Country fairies watch online all. country fairies

From July 3, on the daily air, a stale novelty for those who already have time to think about the soul and the beds - the program " country fairies"moved from the Beaver satellite channel to the first button. It looks like the summer season didn't start very well and Channel One went for broke by launching heavy artillery on the day off. Will the gardening show be able to win the love of the audience or remain unclaimed?

"Country fairies" on the First

There are already three presenters in the program "Country Fairies"! Two fairies and one fairies. At VDNKh (in the capital of Russia), the trinity was allocated 6 acres. Their task is to improve a piece of land: lay out beds on it, plant bushes and ennoble existing trees. In general, in real time during the summer season, the presenters tell you how to properly care for plants, how to plant, what you should pay attention to. The personalities of the leaders are interesting in themselves. I propose to wash them a little bones.

"Country fairies" on the First | Oktyabrina Ganichkina

The second eccentric madam is TV presenter Olga Platonova. Sometimes I caught her on the air of Channel One - she was cutting salads in Good Morning and did not inspire confidence. By education, Olga Platonova is an English teacher, but there are many people in life: a designer, an architect, a psychopath. But its main theme is landscape design, therefore, on the project "Country Fairies" she is responsible for beauty - trees, shrubs, flowers. He knows many secrets and is happy to share them with the audience. The age of Olga Platonova is also shrouded in mystery. Unlike Ganichkina, Platonova not only takes care of the garden, but also devotes time to her own beauty. The skin on the face is stretched like a drum, plastic is visible to the naked eye. Pigtails obviously do not suit her and create the image of a country crazy woman, but her loose hair, gathered in a bun back, on the contrary, makes the TV presenter younger and more interesting. At first I liked it after watching a few episodes of "Country Fairies", and then I googled the information and ... I freaked out. Auntie, professing positivism, in fact turned out to be a scandalous and greedy citizen. I'm in shock!

"Country fairies" on the First | Olga Platonova

Sergei Asharin. He stands between the two fires of Oktyabrina and Olga and runs between them, helping one or the other. Sergey embodies the image of a clumsy city dweller, who, with land and seedlings, is "on you". Aunts share their experience with him, and he sets a positive mood with jokes and grimaces. Asharin hung out on shabby channels before "Country Fairies" and now his finest hour has come. The bald faerie has been repeatedly spotted by Google at social events, accompanied by other well-known unmarried men.

So, let's move on to the main thing: like it or not, watch it or not watch it. You know, if you do not go into the personal life and career of the hosts of the Country Fairies show, then you can and even need to watch. As an experienced gardener, I took some of Oktyabrina's advice as bookmarks and will certainly use them. Ganichkina is the least attractive to me as a host. An itchy granny has a place on the Usadba channel, and not on the First. Well, or let her write a normal text. Here Olga Platonova's language is suspended - she speaks competently, beautifully and to the point. If you unsee the scandalous information about her from the Internet, then she belongs on the First. By the way, as part of the program, Ganichkin and Platonov gossip behind each other's backs, criticize and reveal unfortunate mistakes in the opponent. It seems like a funny thing to watch, but on the other hand - who to believe? In enchanting disputes, Platonov always wins.

"Country fairies" on the First

Issues of "Country Fairies" last a little less than half an hour and the time flies by. There are many in the transmission useful information, it is presented simply and clearly. This is a definite plus.

"Country fairies" on the First | Olga Platonova, Oktyabrina Ganichkina, Sergey Asharin

In general, I liked "Country Fairies". If it were not for the sham Potemkin garden with beds and the scandalous information about the presenters, I would have given a higher rating. I give three stars and highly recommend!

"Country fairies" on the First | Sergei Asharin

The Country Fairies program is aired twice a day on the Beaver TV channel and on Sundays at 12.15 Moscow time on Channel One. All episodes can be viewed online at high quality after the premiere on the official website of the project.

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A program on Channel One in which experts share advice with gardeners and gardeners.

In a programme " country fairies» presenters Olga Platonova And Oktyabrina Ganichkina they will tell and show what, how and, most importantly, when it is best to grow and plant in a suburban area.

About the Country Fairies program

The program is run by two professional gardeners-fairies and their young assistant, who is just getting acquainted with the intricacies of caring for the garden and the garden.

Oktyabrina Ganichkina- a specialist in growing crops, the author of dozens of reference books for gardeners and gardeners ( “All about the garden and the garden in questions and answers”, “Handbook of the gardener”, “Favorite flowers”, etc.) - is well known not only to the audience of Channel One. October hosts several TV shows manor". She gladly shares her professional secrets with everyone who enjoys working on earth.

Olga Platonova- permanent presenter of the gardening section in the program "Good morning " and participant of the TV project "Fazenda" on Channel One.

co-host "Country fairies"- Sergei Asharin a journalist who, together with the audience of the project, will be recruited from the main characters of the gardening experience.

Filming location for the weekly program country fairies” has become the territory of VDNKh in Moscow: it is there that “Country Fairies” will create an exemplary site almost in real time.

About transmission: Fairies are known to wield magic and sorcery. And "Country Fairies" Olga Platonova and Oktyabrina Ganichkina - a huge store of knowledge, which, as well as, most importantly, when is best to grow and plant in a suburban area. Oktyabrina and Olga will not only tell, but also show how to grow a real miracle from a small seed. We are sure that the program "Country Fairies" is suitable for both beginners and summer residents with experience. True, fairies sometimes argue on a particular issue, but in a dispute, as you know, truth is born. And the charming and ironic co-host Sergei Asharin will help Oktyabrina Ganichkina and Olga Platonova. Together with the audience of the project, he will not only gain from the main characters of gardening experience, but will also be responsible for the cheerful mood on the set. real time mode.

Genre: Transfers
Year of issue: 2016
Released: Russia, Channel One
Presenters: Oktyabrina Ganichkina, Olga Platonova, Sergey Asharin