Presentation on the topic of Russian culture of the 16th century. Russian culture of the 16th century

Russian culture of the 16th century

Development of Russian culture

The culture of this time is closely connected with historical events in the country. The 16th century for Russia was the time of formation and centralization of power in the Moscow principality. Basically, it is there that architecture begins to develop rapidly.


The architecture of Russia is based on the tented style. There is no exact information about the origin of the tents. They replaced the cross-domed buildings and churches.

The largest tent-style buildings built in the 16th century:

Temple of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye. It is characterized by amazing architectural decoration and patterns.

St. Basil's Cathedral. It was built by the architect Barma.

Other famous buildings in Russia of this time:

Kremlin in Moscow. Of course, the Kremlin was built before the 16th century, but at that time it began to be rebuilt. The architects of the Kremlin were foreigners, so Western European and Russian styles are mixed in the style.

The new Cathedral of the Assumption, built by the Italian Fioravanti. The architect took the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral as a basis.

Archangel Cathedral of the Kremlin. This building combines traditional forms and Venetian style.

Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. This cathedral is a truly Russian building, with traditional features and features.


As such, painting in the modern sense of the word did not exist. Painting at that time meant icon painting. The 16th century was marked by the spread of heresy and the persecution of icon painters. Because of this, artists began to depict the faces of saints on icons with shading.

In addition to icon painting, artists could paint images of temples, cathedrals and churches on their canvases. The most famous paintings of this time:

The Nativity Cathedral of the Ferapontov Monastery.

"Cathedral of the Mother of God"

"Protection of the Virgin".


All the literature that was at that time, for the most part, was written by hand. However, it was precisely at this time that literature was being transformed. In the 16th century, new genres appeared:

Tales ("The Tale of Dracula")

Fiction ("Alexandria" about Alexander the Great)


Also, in the XVI century. book printing is born in Russia.


16th century It is characterized by the appearance of book printing in Russia. The first book printed is the Apostle. It was printed by the clerk Ivan Fedorovich. Basically, all printed books were liturgical in nature. There was no talk of fiction in the 16th century.

Notable works published in the 16th century:


"Primer book with grammar"

Petitions to Ivan the Terrible from Ivan Peresvetov.

Domostroy and others.

In the 16th century, a new technology of singing was created - three-line singing. The development in the musical and singing direction was due to the creation of a singing choir of clerks in the Moscow principality.

Book printing in Moscow. Rigid regulation. Painting. Middle Ages. Differences in books. direction of iconography. Fluent writing style. Motif of the Last Judgment. Church of the Ascension. Applied art. Features of the icon. Tale of the coming of Stefan Batory. Fedor Kon. Warrior story. Wooden-earthen fortress. Macarius. Architecture. Treasury funds. Traditional five-domed temples. Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

"Culture of the Russian Middle Ages" - The main stages in the development of medieval Russian culture. mythological school. East Slavic paganism. The originality of the cultural and historical path of Russia. Christianity. Goblin. Rational-critical direction. Cultural dynamics. Myth in archaic times. Essays on the history of Russian culture. Sanctuaries. Ancient Russian pantheon. Single socio-political and cultural space. Russian culture.

"Russian culture of the 14th-16th centuries" - Features of the development of Russian culture. Semistat. Features of the development of Russian culture in the fourteenth and sixteenth centuries. Ideas of the unity of the Russian land and the struggle against the Horde dominion. The creation of a single state caused a new cultural upsurge in Russia. Monasteries were the centers of literacy. Education. Russian culture is acquiring original national features. Gradual overcoming of cultural disunity. The emergence of Russian book printing.

"Culture of Russia of the 14th-16th centuries" - Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral. Gen. Cloth. Architecture. Wall and tower of the Moscow Kremlin. Assumption Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral. Heroic and "hagiographic" themes. Theophanes the Greek. Dwellings. Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye. Chronicle of the XV century. Life of Alexander Nevsky. Culture and life of the Moscow state in the XIV-XVI centuries. Tableware. Main directions. Painting. Blagoveshchensky cathedral. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod.

"Writing and typography" - Typography in Europe. Palm leaves. paper inventor. Birch. Handwritten books. Papyrus. Typography. Printed books. Old Russian textbook of mathematics. Johannes Gutenberg. Ivan Fedorov. The man went hunting. The first printed books. Ancient Novgorodians. Cuneiform. Clay tablets. Primer of Karion Istomin. Wood. Ancient people. Now I will read a lot. The emergence of writing. The invention of printing.

"Culture of Russia of the 16th century" - Purpose. Reflection of the policy of Ivan IV in culture. Cathedral of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin. Ivan the Terrible. Foreign policy of Ivan IV. Churches were built around the main, Intercession Church. The interior of the cathedral. Interior decoration. Culture of Russia in the 16th century. Cancer with the relics of St. Basil the Blessed. Trips to Kazan. Cathedral decoration. The semantic load of St. Basil's Cathedral.

L.A. Katsva, 2010

General conditions for the development of culture

What were the conditions for the development of Russian culture
in the 16th century compared to earlier eras?
In the XVI century. Russian culture developed in a single state,
whose main task was centralization.
crucial to the development of culture
single state center - Moscow.
Cultural achievements were used here
other regions of the country.
The power of the state has grown considerably
and in the second half of the 16th century. frankly acquired
despotic character.
The church was increasingly subject to secular power.


Chet-Mineas. 16th century
In the Middle Ages people
read exclusively
religious books:
works of the holy fathers
teachings, lives of saints.
In 1542 in Novgorod
by command
Archbishop Macarius
(since 1542 metropolitan)
began drafting
Great Fourth Menaion.
Menaion - books intended for church service
or reading within a certain month.
Chet'i - that is, not intended for worship,
but only for reading.


Macarius set the task of collecting "all the books of four,
even in the Russian land are found.
Great Cheti-Minei were created for more than 20 years.
12 large volumes (over 27 thousand pages) included
grouped according to the months of the lives of the saints
and all literature related to these saints:
writings of the church fathers, works of Russian church writers,
epistles of metropolitans, church statutes and charters,
various "spiritual" stories.
Many works read in Russia in the 15th-16th centuries
survived only due to the fact that they entered the Menaion.
With the advent of the Great Cheth-Menaias
the reading circle of all Russian people has become the same.
What did it matter?


"Story in brief

Abbreviation -
"Kazan history".
List of the 16th century.
Popular in the 16th century genre
- military story.
Tells about the capture of Kazan
"The story in brief from the beginning
kingdom of Kazan.
The author idealizes Ivan IV:
"To be very wise and brave,
and zealous, and strong in body,
and light feet like a pardus, and
like his grandfather in everything."
Russian warriors "all to Kazan
breathing with the audacity of battle and
anger like fire."


"Story in brief
from the beginning of the Kazan kingdom.
Abbreviation -
"Kazan history".
List of the 16th century.
Despite the solemn
glorification of the tsar and the Russian
troops, author of the Tale
does not hide respect
to the citizens of Kazan, who bravely
fought with the superior
enemy forces: each of them
"fighting with a hundred Rusyns,
and two and two hundred.”
The legend tells
and that the women of Kazan
trained in archery
and "spear fight"
and fought side by side
with men.


In "The Tale of the Coming of Stefan Batory to the city of Pskov",
written after the death of Ivan the Terrible,
tells about the siege of Pskov by the Polish army in 1581.
The author adheres to the traditional manner:
the Polish king is depicted as a "fierce beast",
he is “high-proud”, and Lithuania is “proud”,
while the Russian army is "Christ-loving".
The author of The Tale does not care what the real Stefan Batory is.
Tradition tells us to portray the enemy purely negatively -
this is what Batory looks like in the Tale.
What are the similarities and differences between Kazan History and
"Tales of the coming of Stefan Batory to the city of Pskov"?


Gospel handwritten XVI century.
Mordovia Museum of Local Lore,
In the sixteenth century, as before,
books were written by geese
pen using
ink and cinnabar,
as well as dissolved
gold and silver
to decorate texts.
But if before the book
wrote mainly
on parchment, then in the XVI century. -
mostly on paper
(Italian, French
and German).


In connection with the development
office work and abundance
texts required
simplified fluent
writing style.
To replace the semi-charter
came shorthand.
Cursive letters had
At first the letters were
mostly straight lines
but from the 2nd half of the XVI century. become
dominated by semicircular strokes.
Contribution deed of 1592
Words were often abbreviated
An example of cursive writing from the end of the 16th century.
superscript icons.

Beginning of printing

Each handwritten book was a work of art.
The books cost a fortune.
But the main drawback of handwritten books was not in this.
Do you think they will be completely identical
three copies of the handwritten Gospel?
No, they won't: each of them was made by hand,
the handwriting of the scribe could differ, but the main thing is that
errors appeared in the text, which were the more
the more urgent the job was.
In an ordinary book for reading, mistakes are not a problem,
but in the liturgical - blasphemy.
Moreover, in different parts of the country
accumulated various errors in the sacred texts.

Beginning of printing

How could differences in the books be overcome?
It was possible to achieve the unification of books
only through the introduction of printing.
The first printing house was created in Moscow on the initiative
Ivan IV and Metropolitan Macarius in 1553
What an important event for the life of the church and the country
implemented Macarius shortly before?
Stoglavy Cathedral of 1551, on which was installed
a single canon of iconography, and all locally venerated saints
declared public.

Beginning of printing

What is common between the decisions of the Stoglavy Cathedral
and the decision to open a printing house in Moscow?
Printing made it possible to get rid of discrepancies
in liturgical books, which in a single state
were completely intolerant.
Thus, printing was
an important centralizing measure,
as well as the establishment of a single canon of icon painting
and a single list of common saints.
The first Russian books were published without imprint
(place and year of publication) and without the name of the publisher.
Therefore, the first printing house is called anonymous.

Beginning of printing

Ivan Fedorov.
Moscow, 1564
In 1563 at the expense of the treasury in Moscow
A new printing house was founded.
It was headed by a deacon of one of
Kremlin churches Ivan Fedorov,
most likely a native of Belarus
or southern Poland, who studied
at the University of Krakow.
His assistant was Peter Mstislavets.
In 1564 the "Apostle" was printed,
in 1565 - "Chasoslovets".
Editions of Ivan Fedorov differed
the highest level of printing.
At present, the world is known
about 70 copies. "Apostle" 1564
One third of them are in Russia.

Beginning of printing

Primer published by Ivan Fedorov
in Lvov in 1574
Like Ivan Fedorov
ended up in Lviv?
Shortly after publication
"Book of Hours"
Ivan Fedorov
and Peter Mstislavets
moved to Lithuania
and then to Lvov.
According to one version of the reason
his departure from Moscow
was arson, arranged
scribes, on the other
- accusation of heresy
caused by the fact that
first printer contributed
in the texts of the change,
replacing Old Church Slavonic
Russian words.

Beginning of printing

Psalter. Moscow, 1568
Edition of Nevezha Timofeev
and Nikifor Tarasiev.
After check out
Ivan Fedorov
book printing in Moscow
In 1568 Nevezha Timofeev
and Nikifor Tarasiev
printed the Psalter.
In the 70s. 16th century Timofeev
managed the printing house
in Alexander Sloboda.
In total in the XVI century. Russians
printers published ca. 20 books.
Circulation of the "Apostle" 1597
reached 1500 copies.


Church of the Ascension
in Kolomna.
In the architecture of the XVI century.
appeared like never before
striving upward, towards the vertical.
Its most striking expression
became the first in Russia
stone tent temple
Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
built in 1532
In one chronicle
it was said that hipped churches
built "on a wooden case",
those. modeled on traditional
wooden tent temples.
The decorativeness of the temple gave
combination of red and white.


Church of the Ascension
in Kolomna.
Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
- hipped pillarless temple
58 m high.
Almost half the height of the temple -
octagonal tent.
The building has no altar apses,
thanks to which visually
completely subordinate to the axial
vertical movement.
Inside the temple is small,
because difficult task
maintaining the stone tent
solved by thickening the walls
at the bottom of the building
(2/3 of the area).


Not far from Kolomenskoye,
beyond the ravine, in the village of Dyakovo,
in 1547 by order of Ivan IV
was built
Temple of the Beheading
John the Baptist.
around the central pillar,
having the appearance of a multi-tiered tower,
octagonal chapel.
So the traditional five domes
combined here with techniques
tower, pillar
and tent architecture.
Church of the Beheading
The belfry reminds
John the Baptist in Dyakovo.
about Pskov architecture.


Church of the Beheading
heads of John the Baptist
in Dyakovo.
Dyakovo temple looks
much more magnificent, powerful
and heavy compared
with the Church of the Ascension.
Most historians believe
that the Dyakovo temple appeared
Cathedral of the Intercession, on the Moat,
and even believes that it was built
the same masters.
But there is another version, referring
Temple of the Beheading
John the Baptist by the 50s 16th century
and considers it a simplified version
Intercession Cathedral.


Temple of the Intercession on the Moat.
(The cathedral
Basil the Blessed).
Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat
was built in honor of the capture of Kazan
in 1555–1561
The architects are Barma and Postnik Yakovlev.
(According to another version, one person -
Pskov master Postnik Yakovlev
nicknamed Barma).
Nine-domed temple, around the tent
eight aisles are located:
four large ones are located
at the ends of the cross
four more smaller
along a diagonal cross.
The cathedral, as it were, unites into one
a total of nine churches.


The cathedral was originally white,
domes were covered
whitewashed with iron.
The current motley ("eastern")
The temple acquired its appearance in the 17th century,
then the coverage of the chapters changed.
Now none of the ten domes
(above the tent, eight aisles
and a bell tower) does not repeat the other.
In 1588, a chapel was added in honor of
Basil the Blessed (1460-1552),
gave the temple its common name.
The bell tower was added in the 1670s.
Temple of the Intercession on the Moat.
(The cathedral
Basil the Blessed).


Sophia Cathedral in Vologda.
In the second half of the XVI century.
five-domed temples.
Sophia Cathedral in Vologda
erected in 1568–1570.
by order of Ivan IV
in imitation of Uspensky
Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.
He also initially
called Uspensky,
and became Sofia in 1612.
The cathedral stood unfinished for a long time due to the departure of Ivan IV
from Vologda (allegedly a stone fell on him from the vaults of the cathedral).
The cathedral was completed in 1687 under Fyodor Ivanovich.


Vologda Sophia Cathedral -
brick rectangular,
six-pillar five-dome
temple with three high, strongly
protruding apses.
Although the Vologda Assumption Cathedral
built in imitation
Moscow, according to the plan and decor
it is closer to Novgorod
and Rostov churches.
Saint Sophia Cathedral
in Vologda.


Assumption Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius
monastery was built
in 1559-1588 on the contribution of Ivan IV.
It also clearly imitates the become
canonical Assumption Cathedral
Moscow Kremlin,
but different from it
heavy weight.
The decoration of the cathedral was carried out
under Fyodor Ivanovich.
Assumption Cathedral


In the XVI century. were built
not only churches but also
In 1535-1538, under Helen
Glinskaya were lined
fortifications of Kitay-gorod:
2.6 km, 12 towers.
Spassky (Water) gates
Hood. A.M. Vasnetsov.
Scheme of the Kitaigorod wall.
The name comes from "whale" -
bundles of poles used
during construction.


In 1585–1593
famous master
Fedor Saveliev (Horse)
erected fortifications
White City:
9 km of walls, 29 towers,
11 travel gates.
White stone walls
were lined with bricks
and plastered.
Butcher's Gate of the White City.
Hood. A.M. Vasnetsov.
Why White City
was that what it was called?


Built in 1591
Fortress Skorodomo:
15 km of walls, 50 towers,
including 34 travel cards.
Serpukhov and
Kaluga tower
were stone.
So there was a ring
Moscow layout.
Plan of Moscow, drawn up
Matthäus Merian (1638).
The White City is highlighted in yellow.
It surrounds the Kremlin and Kitay-Gorod.
Around it is the Earth City.


Smolensk Kremlin.
Corner tower.
Arch. Fedor Kon.
In 1596–1600
Fedor Horse
fortifications of Smolensk:
6.5 km of walls, 38 towers
at a distance of 150–160 m
from each other.
Contemporaries believed
an impregnable fortress.
In 1609–1611 Smolensk
beat for more than two years
attacks of the Polish troops,
and for the last time the fortress
defended against assault
in 1812


The removal of the fifth seal.
Fresco of the southern wall
Cathedral of the Annunciation
Moscow Kremlin.
Monumental art of the XVI century.
represented, in particular, by frescoes
Cathedral of the Annunciation
Moscow Kremlin.
frescoes of the cathedral
completed in the middle of the 16th century
after the Moscow fire of 1547
Arrangement of compositions
especially the gospel cycle,
drawing, rhythm transmission, background,
color - all this connects the frescoes
Cathedral of the Annunciation
with painting from the beginning of the 16th century,
with the era of Dionysius.


Blessings of the righteous in paradise.
Fresco of the southern wall
Cathedral of the Annunciation
Moscow Kremlin.
At the same time the frescoes
Cathedral of the Annunciation
markedly different from the mural
era of Dionysius.
They are overloaded with details
their compositions are multi-layered,
architectural forms are fractional.
There are many Russian saints on the frescoes
- princes and leaders of the church.
This is how the idea came to be
God's Chosenness of Moscow
state and origin
Moscow sovereigns
from the Roman Caesars.


Icon "Church Militant".
Mid 16th century Tretyakov Gallery.
The icon was painted to commemorate the capture of Kazan.
The warriors are heading from the burning city to "Mountain Zion".
The two extreme columns are the heavenly host (in halos).
Ahead (in the circle of the celestial sphere) is the Archangel Michael.


The king is depicted in front of the middle (earthly) column.
In the center of the column - presumably Vladimir Monomakh,
or Emperor Constantine Monomakh.
Behind - three riders, presumably
Vladimir the Holy with his sons Boris and Gleb.


What are the features of the icon "Church Militant"?
The icon is dedicated to a current political event.
She glorifies the state and the monarch,
but interprets their victory as a victory for Orthodoxy.
The icon depicts non-canonized
historical characters and even living people
(Permission to write them on icons
received the Stoglav Cathedral in 1551).
The icon is extremely overloaded with characters and details.
With what literary work ideologically
does the icon “Church Militant” echo?
With "The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir".


In the second half of the XVI century.
in iconography becomes
popular motif of the Last Judgment.
At the second coming of Christ
will judge the living and the dead,
and the righteous will
blessed with heavenly bliss,
and sinners finally
cast into hell.
Terrible Judgment.
Second half of the 16th century
From the collection of A.V. Morozov.
Why in the second
half of the 16th century icon painters
especially frequently addressed
to this storyline?


Nikita the warrior.
Stroganovskaya icon
Procopius Chirin.
At the end of the XVI century. special
direction of iconography,
focused attention
on painting technique.
It is called "Stroganov
school" named after the merchants
Stroganovs, who
The main task of the masters
Stroganov school
became an image
refined external beauty,
elegance of figures and vestments.
The inner world of the characters
fades into the background.


On the development of Russian painting in the XVI century. negative
affected by strict regulation established by the church.
Stoglavy Cathedral of 1551 introduced obverse icon-paintings
stencils for depicting saints and whole compositions.
The observance of the canons had to be monitored
special elders from among the "deliberate masters".
Icon painters were instructed to write
“from ancient samples, but from self-thinking would
They did not describe the Deities with their conjectures.
The Cathedral of 1554 divided painting into “life writing”
(biblical and gospel stories) and "letter to parables"
(compositions on the themes of parables, lives, liturgies).
Other stories were not allowed.
And yet completely stop the development
fine art was impossible.

applied arts

Tsar Cannon.
Master A. Chokhov.
Contrary to what is known
The Tsar Cannon could shoot!
In the XVI century. got a new
arms development.
Russian masters have learned
cast huge cannons
("zatinny squeaks").
They were given names:
Lion, Bear, Onager...
In 1586 the cannon master
Andrey Chokhov pissed
Tsar cannon weighing 40 tons,
with a bore of 89 cm!
The cannon was decorated with a lion
head and rich ornament,
as well as the figure of Tsar Fedor
on a horse.

applied arts

High skill reached in the XVI century.
artistic sewing, especially
making church vestments.
Masters skillfully selected colors,
create intricate ornaments
and compositions.
By the end of the XVI century. sewing began to decorate
precious stones.
Felony's mantle.
The contribution of the book. P. Shchenyateva
in the Trinity-Sergius

Illustration sources

Slide number 3.
Slide number 5-6.
Slide number 8.
Slide number 9.
Slide number 13.
Slide number 14.
Slide number 15.
Slide number 16.
Slide number 17.
Slide number 18.
Slide number 19.
Slide number 20.
Slide number 21.
Slide number 22.

Illustration sources

Slide number 23.
Slide number 24.
Slide number 25. %B4#.D0.A3.D0.BA.D1.80.D0.B5.D0.BF.D0.
BB.D0.B5.D0.BD.D0.B8.D1.8F_.D0.9A.D0.B8.D1.82.D0.B0.D0.B9.D0.B3.D0.BE.D1.80. D0.BE.D0.B4.D0.B0
Slide number 26.
Slide number 27.

Illustration sources

Slide number 28.
Slides #29-30.
Slides #31-32.
Slide number 34.
Slide number 35.
Slide number 37.
Slide number 38.

- "The Tale of Borma and Yaryzhka"
— "The Legend of the Babylonian Kingdom"
— Dictionaries
—In 1553, by order of John IV, the Printing Yard was built in Moscow, which in the 1550s issued several “anonymous”, that is, without any imprint.
— Ivan Fedorov
—(born between 1510 and 1530, died 1583).
-1564 - Invention of printing.

First books
—Apostle - 1564 (liturgical book containing: parts of the New Testament - "Acts" and "Epistle of the Holy Apostles")
—Book of Hours - 1565.
—First primer 1574.
Moscow Apostle

— In the last years of his life, the talented Russian pioneer printer Ivan Fedorov developed a collapsible model of a cannon, and even offered it to Saxony and Austria. The rulers of these states did not like the development.
The science
—Paschalia - tables indicating the dates of Easter.
— Geographical knowledge was obtained from scribe, boundary, and embassy lands.
—Historical knowledge is reflected in chronographs.
—Manuals on salt making appear.

— Chronicle writing - Nikon chronicle (mid-16th century)
—Historical and literary works.
Front Chronicle
- (The personal annals of Ivan the Terrible, the Tsar-book) - an annals of events in world and especially Russian history, created in the 40-60s of the 16th century (probably in 1568-1576) especially for the royal library in a single copy. The word "facial" in the name of the Code means illustrated, with the image "in the faces."
—Consists of 10 volumes containing about 10,000 sheets of rag paper, decorated with more than 16,000 miniatures. Covers the period "from the creation of the world" to 1567.

Metropolitan Macarius - "Father Menaion".
—A 16th-century collection of 12 books, for each month of the year, beginning in September, including the lives of the saints for each day.
Domostroy (Sylvester)
— A collection of rules, advice and instructions in all areas of human and family life, including social, family, economic and religious issues.
- Tales of the princes of Vladimir.
—Correspondence between Grozny and A. Kurbsky.
—Works of I. Peresvet.
—Works by Matvey Bashkin.
- Works of Fyodor Kosoy.
- Works by Fyodor Karpov.
Matvey Bashkin
“Church ceremonies are not needed.
— Denied icons. The secret of confession.
- He believed that servility is against the Christian faith:
- (I had complete bondage (documents for complete servility, then I ripped everything up)
Fedor Kosoy
— He denied Christian symbolism, since the cross is the instrument of the execution of Christ.
- He stood for the equality of the people.
Fedor Karpov
—Society and the state must be built on the observance of the law.
The ruler must carry the law and truth.
— Complained about the decline of morals.
— Tent style: octagonal on a cruciform base.
—The most famous building is the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye.
Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye (1532)
- Velma is wonderful in height and beauty, and lordship, such was yours, first of all in Russia.
—Legend connects the construction of the temple with the birth of Ivan IV, the long-awaited heir to the Grand Duke.
Intercession Cathedral on the Moat (St. Basil's).
—Years of construction (1555-1561).
—Founder - Ivan 4.
The height of the temple is 65 meters. There are only eleven domes, nine of them are above the temple (according to the number of thrones)
- Architects - Barma and Postnik.
Fyodor Savelyevich Kon (circa 1540 - after 1606) - "sovereign master", one of the few ancient Russian architects, whose name is recorded in the sources.
- stone walls and towers of the White City of Moscow (1585-1593; along the line of the current boulevards)
- powerful city walls of Smolensk (1596-1602);

Smolensk Kremlin
Andrey Chokhov (circa 1545 - 1629)
- an outstanding Russian cannon and bell master, foundry worker.
—For more than 40 years he worked in Moscow at the Cannon Yard, where he created a large number (according to documents, more than 20 are known) of heavy guns, including the Tsar Cannon (1586).
Tsar Cannon
—Medieval artillery piece (bombard), a monument of Russian artillery and foundry art, cast in bronze in 1586
-Initially conceived to defend the Kremlin from invaders, the Tsar Cannon was installed on a cannon peal (special wooden flooring made of logs) near the Execution Ground on Red Square, but did not participate in hostilities.