How to learn to draw eyebrows with a pencil: tips and step-by-step instructions. How to draw eyebrows: a guide to the best eyebrow products Eyebrow drawing lesson for beginners

Eyebrows are that part of the face whose expressiveness significantly transforms your appearance. Any makeup will become brighter and more expressive if it is done correctly. There are many ways to draw eyebrows, one of the popular ones is using shadows. This technique has its pros and cons. All you have to do is figure out how to paint your eyebrows with eyebrow shadows?

What are the benefits of using shadows?

Is it possible to dye eyebrows with shadows? For those with naturally wide eyebrows, shadows can be the perfect way to tame them. If in this case you use a pencil, the result may turn out to be rough and the look too menacing. It is also important to choose the right shadows; the beauty and expressiveness of the look depends on this. Another important advantage of shadows: they leave a natural look and eyes.

Unlike a pencil, the shadows will not spread or smudge over time, as long as they are of high quality. The advantage of shadows, unlike other products, is also that it is possible to mix several shades at once to get the perfect one, as close to natural as possible. It's very difficult to do this with a pencil.

Shadows are also the easiest to handle, as excess strokes can be easily removed or corrected. And we must never forget that shadows should only be matte. When using shadows, you need to firmly remember that less is better. Don't listen to the inner voice that beckons you to apply another layer. Before you start practicing drawing eyebrows with shadows, you need to choose the right palette, which preferably contains combinations of several shades.

Properly selected shadows not only carefully darken the hairs, but also fill in those areas where there are none. The modern beauty industry presents both palettes designed exclusively for eyebrows and the ability to use products for the eyelids.

Correctly painting eyebrows with shadows is a real art

What else do you need?

In addition to the palette, you will have to use additional tools: a brush for combing, wax, a brush. Often the tip of the pencil is supplemented with a special brush; the eyeshadow brush does not come with such a brush, but you can always buy it at any cosmetic store, or you can use a regular brush from an old mascara. Some makeup artists recommend using wax in tandem with shadows.

This product allows you to create neat, perfectly straight eyebrows and set hairs that will no longer bristle. You can’t do without wax or gel especially if your hairs are long and stiff enough. And, of course, the tool with which the shadows will be applied is a brush. A standard applicator is not suitable here, even if it is included with the shadows. In order to perfectly fill the eyebrows with shadow, a flat or angled brush of medium hardness is suitable. To experiment, you can leave a few brushes in your cosmetic bag to try each option and find the perfect option. Painting with coloring compounds will be an excellent analogue of shadows.

Algorithm for applying shadows

Using eyebrow shadows is quite simple if you practice. This is done step by step as follows:

  1. Before applying the product, you should comb the hairs in the opposite direction of their growth to open the skin that is located under the eyebrows.
  2. Now you can put a little shadow on the beveled brush and carefully and easily walk along the entire length, as close as possible to the natural curve.
  3. Next, you need to comb the hairs so that they take the desired direction.
  4. Now you need to take up the brush again and shade the eyebrows. The shading begins from the side of the nose and goes towards the temples. The beginning of the eyebrow should be brighter, and at the tip the color should gradually fade.
  5. All that remains is to take a brush and comb the hairs, after dipping the brush into fixing wax, and you can comb them again.

We must not forget that naturalness is above all, so makeup should not go beyond the natural contour of the eyebrow. If there is a need to give maximum expressiveness to your look, you should paint on the eyebrow arches using matte shadows in light shades.

If during the step-by-step drawing there are excess strokes left, they can be easily removed with a cotton pad or swab

The most popular eyebrow filling techniques

Makeup artists distinguish several techniques, the choice of which depends on the type of eyebrows, eye shape and other important characteristics:

  • For light ones, the technique of shading in one color is ideal.
  • For those with an impending eyelid, it is best to draw on the eyebrows with shadows of light shades along the width of the eyebrows, and paint the lower edge with a color one tone darker.
  • The ombre effect is popular not only on hair, but also on eyebrows. The essence of the technique is as follows: a light shade is applied at the base of the eyebrow, in its widest part, and the tail is painted over with a dark color.
  • If there are bald spots, the partial filling technique is used, when the eyebrows are drawn only in the empty spaces.

Makeup Variations

The technique for applying shadows may vary depending on the result you want to achieve. For example, for natural makeup, naturalness and natural beauty are important. Everything is simple here, the most ordinary brush, which often comes with shadows, will do. It is quite dense and elastic, so it will be easy for it to draw hairs in places where there are not enough of them. Especially if the eyebrows are sparse. This kind of makeup takes a minimum of time, because there is no need to create a special contour and volume to the eyebrows.

Everyday makeup requires a soft contour, a little blurred. To achieve this effect, you need to take a soft brush and blend the shadows. But we must not forget that bald spots must also be painted over so that the eyebrows look even. For evening makeup, clear lines are important to make the look graphic. To draw such bright eyebrows, you will need an already beveled brush; with its help it is very easy to define the contour.

Dry textures are loved by many makeup artists for their ease of application and ease of correction. Makeup lovers often wonder if they can use eye shadow to shape their eyebrows. The answer is clear - yes. In general, eyebrow and eye shadows are no different from each other, the only characteristic that differentiates them is the absence of moisturizing elements in the shadows, thanks to which the product provides high staying power.

Which products are suitable?

Makeup artists have compiled a list of the best products at the best prices that are ideal for shaping your eyebrows.

  • The NYX standard brow palette is loved by makeup artists because the pigment allows you to perfectly adjust the color intensity and easily mix colors. These characteristics will allow you to choose the perfect shade. Also, NYX shadows contain fixing wax, the task of which is to give shape and style hairs that bristle.
  • An excellent budget option would be Artdeco No. 5 shadows. The matte texture fits perfectly and secures every hair. And this is exactly what you need for perfect eyebrows.
  • If there are no special shadows for eyebrows, and you don’t really want to spend money on purchasing them, you can use regular eye shadows in suitable shades, it is only important that they are matte, sufficiently pigmented and lie on the hairs in a uniform layer.
  • The ELF Eyebrow Kit is also considered a high-quality budget product. The product is presented in many shades, so blondes, brunettes, and red-haired girls will choose the right color scheme for themselves. Photos are a great opportunity to evaluate how eyebrows look from the outside.

As for color, too light shades give the face a sickly and tired look. Typically, the eyebrows of fair-haired ladies should be a tone or two darker than their hair color; for brunettes, on the contrary, they should be two shades lighter. Brown shades are perfect for redheads.

Well-designed hairs immediately transform the face and decorate any makeup. The main thing is not to overdo it, so that your eyes and eyelashes don’t get lost behind bright eyebrows. Drawn eyebrows should look natural.

Beautiful natural eyebrows are every girl's dream. The recommendations below will help make this dream a reality: master the skills of shaping your own eyebrows, learn how to fill out the shape correctly, shade the line, and apply various options for cosmetic products.

Briefly about eyebrow care at home

Caring for and drawing in eyebrows is a challenging task for some. You can easily overdo it with makeup and ruin your entire makeup. However, the correct application of pencil or shadow on the eyebrows can add a well-groomed and complete look. Here are some tips for maintaining and caring for your eyebrows:

  • Plucking hairs means carefully correcting the natural shape, removing single hairs in unnecessary places. For those who are growing their eyebrows, you can skip this step and put the tweezers away.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly

  • Oils should be applied at night. Castor oil contains proteins, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants that help nourish hair follicles and promote their growth. Olive oil is a good source of vitamin E, which will allow eyebrows to grow faster and look fuller.
  • It is recommended to regularly make masks from aloe juice, lemon, fenugreek seeds, and beaten egg whites.
  • You should definitely remove your makeup before going to bed.
  • You should massage with oils to promote blood flow and enhance hair growth.
  • Pharmacies offer special serums and conditioners that help speed up eyebrow growth. It’s worth taking a closer look at RevitaLash RevitaBrow Advanced Eyebrow Conditioner, Double-Lash from Malava, Seslash Intensive from Boster Sesderma.

Double-Lash by Malava

Drawn eyebrows on girls

You may notice that for some reason many girls draw clear dark eyebrows. Graphics should be abandoned; the emphasis in makeup should be on something else, for example, eyes or lips, otherwise the whole image will be ruined. Other makeup mistakes include:

  • Using a soft, unsharpened pencil of an unnatural color.
  • Applying makeup in hard, straight lines, well beyond your own brow shape.
  • The traced base of the eyebrow (the effect of a frowning face).
  • Excessive use of concealer along the eyebrow contour, lack of shading.
  • Eyebrows that are too wide are still in fashion, but you should choose the shape based on your own natural shape. Eyebrows should look harmonious on the face.
  • Thin eyebrows also do not decorate, and even add age.
  • Draw eyebrows by looking up a “drawing” on the Internet. Everything that suits one person is not a fact that it will suit others.
  • Everyone wants to have big eyes, so they make the eyebrows higher, but the result is the effect of a “crying” eye.
  • Another mistake is plucking the hair from above. This visually makes the look heavy and creates the effect of an overhanging eyelid.

How to pluck eyebrows correctly

How to correctly and beautifully draw perfect eyebrows for a girl at home

Many people prefer to go to professional eyebrow makeup artists, but sometimes this may not be affordable. Before you properly draw eyebrows yourself, you need to purchase materials for beginners:

  • brush;
  • brush;
  • fixing gel;
  • pencils;
  • scissors (curved);
  • tweezers with a bevel.

Step by step tutorial for drawing eyebrow shape:

  1. Measure the required angle of future eyebrows. Take a brush or pencil. Place it along the nose to visually see a straight line from the inner corner of the eye to the beginning of the eyebrow.
  2. Move the brush to the outer edge of the pupil. The brush will show the correct location of the center of the highest point of the arc.
  3. Move the brush to the outer corner of the eyes. The eyebrow should end at this point. This is a standard scheme that is used by all eyebrow stylists. The extreme point of the eyebrow should be at an angle of 45° from the outer end of the eye.
  4. To make the eyebrows the same, you should draw a straight line above the eyebrows from the center of the highest point of the arch of one to the other in order to see the asymmetry.

Note! A common mistake many women make is being too symmetrical. It is important to remember that by nature the two halves of the face cannot be identical, and therefore neither can the eyebrows. You need to rely on your original shape, and not try to create new “alien” eyebrows.

How to properly apply eye shadow step by step

  1. Choose a suitable pencil color. Draw the outline using the marks.
  2. Get rid of hairs that extend beyond the contour using tweezers or thread. Hairs should be plucked in the direction of hair growth. If you break this rule, they will grow chaotically in different directions. Hair removal with thread is a new method that has already won the love of women. Widely used in hair removal in the area of ​​eyebrows, lips, cheeks. The technique involves using twisted cotton threads to pull out the hair at the root, similar to tweezing, but faster. The result after the thread is smoother skin.
  3. If some of the hairs are very long and thick, then you can comb them up and trim them with curved scissors.
  4. The beginning of the eyebrows should be light, light, and the tip dark and clear. The following technique is suitable here: shading and shading. First, draw with strokes, completing the necessary hairs and intensifying the tone towards the middle, and then drawing out the dark ends.
  5. Blend the contour with a brush, weakening the tone in places.
  6. Apply concealer under the eyebrow, add definition, blend out any excess. Comb and fix everything with transparent gel.

How to draw your own eyebrows using different types of pencils

The first condition is preparing the skin for a more lasting result. When applying foundation, it is not advisable to touch the area where eyebrows will be drawn with your fingers. It's better to work with a sponge.

Note! The eyebrows should start from a straight line running from the nose through the inner corner of the eye, then along the line from the nose through the outer edge of the pupil. It should end at a point on a line from the nose through the outer corner of the eye, but in no case below the line of their beginning.

How to use different pencils:

  1. Regular pencil. Its color should match the shade of the hair root on the head. They need to draw hairs from the middle, moving towards the tip. If desired, you can make the shape wider - add tones on the upper contour, but without making the look heavier. You should move in jerky movements, avoiding clear contours. You need to draw this way to the center, fill the shape with the side of the stylus so as not to create unnecessary obvious lines. The result is light toning. The result should be secured with a fixative, emphasizing the texture of the hair. Then comb it with a brush, covering the drawn strokes.
  2. Pencil with a retractable thin rod. They just need to create lines that follow the hair. A pencil is necessary to create thick eyebrows without obvious edges and to eliminate unfilled areas at the beginning. To avoid sharp strokes, you can soften the beginning of the eyebrow with a brush.
  3. A soft pencil with a trapezoidal shaft is needed to work out soft borders and unpainted areas. But because of the lead, the pencil is not able to get through the hair, so you need to comb it in the opposite direction. Fix the result again with a fixative gel.
  4. At the end, all that remains is to apply the shadows, which will settle on the hairs, adding thickness to them.

How to draw eyebrows with different types of pencils

When drawing a shape for the first time, using pencils will be difficult. They are ideal for drawing individual hairs, but inexperienced women can overdo it. Eyebrow pomade is a safe alternative in this case. Easy to use, select tone, remove excess, it provides even coverage along the entire length, filling gaps well. To avoid unnatural eyebrows, you should use shadows that are easy to shade and correct imperfections.

It is important not to forget that eyebrows should be similar, like sisters, but not twins. Therefore, in pursuit of ideal asymmetry, you can only make things worse, for example, overdoing it with excessive plucking. No two eyebrows are the same, it's all about proportions. In addition, untrained people really do not understand which curve suits the face, and they pluck out all the hairs in a row or draw a “rainbow” shape for themselves. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals for the first eyebrow shaping. Then you can independently adjust the shape without outside help.

Eyebrows determine appearance, look and age. Nothing is more important in makeup than perfectly formed eyebrows. You need to follow the advice of experts on creating a natural shape and perfect makeup, take care of your eyebrows yourself and periodically visit an eyebrow specialist for correction. In addition, it is important to avoid common mistakes and choose the right cosmetics. This is the only way to get perfect eyebrows.

Read: 138

If you want to learn how to do beautiful makeup, you need to learn the intricacies of applying foundation, eye shadow, blush, lipstick, and also master the technique of tinting your eyebrows with a pencil.

To draw eyebrows beautifully with a pencil, you just need to choose the right cosmetic product and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Before you start shaping your eyebrows, you need to learn how to choose the right pencil for these purposes. Such a decorative cosmetics product must have a hard lead. The best option is a pencil with a combing brush on the cap. When choosing a pencil shade, many girls make mistakes, preferring black. Only those with black curls can use it. For blondes, this pencil color is prohibited. In this case, light brown tones are appropriate. If your hair is brown or light brown, dye your eyebrows dark brown. For redheads, a brown-red pencil will suit.

Eyebrow makeup mistakes

First of all, let’s find out what not to do in eyebrow makeup:

  • There is no need to pluck your eyebrows completely and then draw the shape you chose. Such eyebrows look vulgar and ugly.
  • Don't use eyeliner instead of pencil. The line will be perfectly straight, but the eyebrows will lose their naturalness and will look comical.
  • Never paint your eyebrows with a pencil intended for eyelids. Its color is too rich and its lead is too soft.
  • Correctly designed eyebrows are those that are drawn along the hairline. Don't go beyond the limits and don't finish them.

Preparing for eyebrow makeup

Before shaping your eyebrows with a pencil, do the following:

  • Apply foundation and powder before lining your brows.
  • Before tinting your eyebrows with a pencil, pay attention to their shape. Correctly pluck out excess hairs using tweezers.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape

To correctly determine the shape of your eyebrows, you will need a regular pencil. With its help, you can find out the points of the beginning, middle and end of the eyebrows.

Hold the pencil vertically. Press one part of it to the edge of the nostril, and attach the second to the inner corner of the eye. Make a mark where it intersects with the eyebrow. This place will be the base of the eyebrow.

Using an identical method, we determine the center of the eyebrow. In this case, the line will pass through the pupil of the eye. Place a dot at this point. The tip of the eyebrow is determined using the same pattern, but point the pencil through the outer corner of the eye. When all the marks are made, connect them all together.

If nature has not endowed you with thick eyebrows or you don’t have them at all, entrust the correction to an experienced specialist. The specialist will choose the ideal eyebrow shape for you, and you will only have to take care of your makeup at home.

To make pencil-drawn eyebrows look beautiful, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Avoid clear lines. Color the hairs themselves with a pencil.
  • If you want to make your eyebrows a little longer, use a pencil to make small strokes.
  • You can make your eyebrows brighter by following one little trick. Comb your eyebrow so that the hairs lie down. Touch them up along the growth line and return them to the reverse position with a comb.
  • You can give your eyebrows a natural look and feel using pencils in different shades. One pencil should be in the color that you use every day, and the second should be one unit lighter. Lastly, paint the hairs with small strokes. Apply a dark color to the bottom of the eyebrows.
  • Don't forget the brush. Always use it after filling in your eyebrows.
  • Proper retouching will make your eyebrows look more natural. If your eyebrows are sparse, a pencil will help you give them the missing thickness. Make a few strokes that will imitate hairs. In this case, it is advisable to color the eyebrows with a dark gray or dark brown pencil. The choice of shade depends on the color of your curls.
  • You can make your eyebrows thicker not only with a pencil, but also with shadows.
  • Don't forget to fix the result with a special gel.
  • Thick eyebrows do not need intense coloring. It is enough just to make a few light strokes with a pencil to make them brighter.
  • Make the arches slightly raised. Don't draw them too long. Smooth lines are important for an oval face. Rounded ends are appropriate for a square face, elongated arcs for a round one.
  • Start tinting your eyebrows from the middle. Do light shading without strong pressure. If necessary, make the arcs wider or longer. But do not forget that long and wide eyebrows noticeably weigh down the face.
  • When you have correctly drawn the temple area, tint the eyebrows in the widest area. Use the applicator to blend strokes.

Painting eyebrows step by step

So, let’s draw eyebrows step by step and look at the photo:

After coloring, take a brush and go through the hairs again. In this case, the pressure should be more intense so that the comb touches not only the hairs, but also the skin. This will help blend the pencil and give your eyebrows a natural look. This makeup trick will come to the rescue if there is excessive darkening somewhere. Go over the area with a brush and remove any excess paint.


Well-shaped eyebrows add expressiveness to the face. They focus attention on the oval of the face, make it younger, highlight the eyes, emphasizing their depth. You should not ignore such a detail in makeup, so master the technique of tinting your eyebrows with a pencil, taking into account all the above recommendations.

Not every girl knows how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil. Moreover, not everyone has their perfect form by nature. Some ladies generally pay little attention to their eyebrows.

However, do not forget that eyebrows, even without special makeup, can make your eyes expressive, your gaze more open, slightly change the shape of your face and generally transform your appearance. However, you need to learn to “draw” eyebrows correctly just as diligently as, for example, to draw perfect arrows.

Those who are faced with eyebrow correction using cosmetics for the first time should first of all choose their own shape that is optimally suited to a specific face type.

To do this, you can use the services of a stylist or follow the general advice of beauty experts:

However, the shape of the face is often quite blurry, so only experiments will allow you to choose the best option.

How to draw perfect, beautiful eyebrows: step-by-step instructions. Photos step by step

Having decided on the shape of the eyebrows, you should carefully get rid of excess hairs using tweezers, tweezers or a blade, and you can begin the ritual. Today there are a lot of products for shaping eyebrows - gels, shadows, mascara. However, for beginners, the best option is a pencil.

The main advantage of pencils over other means is convenience and practicality:

  • Possibility to draw lines of any thickness.
  • Ability to adjust color intensity.
  • Ease of use.
  • Mobility.

There are two types of eyebrow pencils - twist-out and sharpen. Each of them has its own advantages. For example, a mechanical pencil can be pulled out as you use it and, with proper skill, you can use it to touch up your eyebrows everywhere.

However, such a pencil quickly ceases to be as sharp as after purchase. Therefore, a regular pencil is used more often - longer service life, the ability to achieve an ideal sharpness of the tip.

How to properly paint eyebrows with a pencil using a stencil

To properly fill in your eyebrows with a pencil, first of all, it is important to comb them properly. To do this, you can use a special eyebrow comb or use a clean brush from finished mascara. The hairs should be combed in the direction of their growth, giving the desired shape.

To make the task easier, you can slightly moisten the brush or apply a light cosmetic oil to it. In this case, it will be easier to shape the eyebrows. Often at such a moment it is discovered that a couple of treacherous hairs have escaped attention and will have to be plucked out. After the eyebrows are set, you should start tinting.

There are two types of eyebrow modeling most often used:

The first option is suitable only for thick eyebrows, as it gives them a rich color and corrects their shape. Those with sparse hair should resort to the second method - neat lines will create the illusion of luxurious “sable” eyebrows. Most often, both methods are used simultaneously, which allows you to create the ideal shape.

To make your eyebrows look natural and well-groomed, you need to draw thin, long lines (approximately equal in length to hairs). This is especially true for the area near the bridge of the nose and in the temporal part.

This way you can lengthen and widen your eyebrow. In the middle, it is better to finely shade with a sharp, hard pencil to achieve the effect of natural thickness. You can also use a lighter pencil for thick lines - this will create the appearance of lightness.

Once the eyebrows have acquired the desired shape, you can fix them with a fixative gel or use regular styling varnish. When using hairspray, apply it to the eyebrow brush and gently move it through the hairs without pressing too hard. This makeup will last on average 6 hours without additional touch-ups.

To make your look more open, you can apply a light concealer above and below your eyebrows - your eyes will appear larger and more expressive even with everyday makeup.

How to carefully, evenly draw (emphasize) eyebrows with a pencil

It doesn't take long to get perfect eyebrows. To do this, it’s worth getting your teeth into it. However, there are a few simple rules that can make this procedure easier.

First of all, it is important to get the right pencil. This is the main tool of labor, not counting, of course, the eyebrow brush and tweezers. The pencil should be properly hard - it should not melt upon contact with the skin, leaving sloppy wide stripes and at the same time not scratch delicate skin.

This is why it is not recommended to use eyeliner pencils - they are too soft. When using a sharpening pencil, it is important to sharpen it in time. For this, a good sharpener will come in handy, which will sharpen the pencil evenly without leaving woody nicks.

To evenly emphasize your eyebrows, you should not immediately tint them completely. It is enough to draw a few thin lines with a pencil. Perhaps this will be enough for a start.

If the eyebrows are still too sparse or short, more serious work awaits. Use neat hatching lines to fill in the largest voids with a pencil, imitating hairs. Short eyebrows can be lengthened using thin, long lines. Eyebrows drawn in this way will look neat and well-groomed.

How to choose the right eyebrow pencil color - optimal shades

When talking about how to paint eyebrows correctly with a pencil, do not forget about choosing the color of the product. Even brunettes rarely boast blue-black eyebrows.

In addition to hair color, it is also important to focus on skin tone, which often plays a decisive role. By choosing the optimal shade of pencil you can make your face more fresh and radiant. For each color type there are certain nuances of choice.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for brunettes

Brunettes with fair skin most often do not look good with black pencils. Optimal, according to experts, are dark brown and gray shades. For example, a light-eyed brunette with porcelain skin and a soft pink blush should most often choose a dark gray pencil.

For the owner of tar-colored curls and yellowish skin, a brown pencil is more suitable. For burning brunettes with dark skin, dark eyes and crimson lips, a black pencil can be used.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil for dark brown hair

For those with dark brown hair, it is better to use pencils in brown shades. Depending on your hair color, you should choose how dark the pencil color will be.

Terracotta shades are suitable for reddish girls with warm skin tones. And for cold brown hair, it is better to choose a pencil of a calm brown color. It is also worth paying attention to the color type - the warmer the skin color, the warmer the eyebrow pencil should be.

How to choose an eyebrow pencil color for blondes: the best shade for blondes

Girls with blond curls will effectively emphasize their femininity with the help of light brown or gray pencils.

Blondes with golden skin and brown eyes can also use a brown eyebrow pencil. And if the skin is rather peachy and the eyes are blue, a gray shade will be more preferable.

Which eyebrow pencil is better to buy?

When buying a pencil, you should be guided by a considerable number of characteristics:

The modern industry offers several more items that will allow any girl to buy the perfect pencil. You can choose from three categories: waterproof, wax and powder pencils.

Waterproof eyebrow pencil

A waterproof eyebrow pencil will be useful for any girl leading an active lifestyle. And also for those who live in areas with high humidity. The main advantage of this pencil is its amazing stability.

If you paint your eyebrows correctly with this pencil, no natural disasters will be scary. The only caveat is that you need to carefully monitor the oiliness of your skin, since the pigment is fat-soluble. Therefore, do not forget to walk with a matting napkin or just a dry, clean handkerchief over the skin to avoid an unpleasant situation.

Wax eyebrow pencil

A wax pencil will be useful for those with coarse hair. This product smoothes unruly hairs as naturally as possible and allows you to create an ideal shape, even if they are short. When using a wax product, there is no need to fix the eyebrows after makeup. Often wax crayons are also waterproof.

Powder eyebrow pencil

Eyebrow powder pencil is the best option for cool weather. This product is suitable for any skin type, including oily. Powder pencil looks the most natural. Its advantages include easy application and maximum color coverage.

For evening makeup, you can moisten it a little and then the shade will be more intense. If the pencil is used incorrectly, its service life is short. You should paint your eyebrows as carefully as possible - the lead is not very resistant to damage. Also, the disadvantages of the product include its instability: after a few hours, the makeup will need to be corrected.

When choosing an eyebrow pencil, it is important to focus not only on the price, manufacturer, type and color of the pencil. Make a purchase of a pencil only for daytime color, be sure to use a tester to see how natural the pencil will look on your skin, and then the result will delight you and those around you.

Video tutorials: How to learn how to paint eyebrows

How not to draw eyebrows, and how to paint them correctly:

Eyebrow makeup. Eyebrow correction using cosmetics:

The question of how to draw eyebrows with a pencil interests all women who want to look good. Eyebrow arches that are drawn correctly will make the look laconic. Learning to draw lines requires constant practice. All the steps for making arches are described in detail below, so even a beginner can cope with this task.

Before the process of drawing lines, you need to properly prepare.

Preparation consists of:

  1. Choosing the right color.
  2. Choice .
  3. Pencil selection.
  4. Correction.

Choosing the right color

To determine the shade of eyebrow lines that is in harmony with your hair and skin color, you should adhere to the following tips:

  1. The color of the eyebrows should be slightly darker than the hair and eyelashes.
  2. Blondes' arches should be darker than their hair.
  3. For black hair, the color of the lines should be lighter.
  4. When choosing a color, you need to take into account the color of your eyes and skin. If your skin is fair, the arc pencil should be brown. It will hide flaws in appearance.
  5. If the hair has a natural color, then the color of the lines should be the same.
  6. If several colors are applied, they should be of different shades.

The choice of eyebrow color is influenced by the type of appearance. For blonde girls:

    • too dark the color of the arches will make the image vulgar and provocative. It is possible to paint the arcs black for a themed event;
    • if the lines are very pale, then you should use a light-colored pencil;
    • for ashen and gray hair, gray arcs are suitable;
    • if the hair is wheat-colored, then the pencil should be beige;
    • For golden hair color, warm colors are suitable.

For dark-haired and brown-haired girls:

  • for dark skin and black hair, black arches are suitable;
  • girls with brown hair and pale skin can dye their hair brown or gray;
  • Black lines will not suit red-haired people. They can be painted in all shades of brown. It is possible to mix several shades.

Shape selection

Before drawing arcs, it is worth determining their correct shape. The shape of the lines can be:

  1. In the form of an arc. There is no break in its curve.
  2. Eyebrows that have a kink. They have a thin end, the break is not sharp, and the rise is high.
  3. Lines ascending upward. Their shape is similar to the wings of a butterfly. Their tip is located slightly above the base. Such lines will make the face lively and open.
  4. Arcs in the form of a curved line. They have a straight curved line. Suitable for any type of appearance.
  5. Arcs in the form of horizontal lines. Their shape is smooth. It will make your face a little rounder.
  6. Arches in the form of a house. Doesn't suit any face type.

The choice of line shape is influenced by the location of the eyes, nose, and corners of the mouth.

To determine the length, you should use the following method:

  1. Take a long stick (pen, pencil).
  2. Press the stick with one end to the corner of the eye located inside, and the other end to the edge of the nose.
  3. The intersection of the lines will be the beginning of the line.
  4. The middle passes through the pupil of the eye.
  5. The end is the outer corner of the eye.

The combined three points will determine the length of the arc.

For each face shape, a certain line shape is suitable:

  • for chubby girls, arched eyebrows are suitable;
  • for the square type they are suitable - in the shape of an arc;
  • for an oval face, it is preferable to make straight lines; you can round the end a little;
  • For a triangular face, arches that rise upward are suitable.

The wrong shape of the arches can greatly spoil the appearance, and the face will look comical.

Pencil selection

To beautifully shape your eyebrows, you need to choose a pencil. If it is of high quality, then the makeup will be long-lasting and the lines will look natural. It is convenient to use, since any incorrect stroke can be erased. When choosing a pencil, you should follow the following recommendations:

  1. It is convenient to use a pencil that twists out, but the regular type will last longer.
  2. If it is soft, the lines will be blurry, so you should use hard types to draw eyebrow arches.
  3. It is worth purchasing a brush for combing hairs and a brush.
  4. Before use, the pencil should be sharpened sharply. If it is wooden, then it is placed in the freezer for several hours. This is done so that the tip does not break during sharpening.
  5. For eyebrows, you cannot use a pencil that is intended for drawing the contour of the lips.
  6. It is better to purchase a high-quality professional pencil. Then the result will be much better.
  7. For thick hair, a pencil will not work. In this case, special paint or shadows are used.

For those who have just started using a pencil, it will be difficult to choose the most suitable one. However, following the advice of experts, as well as with increasing experience, the procedure will be easy to perform.

Correction rules

Before painting, the lines should be corrected. To do this you need to take the following steps:

  1. Point a bright light source at your face.
  2. Comb the hairs with a brush.
  3. Place points at the beginning, middle and end of the line.
  4. Draw an outline.
  5. Pull the skin with one hand and tweezers with the other.

The hair is taken with tweezers at the very base and removed with a sharp movement. During correction, it is worth stopping sometimes and evaluating the result. All defects can be corrected with a pencil. After the procedure is completed, the skin is disinfected and a cream is applied to moisturize the skin.

How to learn to draw arcs

To start learning how to draw arcs using a pencil, it’s worth considering common mistakes that you should avoid:

  1. You should not completely pluck or shave off your own eyebrow lines and then draw new ones. The face will look ridiculous and defiant.
  2. You cannot replace a pencil with eyeliner. Arcs drawn with eyeliner look unnatural.
  3. The lines are drawn correctly if you draw them according to the growth of your own hairs. There is no need to complete them and go beyond them.

Before you start drawing arcs, you should do the following:

  1. Apply total cream or powder.
  2. Remove excess hair.

Beginners should study and continue to follow the following tips from professionals:

    • Don’t try to draw a line that is too clear;
    • small strokes are made to lengthen;
    • to add brightness, you can use the following method: the hairs are combed so that they are directed downwards, then they need to be dyed along the growth line, then the hairs are returned to their original position with a comb;
    • To make the arches look more natural, you should apply several shades of pencils. One of them should be the one that is used every day, the other should be a little lighter. The pencil that is darker is used to paint the lower part of the line, and the pencil that is lighter is used to paint the hairs with small strokes;
    • after dyeing, comb the hairs with a brush;
    • To consolidate the result, a special gel is applied;
    • if the eyebrows are thick, then they are painted with small strokes to give them brightness;
    • the arcs must be made slightly raised;
    • the arcs must be tinted from the middle part. Strokes should be made with light movements without strong pressure;
    • to make shading you need to use an applicator.

Drawing arcs is not an easy task. Only with experience is it possible to carry out this procedure without any problems.

How else can you draw lines?

There are other ways to dye hair. These include:

  • eyeshadow. The result comes out natural. This method is one of the cheapest. However, the shadows fall off a lot, and if applied incorrectly, the face will look vulgar. Shadows should be chosen in matte shades that are two shades lighter than the hair. They are applied with a special brush with sparse hairs and a beveled tip;
  • dye. This method is good because you can dye your hair only once a week, and in some cases once a month. When choosing paint, it is important to choose the right color and carefully apply the coloring composition. Before carrying out the procedure, you must carefully study the instructions and test for an allergic reaction. Also, before use, Vaseline or a greasy cream is applied to the nearest areas of the skin to prevent them from being stained with paint. Then the coloring composition is applied, the time specified in the instructions is waited and the paint is washed off. At the end, the hair must be combed;
  • powder. It is used when hairs are sparse. It is used in the same way as shadows. The powder will give the lines softness and make the hairs thicker;
  • Permanent makeup. It is carried out only in a cosmetology salon. This is an expensive service and painful. However, it allows you to forget about dyeing your hair for several years. First, the specialist draws the shape, and then, using a special apparatus and paint, draws an arc. Tattooing is not performed during pregnancy, allergies, diabetes, hypertension, inflammatory diseases, or people under 18 years of age.

Before choosing a specific method, it is important to study each of them, evaluate all the positive and negative aspects, and then make a decision.

Is it better to draw eyebrows with a pencil or shadows?

To choose what to use for drawing lines, it is worth analyzing the difference between pencil and shadows. A pencil, unlike eyeshadow, allows you to adjust the length and width of the arc, and also colors the hairs themselves. However, shadows are easier to use, so even beginners can use them. The shadows are not as long lasting. When it's raining outside, it's better not to use them.

The downside to using a pencil is that it requires constant sharpening. With the help of shadows, the image turns out more natural.

Both the first and second options have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, each girl must select a specific method individually for herself.

How to draw eyebrows step by step

To draw arcs using a pencil you need

  1. Mark the points where the arc will begin and end. According to the standards of specialists, the arc should begin in the place where a straight line can be lowered to the hole on the wing of the nose. To determine the end of the line, you need to apply a long stick from the wing of the nose through the outer corner of the eye.
  2. The hairs are combed so that they look up. This step is carried out using a special brush. Some people apply styling gel before application to maintain shape longer.
  3. A line is drawn along the lower and upper parts of the arc, connecting them at the end of the bend. This creates the contour of the eyebrow arch.
  4. Then the entire area inside the outline is filled with small strokes. The pressure should be light.
  5. The hairs are combed down.
  6. Draw the top of the line.
  7. Use a brush to blend in an upward direction.
  8. A special gel is applied to consolidate the result.

It is not necessary to paint the entire arc. It is enough to make small strokes in those places where there are bald spots.

How to draw lines with pencil and shadows

In order to draw lines, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • pencil – 2 colors;
  • brush;
  • white shadows;
  • moisturizing cream.

Work process:

To facilitate the process, you can buy special stencils.

To get a better drawing result, you should follow the advice from experts:

  1. Eyebrows require daily care. To do this, they are combed twice a day and gels and waxes are used.
  2. Sharp features on the face will be smoothed out by round arches.
  3. The outer tip of the line should correspond to the outer corner of the eye.
  4. If the mask is applied to the face, then the composition should also be applied to the eyebrows.
  5. For coloring you should use high quality cosmetics.
  6. Excess hairs are removed with tweezers, and those that stick out are trimmed with scissors.
  7. The choice of the shape of the arches depends on the type of appearance, and then it is only supported.
  8. Use a cotton swab to wipe off excess.
  9. When drawing, you should not press too hard on the pencil so that it does not crumble.
  10. You should not completely shave off the hairs or remove them in large quantities. This will slow down their growth.
  11. To moisturize, apply special oil.
  12. Once a week you should massage your eyebrows for two minutes before going to bed. It is carried out with a brush with the addition of a small amount of almond oil. This massage will increase hair growth in the eyebrow area.
  13. Once a month it is worth treating your eyebrows with a scrub. It will remove dead layers and improve blood flow to the hair follicles. This will speed up growth.

It is difficult for beginners to make eyebrow arches accurately, correctly and beautifully the first time. To do this you need to constantly train. After just a few procedures, the lines will be smooth and natural. Before the procedure, it is worth determining their correct shape and color. Careful preparation of all materials is necessary.

How to shape your eyebrows in 5 minutes, watch the following video:

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