - Judaism and Christianity. The psychoanalytic concept of T. has repeatedly been subjected to various criticisms for its mythological nature. IN AND. Ovcharenko

Religious beliefs that arose at an early stage in the development of society: ideas about the common ancestor of a tribe or clan - an animal, plant, less often - a natural phenomenon or an inanimate object; belief in the origin of man from an animal or plant, stone, object.

The faith of many primitive peoples, and above all the North Americans. Indians, in that they are descended from some animal, plant, star, household item, etc., being related to them. The totem is the thing itself, revered as a powerful patron of the tribe and a symbol of its inner solidarity. The totem is also a roughly processed sign of this thing, used by the leader as a signature.

Belief in the supernatural accompanies man throughout his existence. Everything inexplicable man attributed to the otherworldly phenomenon. The first religions appeared at the dawn of the primitive communal system, they were in the nature of primitive beliefs. One of the religions was totemism, a branch of animism. What is a totem, and why did people believe in an invisible connection between different objects? What forms of totemism have survived to our times? Consider in the article.

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History of totemism

The first religions of mankind are called proto-religions. Historians and scientists refer to them in four main forms:

  1. animism;
  2. fetishism;
  3. magic.

Which proto-religion of those listed was the first is not known for certain. It is believed that all four forms appeared at approximately the same period of history. Historians explain that all major forms of belief were present in all prehistoric proto-religions.


What is animism as a proto-religion? Modern scientists define it as a belief in the spiritual world, that is, the existence of an intangible principle. Animism implies belief in nature spirits, deceased ancestors, guardian spirits. This is the animation of everything that surrounds a person and is incomprehensible.

Observing the phenomena of nature, primitive people animated them and attributed certain qualities. Over time, people began to perceive the spirits of nature as intelligent beings that control their lives. In order to appease the wrath of the spirits of nature, they began to bring gifts and sacrifices.

Also, people believed that there is an afterlife world, to which the soul of a deceased person goes. There are also various entities and spirits.


The definition of totemism is based on the belief in an invisible connection between a person / tribe / clan and a specific animal or plant. This animal/plant was called a totem. People believed that the totem patronizes them and protects them from life's adversities. Scientists believe that primitive man began to deify the animal and plant world, because the whole way of life was associated with him.

Examples of totemism are the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, the Indians of North America, the natives of Australia and the population of central Africa. What is the difference between the cult of totem worship? Gifts are brought to the chosen patron, religious services are performed and they ask for protection or mercy. When a new member of the tribe is born, a service to the totem is immediately performed with a request to endow the baby with certain qualities and protect it from evil.

Totemism is distinguished from other beliefs by the presence of taboos. A taboo is a prohibition against doing certain things. The taboo was associated with the prohibition:

  • kill totem animals;
  • eat totem meat;
  • kill fellow tribesmen;
  • to demonstrate to foreign tribes their belonging to the totem.

Rituals were performed whenever the tribe suffered from drought and lack of food, from attacks by warring tribes, and in any emergency. People believed that only a totem could help them cope with adversity.

Fetishism, the belief in the mystical power of an object, was closely associated with totemism. This object could be a stone of a bizarre shape and an object created by hands, some plant or planets. Figurines of deities worshiped by ancient people also became fetishes. But even in our times in Africa, the cult of fetishism has been preserved in a slightly modified form.

The magic of primitive people

Ancient people considered everything incomprehensible and unusual to be magical. If a person met on his way any object that attracted attention (a pebble, a spine, part of an animal skeleton), he could make it his fetish. Over time, faith in fetishes grew stronger, and already a whole tribe could worship any object and consider it their patron.

The fetish was located in the center of the tribe, brought him gifts and praised for his help. People sincerely believed that it was the fetish that helped them and protected them from troubles. However, there was a downside to fetishism: if the object did not live up to expectations, it was subjected to torture.

Fetishism did not disappear with time, but gained new form. Religious scholars argue that belief in amulets and amulets is a modern form of fetishism. Closely connected with fetishism is magic in its original and modern form. Also, magic has retained the features of totemism and animism, because magical rituals are an appeal to various forces of nature or the spirits of animals or the dead.

Over time, a group of people separated from society, which was engaged only in conducting magical rituals for the tribe. The first magical rituals were performed by shamans, since it is shamanism that is characterized by a connection with the spirits of nature and animals. In the future, magical practices expanded the scope of their application. IN modern world magic is closely connected with the ancient cults of proto-religions, world religions and the study of energies.

form of religious belief. Belief in a supernatural relationship between groups of people and an animal or flora. A totem is a plant or animal perceived as an ancestor on which the life of a given group of people depends.

Great Definition

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from totems, in the language of North-Amer. Indians of the Ojibwe tribe literally - his clan) - a complex of beliefs, myths, rituals and customs of tribal tribes. society associated with the idea of ​​fantastic. supernatural. kinship between certain groups of people, on the one hand, and the so-called. totems - species of animals and plants (less often natural phenomena and inanimate objects), on the other. The term "T." introduced into science traveler J. Long in 1791. The most complete T. was preserved among the natives of Australia (each tribe is divided into genera bearing the name of its totem), but it existed among the inhabitants of all continents. Among some tribes of Australia, churingi served as the material emblem of the totem. Main type of T. is clan or generic T.; other types of T. - individual (nagualism) or sexual - are rare. Totem - most often a type of animal - is the subject of religions. veneration of this group - usually tribal community, members of which are forbidden to hunt him, kill and eat him; they are also forbidden to marry among themselves (totemic exogamy). The totem group not only considers itself connected with the totem by ties of consanguinity, a common origin from mythic. ancestors of half-humans, half-animals or half-plants, but also sees in his totem a patron, protector and giver of life's blessings. Hence the magic. rites aimed at breeding the totem and including ritual eating of totem meat (totemic communion), which is forbidden under normal conditions, recitation of myths and their presentation, dances of masked or painted dancers imitating the appearance and movements of the totem. There are many theories that interpret and explain T. in different ways. If some researchers are ready to see in T. the original. form of religion (eg, French sociologist E. Durkheim), others reject religion. the meaning of T., as, for example, modern. French scientist K. Levi-Strauss, who considers T. a primitive classification system, prompted by the intellectual aspirations of primitive man. Most of all he did for the accumulation and publication of factual. data about T. English. ethnographer J. Fraser, to-ry, however, he himself was unable to give his explanation. The most thorough studies, especially the works of Soviet scientists (D. K. Zelenin, A. M. Zolotarev, S. P. Tolstov, D. E. Khaytun, S. A. Tokarev, and others), convincingly show that T. - a global phenomenon. It is one of the most ancient religions. complexes, the key to Krom should be sought in consanguinity. relations and living conditions of primitive gatherers and hunters. Traces and remnants of T. are found in all religions of the world, including Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, etc. Lit .: Tokarev SA, Early forms of religion and their development, M., 1964; Khaytun D. E., Totemism, its essence and origin, Stalinabad, 1958; Frazer, J., Totemism and exogamy, v. 1-4, L., 1910; L?vi-Strauss C., Le totemisme aujourd'hui, P., 1962. B. I. Sharevskaya. Moscow.

traditional religions. African traditional religions usually include fetishism, animism, totemism, the cult of ancestors, etc. Unlike world religions, African traditional religions do not have uniform religious texts, their religious norms are not fixed in the scriptures. It is impossible to determine the number of adherents of traditional religions: both Christians and Muslims turn to traditional cults in certain life situations, for example, if necessary, to carry out treatment with traditional methods from local healers.


TOTEMISM is one of the early forms of religion, the essence of which is the belief in the existence of a special kind of mystical connection between a group of people (genus, tribe) and a certain type of animal or plant (less often, natural phenomena and inanimate objects). The name of this form of religious belief comes from the word "ototem", which in the language of the North American Ojibwe Indians means "his kind." During the study of totemism, it was found that its emergence is closely connected with the economic activity of primitive man - gathering and hunting.


TOTEM (ototeman - belonging to a clan, from the language of the North American Indians Ojibwe) - a plant or animal supernaturally associated with the life of a group or individual. In Africa and North America also act as a totem natural phenomena(rain, thunder, lightning, wind, etc.), which are also often symbolized by animals. Totems are group (clan), sexual (belonging to men or women of the clan) or individual. In the case of a clan totem, the totem animal is considered the common ancestor of all members of the genus or group who identify with it.

Totemism (Lopukhov, 2013)

TOTEMISM - a complex of beliefs and rituals of primitive peoples, associated with ideas of kinship between groups of people (families, clans, tribes) and totems. At different times, animals, plants, stars, even household items acted as the latter among different peoples at different times. The totem was considered as a powerful patron of one or another primitive social group and as a symbol of its internal solidarity. Totemism corresponded to the level of development of society, when a person was not yet aware of his difference from nature, did not distinguish himself from it.

Totemism (Kirilenko)

TOTEMISM - belief in a supernatural relationship between human groups (kinds, tribes) and certain types of animals, less often - plants or even objects; early form religious beliefs. Disrespect for the totem - the mythical "ancestor", with which each member of the genus considers himself connected, is a crime that entails punishment. The totem is both the animal or plant itself and its sign.

Kirilenko G.G., Shevtsov E.V. Brief philosophical dictionary. M. 2010, p. 381.

Totemism (Podoprigora)

TOTEMISM - an archaic form of religion based on the belief in close kinship between a certain type of animal (less often a plant) - a totem and a generic group. The totem, which is usually thought of as the common ancestor of the genus, gives the name to the totem group. Totemism is associated with a taboo system - a ban on killing and eating a totemic animal, which was violated during its ritual murder.

Totemism (Frolov)

TOTEMISM (from the word "ototeman", in the language of the North American Indians of the Ojibwe tribe - its kind) is one of the early forms of religion of primitive society. The term was first used by J. Long (late 18th century). The main thing in totemism is the belief in the common origin and blood relationship of a group of people with a certain type of animal, plant, object or phenomenon. The emergence of totemism is due to a primitive economy (hunting, gathering) and ignorance of other ties in society, except for blood relations. An ancestor animal, its image or symbol, as well as a group of people is called a totem.