The principle of operation of slot machines via the Internet. How slot machines work

Powder - unusual, but very effective method quickly get rid of adhering sand. Just apply it to the desired areas immediately after the beach: the powder will absorb moisture, and you can easily shake off the sand.

Life hack number 2: baking powder and water will wash off self-tanner

Artificial tanning products are real pests: sometimes they leave stains on the knees, then the palms are painted in the tone of a carrot. Make a paste out of baking powder and water and use it as a scrub - no problem!

Lifehack #3: Hair Styling Deodorant

When you dry your hair with a hairdryer in the heat, the scalp and neck sweat, and all efforts to create a hairstyle are in vain. Spray the skin of your neck with an antiperspirant deodorant, and if you have blond hair, then the roots of your hair (a white coating will remain on the dark ones). Hair stays fresh longer!

Life hack number 4: dry shampoo at night

Dry shampoo is yours best friend at any time of the year, and in the hot season it is especially relevant. To make your hair less dirty, apply it to the roots before going to bed, and the product will absorb excess oil.


Life hack number 5: ice with aloe

To always have a super-soothing skin remedy on hand, cut the aloe leaves into cubes in advance and freeze.

Life hack number 6: lemon juice from sweat

If there are sweat stains on your blouse or T-shirt, rub it with a slice of lemon before washing.

Life hack number 7: lacquer storage in the refrigerator

Heat can make your nail polish thicker. A couple of hours before a manicure or pedicure, put the varnish in the refrigerator: the consistency will be restored!

Life hack number 8: chamomile for intimacy

Irritation in the bikini area is one of the main problems during the beach season, especially if you use a razor. Zavari chamomile tea in sachets, chill for 15-20 minutes in the freezer and, if necessary, apply to reddened areas.

Life hack number 10: olive oil for smoothness

By the way, since we are talking about the razor: the irritation on the skin will be less if you pre-lubricate it with oil. And tell your boyfriend!